January/ February 2020
We see God working through the fellowship we started in Julius’ home at the Kigaaga trading center. We started the group recently, but in the past three months, it has increased from seven to thirty people in number, and we give God the glory.
Godwin and Doreen are in their thirties. The family is a part of our fellowship, and they are married with three children. Barbra is eleven, Gordon is nine, and Iren is four. They live in a semi-permanent home in Katungu One cell. They are peasants and sell their hard labor to other people to work in their gardens to earn money to keep their children in school. Doreen was unfaithful to her husband, so he became a drunkard and would spend all he made on alcohol and women; between the two of them, they turned their marriage and home into a war zone. Godwin was the first to give his life to Christ during our home visits, and he has been baptized. Later, in the crusade last November, Doreen also gave her life to Christ. Since then, their lives are different. Godwin is settled and no longer drinks or does drugs. Doreen is now an example to other women that Christ can revive and restore broken marriages. She is also an usher in our church. Pray that they will remain firm in Christ and able to work to keep their children in school.
We praise God that four people came to Christ last month; some of them also decided to be baptized. We are planning to start building the church walls in a few months after our fundraising this month. We request that you pray for us that everything will turn out well.
We train the believers to participate in ministry through Bible reading in the fellowships and church services. We involve the ministers in prayers and fasting every Tuesday. Others join us for part of this time at the church.
Our elders serve in various ministries. Salva is one of our elders, and she leads the choir when the primary leader is not able to be present. She has the gift of singing. Salva is twenty-three and was once married, but being divorced, she returned to her parent’s home and started to work in the bars and live an inappropriate life. But her mother, who is one of our ushers, encouraged Salva to come to church. She committed her life to Christ and is helping in the choir.
- Pray for her to stay committed to the Lord and so that she may get another job, not at the bar, to support her son and parents’ family.
God is changing the lives of people in our community by His grace. Freda is forty and married to Ronald, who has been in prison for a year so far. The imprisonment of her husband made Freda desperate, and she could not work as she had lost hope. Ever since she started attending our fellowships, she realized that there is hope in the Lord, even though her life is so challenging. Freda began to work and care for her gardens. This month she testified about the blessings she is seeing in her yields, and now she has enough food for her family.
The church is reaching the community through home visits, and fellowships. We recently visited twenty-four homes and reached forty-five men and fifty-six women with the gospel. We have six fellowships so far.
Joan is being drawn to Christ. Her husband has been sick, so we have been praying with him in their home. This experience has caused Joan to become interested in the gospel and the church. She is now attending a home fellowship.
December 2019
God is working in the life of Vastina and Fred. They have one son called Arnold, who is three years old. Vastina brought her son to the church as he could not walk. He was always lying down, which was concerning since he was already three. We started to pray with her for her son. After four weeks, Vastina came to church, proclaiming that her son can now support himself to stand up and can take three steps. We give God the glory!
The adult members of the church are combining their money to buy goats for each other as part of the poverty solutions activity. This month they purchased a goat for Evelyn. This program has increased animal husbandry and farming in our homes, which we expect to have a positive impact on the families’ incomes.
We are training our church members through the foundation classes. We teach the leaders the scriptures and give them opportunities to practice their preaching in the fellowships. We reach the community through home visits, crusades, and overnight events. This month we visited thirty homes
and spoke with two-hundred and forty people.
- Pray for the members of the church to grow in their faith and understanding of God’s Word.
Praise God that the adults are working together to improve their ability to care for their families. Abia is thirty-five and Abia’s husband abandoned her to care for their five children without any help or support. Abia was only able to work a day at a time to purchase food for her family and had no ability or hope to save anything for the future. She was desperate and came to the church, where she surrendered her life to God. She committed to learning the Word of God and started to realize that God can bless her through her hard work. Abia was hired to cultivate the land in a garden and now she has enough food for her children and some income to support their needs.
Evelyn is twenty-six, and we believe God is drawing her to faith in Him. We first met her soon after she had given birth to her child, and she was so happy that people had come to visit her. We shared the Word of God and prayed with Evelyn; this experience made her interested in seeing the church. She started fellowshipping with us in Omukobusingye cell and wants to learn more from the Bible. She says she will continue to come to church. We pray that one day she will give her life to Jesus Christ.
- Pray for God to bless Abia’s hard work in her garden so that she can care for her family.
- Pray for Evelyn to come to understand her need for a Savior and to surrender her life to the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Pray that we can install the walls of our church structure. The roof keeps off most of the rain, but we still have issues from the wind blowing rain in the sides. Also, whenever a car drives past, the service is disrupted as people get distracted.
Praise God for White Fields’ support in helping us do the work of the ministry. We praise God that people are coming to faith in God.
We desire to expand our church land and pray for the Lord to help us with this project.
- Pray that our youth will find jobs in the areas, so they do not have to move far away to Kampala for work, and so they can help here in the ministry.
November 2019
As a church, we are reaching out to the community through home visits, overnights, and crusades. We recently held a crusade in Katungu cell with two-hundred and fifty people attending. All the ministers in our church were involved, and Pastor Steve preached. Nineteen people gave their lives to Jesus Christ. Now we are following up with these new believers through home visits, and four of them have started regularly attending the church. We also visited thirty-five homes and spoke with eighty men and ninety-six women.
Judith is in her early forties and had been a drunkard and adulterous woman for a long time. She would grow crops and sell them from the garden without her husband’s knowledge, then use the money to buy alcohol at the bars. When we visited her home, we shared the gospel with Judith and her husband. He was doing the same thing she was, working for money, and then spending it all on alcohol. The Lord convicted them both, and they gave their lives to Christ. Judith and her husband are both a part of our congregation and have been freed from alcoholism.
- Pray for Judith and her husband to grow in their faith and to resist the temptations of addiction.
We have many ministries in our church. The adults are combining their earnings to save enough to buy a goat for each family in their association.
This month, they purchased a goat for the family of Samuel.
Samuel is one of the elders in our church. He is gifted in preaching the gospel. His testimony is that he would get so drunk that he would remove his clothes and walk about in broad daylight. When we visited him and shared the gospel, he gave his life to Christ. Now Samuel is living a real-life and giving glory to God. We pray that he may continue to grow strong in Christ and preach the gospel to many, especially as he was formerly a Moslem. Samuel is married to Letishia.
- Pray for Samuel’s testimony to the non-believers, especially to the Muslims, and that they would come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Nathan and Joy are in their fifties. They live in Kahihi cell in Kigaaga village and rent a two-bedroom house. Their six children are already adults, but Nathan and Joy are not in contact with their children, nor do they know where they are. Joy suffered from cancer in her head for a long time, they had different hospitals confirmed this diagnosis. The family sold their entire property to pay for her treatments, this was the only way they could raise the money for the hospital bills. Eventually, their property was gone, and they had to rent. The doctors told her that there was nothing more they could do and so she returned home to wait for death. At this time, we were holding three days of fasting and prayer at the church for all of the ministers of God’s Embassy. Pastor Onesimus was leading us in prayer for the ministry in Kigaaga. Joy came to join us in prayer and received healing; now, she testifies that she does not have cancer anymore.
Joy is in the church choir. Her prayer request is that her husband, Nathan, would accept Christ. Joy also prays for God to provide them with an income and food since Joy has been ill that she has been unable to work, and her husband spends all he earns on alcohol.
- Pray for Joy and Nathan to find work so they can care for their grandchildren.
- Pray for Nathan to understand his need for a Savior and for freedom from alcoholism.
We praise God for adding more people to our church; we had sixty people, and now we have seventy-nine. We give God the glory. We are praying that we may get more land to build a shelter for the Sunday school and to expand our church building.
Jolly is in her forties and lives in Katungu One cell. She had been living a hopeless life, waking up in the morning to work and then spending her money, without any way to get ahead. Now, Jolly has been able to save money to buy land and grow food for her family, which she attributes to the practical teaching of the Word in our church. Jolly is married to Godfrey.
Sandra is twenty-six and being drawn to faith in Christ. She has been attending our services for the past month and growing more and more interested in the messages.
- Pray for Sandra to fully understand her need for a Savior and to surrender her life to Jesus Christ.
October 2019
We are grateful for your support through prayers and finances that help me do my ministry at God’s Embassy, Kigaaga. May God bless you.
We have seen God working in the life of Pamela. She is sixteen years old and used to get attacked by demons of her ancestors. She was tormented so much that it was hard for her to stay in school. When we visited her family’s home, we learned that she had completely dropped out of school. We started sharing the Word of God and reading from the Bible. When I started reading, Pamela grabbed the Bible from my hands and threw it away. Her parents shared what was disturbing her, and we prayed with Pamela until she was delivered. Now Pamela wants to be baptized.
Praise the Lord for delivering Pamela.
- Pray for her as she prepares to declare her faith through baptism.
Edson and Kate are in their thirties, they have two children and live in the Mariba village in temporary housing. Edson shares the Word of God at church, and Kate is a Sunday school teacher. Kate was previously married to another man for five years but had no children; this man got tired of her and chased her away because he thought she was barren. Then Kate met Edson, and they were married. God has blessed them with two children, and they give glory to God. Kate is a nurse by profession and is praying to get a job soon so she can support her family.
Kate and her son praise the Lord!
Our deacons help us in doing the work of God. For example, Saul helps by preaching and leading the services. He is a well-composed man. Saul grew up in a demon-worshipping family where they did not want him to serve God, when Saul insisted on serving God, he was chased from his home. He moved to a different village and continued to serve God. He was blessed with a wife, and now they have five children.
- Pray for Saul to continue to grow in his leadership abilities to become a minister of the Lord.
Katushabe is a forty-five-year-old widow. We met her during our home visits, and at that time, her arm was bruised and swollen for two months. We shared the gospel with her, and she gave her life to Christ. Katushabe is now coming to church and since her arm is better she is able to attend her gardens.
The children who attend the Sunday school also practice their songs together as Young Ambassadors. The adult ministry is pooling their money together to form a fund where they can purchase goats for each other.
- We are praying that God will help us to save up the finances so we can build the walls of our church.
The church is reaching the community through home visits and overnight events, the people gather at night to pray. This month we had an overnight event in Kahihi cell in Kigaaga village. Pastor Katungi Nicholas preached to over two-hundred people at the event. Ten people gave their lives to Christ, of those ten, three currently attend our church and now wish to be baptized.
During our home visits, we spoke with thirty-nine women and thirty men. Kasande is a Catholic but was impressed when we visited their home when her mother was ill. We encouraged them and prayed with them. Kasande expressed that none of her religious leaders visited them. Kasande then purposely attended our overnight prayer and promised to join the church soon since we are a church that cares about people. Praise the Lord.
- Pray for Kasande to come to know Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior.
September 2019
God has brought more people to join the church, our attendance has increased from thirty-seven to sixty people. Give God the glory! As a church, we are praying that God will help us to build the walls for the church.
Betty is thirty-six and has one child. She rents a house in the Kigaaga Trading Center. She has a small business comprised of a retail shop and a restaurant that allows her to make a little income. Betty has the gift of singing and is in the church choir. She shared that she was having challenges with her neighbor, who had a salon and was practicing witchcraft. When we prayed with Betty about this situation, her neighbor moved to another location. Praise God.
- Pray for Betty’s business to expand as she desires to earn enough money to buy her own home.
Juliet is in her forties and lives in Kigaaga. We believe she is close to giving her life to Christ. Juliet invited us to pray with her. We shared the Word of God with her, and she promised to join our church to learn more about the Bible and prayer.
Betty Juliet Church Members
- Pray for Juliet to come to understand her need for a Savior.
- Pray for our outreach to the community through home visits. This month we visited eight homes and spoke with twenty-four men and thirty-two women.
July/August 2019
Kyozeire is forty-five years old and from Nyankinengo parish in Nyakagyeme sub-county. She has been sick with painful limbs for thirty-three years, which caused her to be unable to walk. She required the support of someone holding her or using a stick. Her speech is challenged and difficult to understand. We prayed for her at the church for three days, and the Lord Jesus delivered her from her sickness. She now walks and speaks clearly.
Dominic and Evaline are a family in our fellowship. They live in Katungu cell in a rental with their four children, Precious, Elias, Sadress, and Judith. Their eldest is fifteen, and their youngest is six. Dominic is a builder, and Evaline sells her labor to make ends meet. They are struggling to pay the rent in their current location. Evaline is a gifted singer and has brought many new people to church, including three adults and twelve children. She is in the church choir, and Dominic is the chairman of the building committee. Evaline used to be a drunkard, but God delivered her from this addiction. We pray for the Lord to keep them firm in His Word and to enable them to build their own house.
- Pray for Dominic and Evaline to be able to build a house.
- Pray for their family to grow in their relationship with God and for more people to be brought to know Jesus Christ through them.
We praise God for adding three more new believers to our church, who recently were baptized. We now have thirty-seven people, and we are praying for more to join the church. We are training others to serve by teaching the Bible in the Sunday school class that meets before the main service. They study together so they can understand the true meaning of the Word of God and the context of the scriptures. They participate in the ministry by reading the Bible, and some are learning how to lead the services.
One of our challenges is the leaking of our water tank. It needs to be repaired so we can continue to harvest the rainwater. We were able to acquire some bricks to build our bathroom’s veranda. After this project is completed, we plan to repair the water tank.
Murisa is twenty-eight and is training with us in the foundations class. He is now a dedicated leader and programmer in our church. He was sick from Malaria, but we thank God that he has regained his health and can work again. He earns his living by selling coffee and driving a boda-boda. His main prayer request is to learn how to read the Bible, so he may study the Word of God and grow in his faith.
God is changing the lives of people through the power of the gospel. Samuel is thirty-five and resides in Katungu cell. He used to be a drunkard. We thank the Lord that through our continued visits, Samuel started attending the church service and home fellowships. Finally, he gave his life to Christ and became a committed believer. His life was transformed, and now Samuel started trading in coffee and purchased a motorcycle so he could be a boda-boda driver.
Pray for Murisa and Samuel to earn their living through the coffee trading and transportation business. Praise the Lord for Murisa’s healing and pray for his desire to learn how to read the Bible.
Murisa Samuel
We are reaching the community through door-to-door evangelism; we visited thirty-five homes and spoke with one-hundred and forty people. Five of them received Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Praise the Lord!
- Pray for these new believers to grow in their knowledge and understanding of God’s Word.
Kamagoba is sixty years old and is close to understanding salvation. He used to experience the attacks from demons, and we were invited to pray with him. The Lord delivered him, and he has been a testimony of the goodness of the Lord in the community. Since that point, he has been coming to the church services.
- Pray for Kamagoba to come to know his need for a Savior and to surrender his life to Jesus Christ.
Mujuni is fifty, his wife, Generous, is forty-seven and they have four children between twenty-one and ten. Mujuni comes from Byaata cell in Katungu village. He was in an accident while riding a bicycle and broke his leg. When we did house visits in his area, we met him lying helplessly in his home. We continued to visit him, prayed with him, brought him supplies, and encouraged him in the Word of God. We thank God that he is recovering.
- Pray for a full recovery for Mujuni, for his leg to be completely healed. Pray for his family.
A family in our fellowship is Medard and Kyomuhendo; they have four children. Their youngest, Caleb, is five years old and deaf. The family lives in Katungu in Kigaaga trading center but were born in Katonya; They are staying in their landlord’s house and caring for it as their income. This family faces the challenge of feeding and clothing their children and paying for their school fees. The wife, Kyomunhendo, helps at the church in reading the Bible and ministering through special songs. Our prayer is for the husband, Medard, to be saved so that he accepts more responsibility and cares for the family better.
- Pray for the family of Medard and Kyomuhendo.
- Pray for Medard to come to salvation.
Jane is a deacon and a singer in our church choir. She is married with two children. Her testimony is that she lost her marriage to another woman who pulled her husband away. After Jane was saved and started to attend our church, we prayed and encouraged her to change her ways. Then her husband saw the transformation of Christ in her life. She is now reconciled with her husband and the other woman left. The family is back together, and the marriage has been restored. Pray for her husband to give his life to Christ. Jane believes God will help her raise money to start a business.
Tarasis is fifty-four years old and has been transformed by the power of the gospel. He had sold his property to purchase a piece of land to settle on, but he was not paid the agreed sum of money even though his property was taken, so he was left with nowhere to live. We thank God that he managed to buy a piece of land and built a small house to live in with his wife and two children.
- Pray for Tarasis to grow in his knowledge and understanding of God’s Word.
- Pray for his family.
Kajuuli is in his fifties and is showing an interest in the gospel. He has been coming to our church services and asks many questions so he can understand. Every time we visit, he gives us time to share the Word of God with him and likes to hear it.
- Pray for Kajuuli to come to know his need for a Savior and to come to faith in Jesus Christ.
May/June 2019
Jane is twenty-seven. She was married, but after having three children, her marriage started to fail, so she returned to her mother’s home. She became so desperate that she wanted to commit suicide. We met her through home visits and shared the gospel. When we prayed with her, she found hope in the Lord. She now has a job and is saving money to buy a sewing machine to start her own small business. We give glory to God!
- Pray for Jane and her family.
- Pray for her to rely on God for her strength and hope.
- Pray for her desire to purchase a sewing machine to start a business.
Saul is married and has three children. They live in a rented house. Saul is a builder, and his wife cultivates food to feed the family. The children are in school, but the family struggles to pay the school fees. Saul typically has a hard time finding jobs as he is not a trained builder. Saul is an intercessor in the church, his wife is pregnant and so is not active in the church at this time. They both testify that the Word of God has transformed their lives through the instruction of the church. Pray for the Lord to help them save the money to build their own home.
- Pray for Saul and his family to save money to build their own home and for their faith to grow.
We are studying 1st Timothy every Thursday morning; the leaders’ class meets to study the Bible and basic leadership lessons like developing one’s own character, as this is an essential requirement for leaders who want to have a positive impact on the people they lead.
- Pray for the leaders to have wisdom and discernment as they apply leadership principles.
- Pray for growth through the study of God’s Word.
Our deacons and elders are vital in doing the work of God. Dominic is in his fifties and is the chairman of the building committee at our church. He has been working hard to make the bricks for the construction of the bathroom at the church. Before he was saved, he was a drunkard and would spend days away from home and abuse his wife and neighbors when he was home. At one point, his house collapsed due to his negligence. His life was transformed by the power of salvation.
- Pray for the Lord to keep him in faith and use him to further the Kingdom of God.
Dominic’s pray is for God to bless the work of his hands so he can save money to rebuild a home for his family.
- Pray for Dominic to honor God through his work.
Janitor is fifteen years old and has had epilepsy for many years. This illness caused her to drop out of school. Through home visits, we prayed with her and her parents. God healed her from epilepsy, and she has been able to return to school and is in primary six. Praise the Lord!
Naomi loves to attend the fellowship and has sown great interest in the gospel message. She asks questions while we are studying the Bible. Naomi has a daughter who is eighteen months old. We are praying for her to surrender her life to the Lord.
This month we visited thirty-seven homes and spoke with eighty men and one-hundred and sixty-two women. They were receptive and listened to the Word of God.
- Pray for these individuals to come to faith in God.
- Pray for the cement to build the church walls.
April 2019
We thank the Lord for enabling us to reach the community in Kigaaga. Through our home visits and door-to-door evangelism, we see the perceptions of the church changing among the people. The local council chairman, Martin, is not yet a born-again Christian but recently he invited the pastor to the village meeting. He declared appreciation for the church before the village leadership team, especially for our work in shaping morals through evangelism, especially among the youth. He thanked the church for the water tank that benefits all the people in the community, regardless of their faith. He told the village members that such a church should be supported and attended because they demonstrate the true love of Jesus, which is universal. We thank the Lord who enabled us by his grace to have such a testimony in the community through the support of White Fields.
Patience is a committed member of our church; she is married to Asafu. They had the problem of failing to pay their house rent. The landlord would visit every day to ask them to pay him or else they should move out and go stay in the church. He was scornful in his attitude and gossiped in the village how their God was not helping them despite their prayers and church attendance. The landlord finally evicted them, and the family went to stay with a friend’s mother. It was a challenging time for the family and the church. We prayed for them and encouraged Asafu to look for a job. We thank God that Asafu got a job in Kampala. After a year, he was able to buy land and has been saving money to begin construction on their own house.
Praise the Lord for his excellent work in providing for this family.
- Pray for the construction of the house to go smoothly.
- Pray for Asafu to work hard to support his family.
Praise the Lord for the testimony to the community and pray for the landlord to come to salvation.
Olivia and Eras are a young couple with three children, two boys, and one girl. The boys are in primary school. Olivia came to the church when she faced a challenge in her family. Her husband had brought another woman into the house, took away Olivia’s boys and sent her back to her parent’s home. Olivia asked for prayer, and we prayed for the restoration of her family. During this challenging time, Olvia gave her life to Christ, and we continued to pray for her family. After two weeks, her husband came looking for her and asked for forgiveness. He requested that she return home and take care of her children. Olivia was able to return home and is a committed member of the church who attends the Nyampiki home fellowship and leads the reading of the Bible in church. Her oldest is in the Children’s choir, Young Ambassadors. Olivia survives by selling her labor in the community. She desires to start a small-scale retail business and believes God will help her raise the capital.
- Pray with Olivia for her husband to give his life to Christ.
- Pray for Olivia’s desire to open a retail business.
Praise the Lord that she is in her own home.
Nayebare is one of the rising potential leaders in the church. She loves children’s ministry and has been helping to lead the children’s class during Sunday school. She is in her twenties and lives in Batagatsi where we have a home fellowship. Nayebare is single and has a small-scale tea restaurant in Kigaaga trading center. She is grateful for the opportunity to serve God with the children in our church.
We thank the Lord for the motorcycle provided to the pastor of God’s Embassy Kigaaga through White Fields ministries. Now we can do house visits and follow-up more efficiently. This month we visited twenty-families and reached twenty-five men and sixty-three women. Though we did not lead any to Christ, they were receptive, and many requested prayers.
- Pray for the village leadership to come to faith.
- Pray for these actions to draw more people to faith in God.
Praise the Lord for the witness of the church to the community and for the clear visibility of God’s love being displayed through the actions of the members of the church.
Priscilla is from a Catholic background and lives near the church. When we first started the church, she was against our existence in the community mainly because we were near her home. She campaigned around the village, telling people not to attend the church. By God’s grace, Priscilla has slowly started to attend the services. Recently, she was among the members of the village council who showed appreciation for the work of the church. She sends her children to Sunday school classes. We believe that she is being drawn to salvation, and our prayer is for her to give her life to Jesus.
- Pray for Priscilla to surrender her life to Jesus Christ.
March 2019
We have seen God at work in the lives of people in our church. One way this is demonstrated in how people who used to arrive late are now punctual and making the church a priority in their lives. Eva used to come late most of the time but currently is arriving at church early and is getting involved in the activities such as singing in the church choir.
At Sunday school, the children are taught Bible verses and Christian songs. We have been blessed with another Sunday school teacher, Patience, who has joined Olivia and they are responsible for instructing the youngest children. The youth have come up with an idea to raise money to help build the church walls. They have raised sixty-thousand Ugandan shillings to buy cement, and the old people have raised twenty-thousand Ugandan shillings to purchase iron sheets to roof the bathroom.
- Pray for the children to grow in the knowledge of God’s Word and to one day have a personal relationship with God.
- Pray for their efforts to be rewarded and for their contributions to be multiplied.
Praise the Lord for the teachers and children.
Praise the Lord for the persistence of the youth and the elderly as they contribute to the building of the church!
Peron is twenty-four, married, and has one child who is two years old. They live in a temporary house. Peron is a primary teacher with the gift of singing and reads the Bible in our fellowship. Peron has suffered from asthma and received some treatment, but it became so bad that she was not able to teach or do her home chores for about two years. We visited her, heard about her condition and we prayed with her. When she got better, she joined the group and is studying the Word of God with us. We have continued to pray, and her asthma has improved. Peron is back at her teaching job and can do her home chores. She is a part of our congregation and helps in the children’s Sunday school.
- Pray with Peron for her husband to accept Jesus Christ into his heart.
- Pray for her asthma to continue to improve and for her to stay healthy enough to teach and do daily activities.
- Pray with us that God will enable us to start building the walls of the church. Pray for more people to attend the church.
- Pray for our church’s reputation to be Biblical and God-honoring, there is a problem with people who are spreading false rumors about the church to discourage people from joining us and hearing God’s Word.
We have started a leadership class that meets every Thursday to learn how to behave as ministers and overcome the hardships they encounter. The group of elders are hardworking and actively involved with the church members. Cosmos is our treasurer and helps with home visits, especially to Kembeho and Butagasi cells. He encourages people to attend the fellowships and reads the Bible during the service. Cosmos states that he used to tremble while reading the Bible, before he came to our church but through prayers, he can now read well. Pray for him to remain active in God’s work and to improve on his gifts.
- Pray for the leaders in the church to study hard and implement God’s Word into their lives.
- Pray for their leadership to be firmly rooted in the Bible.
- Pray for their testimony to the community.
Demeanor is twenty-six and was once a businessman in Kampala. One night when he was drunk, he forgot to lock his shop door and thieves came and stole all his merchandise. Then he processed the documents to travel to work in the Middle East, but he missed his flight since he drank too much the previous night and did not wake up in time. He decided to return to Rukungiri since he no longer had a business in Kampala, but he brought his alcoholism with him and even was fighting in the bars. One night he was fighting, and his mother was called to attempt to calm him down; instead, he kicked her so severely that she was hospitalized. When he came to church, he told us his story, and we shared the gospel with him. He accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Demeanor led us to his home, and we helped him reconcile with his mother. Since his conversion, Demeanor no longer drinks alcohol and is living a responsible life. People have started trusting him to the extent that they even give him different jobs.
- Pray for the testimony of Demeanor to the community.
- Pray for his relationship with his mother.
The church reaches the community through home visits. We go door-to-door preaching the Word of God and when anyone shows interest, we follow-up with them, encouraging them to learn God’s Word and inviting them to the fellowships. This month we visited twenty-four homes. Salapio is being drawn to Christ. He asked us to visit his house, and while there, we prayed with him, and he promised to visit us at the church.
- Pray for Salapio to continue to show interest in God’s Word and to recognize his need for a Savior.
February 2019
We thank God for the funding and support of White Fields Ministries, without which we would not have seen this rapid progress in our ministry.
Bauru is a woman in her forties whose son was kidnapped. She came to us asking for prayer and for two days we fasted and prayed for her son to be found. He was recovered, and we are grateful to God for keeping him safe.
Different ministries exist in our church to benefit the individuals in their daily lives. The adults formed an association to help each other purchase household utensils for their homes. Evelyn was able to afford household utensils through the combined efforts of the group. The youth started a piggery project. They have one pig that is four months old. They are sharing in the care of the pig, and when it gives birth, they will share the piglets.
Praise the Lord for the positive impact of the church on the community.
- Pray for Bauru and her son to recover from their traumatic life event.
- Pray for the ministries of the church to thrive and for the adults and youth to continue working together to benefit the whole group.
Asaph and his wife have no children. Asaph is twenty-four, and his wife is nineteen. They had been renting a one-room house. Asaph is a boda-boda rider and ran away after failing to pay the rent that had accumulated for a long time. His wife returned to her mother-in-law after being chased away from the house. She reads the Bible at the church and is the church secretary. We pray that God will provide them with the money to clear their outstanding debt and to build their own home.
- Pray for Asaph and his wife to be able to pay off their debt and have a fresh start for the future.
We are training the congregation to participate in the ministry by reading the Bible and learning how to interpret it as well as teach others. Ambrose is in his mid-twenties and is being trained to lead the Nyampiki fellowship. Edian is an elder in the church and between him and his wife they
- Pray for the leaders and elders of the church to grow in their faith and persevere in serving God.
- Pray for the provision to give Bibles to individuals who do not yet own a Bible.
Through the door-to-door evangelism in the community, we visited seventeen families this past month and talked with a total of sixty-two people. We held an overnight prayer service with a large audience of people from many different areas around our church. Pastor Robinson (from our neighboring community) and Osbert preached at this gathering from Psalms 91:14-16. Twelve people received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him;
Psalms 91:14-16 [ESV]
I will protect him because he knows my name.
When he calls to me, I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble;
I will rescue him and honor him.
With long life, I will satisfy him
and show him my salvation.”
Christine is fifty-five years old, she loves to fellowship with us but has not come to the church. Instead, she invites us to her house to pray with her anytime she encounters a problem. She is close to salvation but has not yet surrendered her life to God. Denis has been talking with me and attended the overnight prayers but also has not decided to follow Jesus.
- Pray for the outreach and evangelism to draw new people to become believers.
- Pray for those who are still considering salvation to have all their doubts removed and to fully accept the saving grace only possible through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Praise the Lord for pastors willing to preach the truth to their community
January 2019
The adults have been gathering poles to build a kitchen for Joseline. Her kitchen is about to fall down, and she is helpless to fix it. Joseline has been suffering from a disease in her eyes for the past four months and has lost the use of one eye.
- Pray for healing for Joseline and for her to retain the use of her one eye.
Give thanks for the healing of Kyoshabire and pray for her to grow in her faith.
Naturinda is twenty-one years old and is married to Anton, they have two children together, a two-year-old son and a four-year-old daughter. When she was she was sixteen she escape the harassment of an uncle after she lost both parents. Despite their marriage, Anton still has another wife. Naturinda decided to return home where her late parents used to live, she made this decision because she was no longer being supported by her husband. Then she heard about a new church in the community and visited us. Naturinda expressed that she loved the way we teach the Word of God and felt convicted to give her life to the Lord. Naturinda made a declaration of faith, and now is serving by reading the Bible and leading the praise and worship time. She is praying for God to restore her marriage and her family.
- Pray for Naturinda’s family to be mended and for her faith to grow at this time.
- Pray for her children to grow up in the church and to make personal confessions to follow Jesus Christ.
We are training a young man named Ambrose to be a future minister. He finished Senior four but was unable to continue his education due to a lack of school funds. He leads the church programs and is attending the minister’s classes at Katobo every Tuesday.
I have been conducting home visits with Braze in the Katungu zone Nyakinengo. The families we visited welcomed us and were blessed to hear the gospel in a way that helped them understand how much God loved and cared for them. God’s love is demonstrated through Jesus Christ because of what he did for us, this is the message they hear.
In Kigaaga we continue to reach the community through home visits. We recently started another home fellowship in the house of Marisa in the village of Kembeho. Benson will lead this group.
Christine is being drawn to faith in God but has not yet surrendered her life to God. She is a widow and has been tormented by demons. When we visited her, we prayed and shared the gospel. Christine showed interest in what we were saying.
- Pray for Christine to come to an understanding of the grace of Jesus Christ and to be freed from the torment of demons.
- Pray for the home fellowship in Kembeho to grow in the knowledge of God’s Word through the leadership of Benson.
- Pray for the people to stand firm in their faith against the wrong doctrines of other religious organizations and to ignore the threatening statements that seek to sway people stop attending the church.
- Pray for God to bring us a Sunday school teacher. Our teacher who taught our Sunday school and also at the Graceland Academy is retiring. Pray for God to fill this role.
- Pray for the diligent efforts of the youth to be rewarded, they are currently saving their money to purchase uniforms for the Kingdom Steppers.
December 2018
God is at work in the community of Kigaaga. Jane is twenty-seven and has three children. Her father died, and she is living with her mother, Deudanta. Jane divorced her husband over domestic violence and is raising her children with her mother’s assistance. The older two children are currently in school. When we visited Jane in September of last year, we found her husband had beaten her and damaged her face. We encouraged her that God still cared about her and we used scriptures from the Bible. We prayed with her and encouraged her to seek medical care and legal assistance to gain custody of her children especially since they are still young, and her husband had taken up with another woman. God healed Jane and touched her husband’s heart, he released the children to her. Jane attends the church and is so thankful to God. She is not bitter towards her husband and has forgiven him, saying this is all possible because the church came and visited her, giving her the hope that is in the Word of God. She is serving in the church choir and drama group.
- Pray for Jane and her children to grow in the knowledge of God and for each child to come to know the Lord as their personal Savior.
Natukunda is in her forties, a resident of Byaatta cell, and attends the Kigaaga fellowship that meets in the home of Faith. She is a widow with four children and lives in a house with three rooms built with mud and sticks. Natukunda is a farmer who rents land for gardening to earn food for her family and is a day-laborer. Three months ago, she got the stomach sickness and took medicine to see if it would help her feel better. The illness continued so she sought medical care from Nyakibale, after a scan and x-ray, they discovered a tumor in her stomach. The doctor gave her medication to ease the pain and to get her ready for operation. When she came home, we kept visiting her and praying with her. When the time for the surgery arrived, she went back to the hospital. The doctor did a scan and x-ray first in preparation and was shocked to find that the tumor had disappeared. Natukunda was discharged and is now fine. She is happy and thankful to God for healing her from the pain and costs of the operation. She is grateful for a caring church in her community that visits people, gives them the Word of God, and prays with them.
- Pray for Natukunda to have no medical repercussions from her stomach illness.
- Pray for her to be able to get land for agriculture and to provide school fees so her children can get an education.
We have multiple ministries taking place. The adult started an association to buy plates. So far, we have blessed three people, Margate, Karebeka Evelyn, and Birungi Victoria. This association is to help members acquire household utensils which they would otherwise find difficult to afford. They meet every Sunday after the service. The youth started a drama group led by Kanyarutokye Leo.
- Pray for the ministries to be blessed with participants.
Give thanks that the collective group can purchase household utensils from the local businesses.
Mr. Minim is married to Annah. They have five children, three girls, and two boys. Minim had not gone to the Catholic Church for seventeen years because he is a witch-doctor. We visited him in his home, shared the Word of God, and prayed with him. He promised to come and visit us at the church. He has been attending the fellowship that meets in Faith’s home. He is showing interest by asking questions about the Bible and sometimes comes to church with his family.
- Pray that the Lord will convict his heart and give him boldness to confess Christ as his Savior and Lord.
- Pray for his family to also come to an understanding of salvation.
The church visited thirty-eight homes and shared the gospel with one-hundred and eighty-seven people. I am training others in the ministry through church programs and reading from Bible groups. Victoria has been training in praise and worship, and she is now able to lead comfortably. Praise the Lord.
- Pray for the leaders God is raising in the church to be firm in their faith.
- Pray for the funds required to make bricks.
November 2018
We thank God for his goodness this month. Mercy sought medical help from many places, including shrines and clinics for her paralyzed neck and chest but all in vain. When she heard that we had started a fellowship in her community in Nsure, she decided to join us for prayers. She has been coming for a year now, listening to the Word and we have faithfully been praying for her. Her healing has been gradual, but she testifies that she is now healed.
- Pray for the witness of Mercy to her community and give thanks for her healing.
We are training the children to memorize Bible verses, and how to read and write in their local language. Joshua is a nine-year-old boy who is memorizing scripture and is such an encouragement to us with his persistence. The adult ministry is working towards development, this month they contributed and purchased a dozen plates for one of the church members.
- Pray for the children as they memorize the Bible and fill their minds and hearts with the Word of God.
Religious persecution is threatening the new converts. A group of Roman Catholics visited the church looking for one of our new members, Evalyne, and claiming that she ran away from their church with a church choir t-shirt. We later learned that she had paid for the shirt which makes her the owner of the shirt according to their agreement, so they falsely accused her with the purpose of humiliating her in front of the church. We encouraged her to be strong in the face of persecution, and we prayed with her.
- Pray for Evalyne and others who left the Roman Catholic church as they face religious persecution.
- Pray for their faith to stand firm and for their courage.
Devil worship and witchcraft is rampant in our community. There is a woman, Kembaho Kedreth, who has been consulting spirits of the dead and casting spells in the school. Her goal is to force people to come to her for help from the evil spirits and their attacks. She was excommunicated from the villages of Katunga One and Kigaaga T.C. because they realized she was evoking the evils spirits to attack people to profit from their fear.
- Pray for the people to not stay in bondage to fear but to come to faith in Jesus Christ and be set free.
Evelyn is in our fellowship. Her husband George and their three children, two boys, and one girl. The family lives in a village called Byata. The man is a builder, and his wife is a small-baskets weaver. They were living in a semi-permanent home, but it was destroyed by the intense rains when the husband was away searching for work. They are now renting. Evelyn is in the drama group and a part of the Praise and Worship team at the church. She used to suffer from chronic headaches, but now she says that staying in the church and praying has helped her heal. She is grateful to God and willing to serve him in any way possible.
- Pray for God to help them work and be able to renovate their house and live in it again.
- Pray for George to come to faith and give his life to Jesus Christ.
I am training young men in the ministry to take on the responsibilities of leadership. We visit homes talking to the adults and youth. Ambrose is twenty-two and has completed Senior Four. He is being trained to take on the leadership of the youth soon. He sells labor to survive.
- Pray for Ambrose as he trains to be a leader.
Mackline is twenty-eight and a single mother with two children. Her marriage failed, and her husband got another wife. She decided to return to her parent’s home and is currently living with them. She has a shop and does sewing and tailoring for her income. She is serving as an usher. Her prayer request is for the Lord to help her expand her business.
Christine is twenty-one, and we have seen God changing her life. She finished Senior Four and currently lives with her mother and step-father, who attend the church. Christine and her mother, Priscilla, would get into arguments because Christine would dress indecently. Priscilla accused her of dressing that way to attract her step-father. Now Christine is dressing decently and is at peace with her mother, they have reconciled.
- Pray for the families of Mackline and Christine.
The church is reaching out to the community through door-to-door evangelism and home fellowships. We desire to share the gospel with as many people as possible. This month we visited thirty-six homes, many were bless by our visits and are thinking about joining us.
Siraji Mujuni is thirty-four years old and being drawn to Christ. He is from a Muslim family and background; he used to be an alcoholic. He started attending our fellowships and Sunday services; he has promised to bring his wife and children whenever he can.
- Pray for Siraji Mujuni to come to a complete understanding of the gospel and for his family also to be saved.
- Pray for the cement needed to begin making bricks. Praise the Lord for the piece of land where we can get soil to make the blocks.
October 2018
We at God’s Embassy Kigaaga are grateful to God for his mercy and thankful for Whites Fields ministries provision of finances that enable us to carry on the work of God and care for our families. We have seen God’s grace to his people. This month, we have seen the salvation of three men in their thirties, Enock, Karindo, and Saja, and two teen girls, Shilat and Phionah.
Praise the Lord for saving Enock, Karindo, and Saja.
Praise the Lord for saving Shilat and Phionah.
The youth are mobilizing themselves and doing home visits. They encourage each other to meet and develop their talents in singing and dancing for the Lord. The youth have saved a little money and purchased a piglet and four hens to help finance their group’s necessities such as uniforms. We have started soccer matches where we host the youth who come to play, and these events have brought more youth to church.
Praise the Lord for the youth’s hard work and acceptance of responsibility.
- Pray for the youth who come for the sports to continue to attend the church and be saved.
I am training and encouraging Evaline and Phionah to lead the praise and worship services. They have led several praise and worship times, and this has motivated them never to miss a church service.
Praise the Lord for the encouragement of Evaline and Phionah through the praise and worship ministry.
- Pray for their continued commitment as they learn and grow in their faith and leadership abilities.
One of the families in our fellowship is the family of Kasaato, he is thirty-six and has a wife and three children. They have been married for twelve years. They survive by selling their labor to buy food. His wife also weaves baskets to sell. They live in a semi-permanent house. Kasaato’s testimony shows a life changed by the gospel. Before he was saved, he had a hair salon but then joined a group of youth with bad habits of smoking and drinking. Eventually, he failed to work in his salon and left home. After some years, he returned home and discovered that his wife was a believer and was fellowshipping with us. He came to visit the church and gave his life to Christ. Now he is an adviser to the men and helps read the Bible. He is praying to save up the necessary capital to restart his salon again.
Frieda is an usher in the church. She is in her late forties and has six children. She is involved in praying and interceding for the church and its members. She testifies that God provided for her even when her husband was in prison. She was able to get land where she could cultivate food for her children. She is praying that her husband, who is serving his last years in prison, will be saved and return home safely.
- Pray for the salvation of Frieda’s husband and for him to return home safely.
Katambuuka is being drawn to Christ. He has been attending the fellowship and asks many questions about the Bible. We are praying for his salvation.
- Pray for Katambuuka to have his questions answered and come to an understanding of the gospel.
Praise the Lord; we have been able to divide our children’s groups into two classes, separating them according to their ages.
Praise the Lord for the five bags of cement for building the church walls.
- Pray for more bags of cement to complete the church walls.
September 2018
Dear friends in Christ Jesus, we greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ our Savior. We appreciate your continuous support; may God bless you abundantly.
We have seen God at work in the life of a family at the church, Meriam has a son Innocent, who is seventeen years old and in primary five. He had a problem of being tormented by spirits, and when attacked by the spirits he would faint and become unconscious for some time. When this occurred at school, by the time he regained his senses, many children surrounded him. These events would embarrass him. He started hating himself and stopped going to school. When he began attending church, we prayed for him, and the Lord delivered him. He no longer gets attacked or faints. We thank God for his goodness and grace in healing his people.
Give thanks for the healing of Innocent.
Our men’s ministry visits the home of every believer and encourages them in the Lord. Sometimes we help them with the work at their homes; we assist in cleaning or building projects like stores, kitchens or hygiene needs. We helped a man named Ainembabazi to build a toilet to replace the one destroyed by a strong wind and rain. Ainembabazi was very happy and was an example to our community that we are a church that helps people.
Give thanks for the ministry of the men to their community and the work ethic and generosity they display through these projects.
The Kingdom Steppers are training through Christian songs to dance for the Lord. They are encouraged to join the sports evangelism and drama to develop their talents and bring them closer to Christ Jesus. They meet in the late afternoon on Saturday. The children also gather in the evening on Saturday, to learn Christian songs to prepare for Sunday services.
Give thanks for the ministry of the Kingdom Steppers and their joy as they dance for the Lord.
Enoth is married to Juliet, and they have a one-year-old child. They live in a semi-permanent house. Enoth is a builder, and his wife is a designer by training but currently lacks money to buy a sewing machine. The family is struggling financially, primarily due to the medical debt from their baby boy who was born prematurely. Thank God the baby survived, he is healthy and growing. Juliet has been helpful in the Bible reading, she reads the Bible for the rest of the members in the fellowship and is an intercessor in the church. We are praying for God to provide her with the money to buy a sewing machine.
- Pray for Enoth and Juliet to be able to purchase a sewing machine and repay the debt incurred from the preterm birth of their son.
Our extended community predominately includes Catholics and Anglicans who are very resistant to seeing their former members join the church. When people enter the Christian church, they endure strong persecution from religious leaders. These leaders influence the family members to persecute the individual that joins the church. When anyone gives their life to Jesus Christ, they are more oppressed by their relatives, sometimes to the extent of denying school fees for the students, or in a marriage situation, the husband stops the wife from going to church or attending fellowships.
- Pray for the individuals in the church who are enduring persecution from their family due to their faith in Jesus Christ. Pray for their courage and for the Christian family to support them. Pray for their witness to their biological family and neighbors.
We train others to participate in the ministry by encouraging them to be leaders in the fellowship as they read the Bible and explain what they have learned. Karebeka is serving by leading a fellowship, assisting with church programs and is on the team for home visits.
These home visits are one of the ways our church reaches out to our community. We desire to visit all the families in the community and share the gospel with them. We visited twenty homes and talked with one hundred and ninety-two people. We praise the Lord that four people accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and were baptized.
- Pray for Karebeka and the other team members as they visit the homes and talk with people.
Give thanks for the four individuals who have become a part of God’s family. Pray for them to grow in their faith.
- Pray for us to be able to purchase bags of cement to make bricks for the church walls.
August 2018
God is changing the lives of people in the community. Grace is twenty-two and married to Ariho; they have a one-year-old child named Akampa. When Grace first came to the church, she had a stomach condition. She had visited some hospitals and was told that she needed surgery. Grace did not have the money to pay for the surgery. During the time when she was hopelessly waiting to die, we visited her and shared the Word of God with her. We prayed together and believed God could heal her. We invited her to a church service. When she came to church, she accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. Her stomach pain started to reduce gradually as the days passed and she is free of pain in her stomach. We are planning to send her back to the hospital for a check-up for her physical needs. We thank the Lord for healing her from the condition of hopelessness. She now has hope and joy in the Lord. She believes in the goodness of God and is praising God.
- Pray for Grace to be declared healed from her stomach condition with no repercussions and for the doctors to find no need for surgery.
Give thanks for Grace’s salvation and pray for her to grow in her faith.
In our youth ministry, we have started a soccer team to gain the interest of the youth in the community. Before the soccer training, we share the Word of God and invite them to attend the fellowship. We also invite them to join Kingdom steppers. The soccer team meets twice a week.
Give thanks for the outreach of sports to connect with the youth in the community. Pray for them to come to salvation in Jesus Christ.
A family in our fellowship wished to share their story. Reo is married to Juliet and they have four children between fifteen and eight years old. They have a Catholic background. Although they claimed to be Catholics, they mostly believed and practiced witchcraft. Reo lived his whole life in respectful fear of witchcraft and offering sacrifices of goats or sheep to their clan gods. Through our home visits, we reached out to him and shared the gospel message. He was convicted and decided to give his life to Jesus Christ. Now he brings his family to church. He earns his income selling matooke (a starchy variety of banana that is cooked) and lives in a semi-permanent house with four rooms. His prayer request is to continue growing in Christ and for a more stable source of income to sustain his family and pay for his children to attend school.
Give thanks for the salvation of Reo and pray for his continued growth in the knowledge and understanding of God’s Word.
- Pray for his family to each has an individual relationship with God.
- Pray for Reo’s family’s daily needs to be satisfied through the provision of a job with a stable source of income.
Daniel is a leader with great potential. He is single and leads our kingdom steppers. He has been working hard to invite and introduce more youth to the church. He is an active evangelist and loves doing home fellowships and home visits. He is always inviting people to be a part of the church services. Daniel is HIV positive and was infected with the virus at his birth through mother-to-child transmission. When he first understood this, he hated himself and his parents, but through counseling, he was able to overcome the stigma. He started taking his medicine and believes he has a better future, most especially now that he is born again. He has been living an exemplary life and through his testimony and character, his grandmother, Margret, has joined the church.
Give thanks for the witness of Daniel to the youth and the community.
- Pray for Daniel to have peace despite his diagnosis and to trust God with his future.
We visited thirty-seven families through home visits. We welcomed many of the community members to our night prayer meetings. We praise God that we now have four home fellowships and their attendance has increased.
- Pray for our witness to our community and to continue with our outreach programs.
- Pray for the cement to begin making bricks for the church walls.
July 2018
Your prayers have been a blessing to us. We are experiencing a revival in Kigaaga, with many people committing their lives to Jesus Christ, and abandoning the worship of their ancestral spirits. God has healed people from different diseases and their lives have changed for the better. One man, Brian, was a drunkard. When he came to the church, we prayed for him and he is no longer drinking or associated with his former bad groups. He is now a testimony to the community.
- Pray for the revival in the community and for God to bless us with opportunities to share the gospel.
- Pray for Brian to grow in his faith and continue being a testimony to the community.
The women’s group is now contributing money to purchase materials to make doormats. They are progressing in their skills with the goal of selling these doormats to earn a living. The men are helping each other in repairs to make basic sanitation a required standard.
- Pray for the women’s group to gather their supplies and work hard at making doormats.
- Pray for the men to work together to create a better living situation for the community.
Brazio and his wife Agnes, have three children, Victoria, Dativah, and Godwin. They are subsistence farmers and live on a small piece of land. Brazio also is a carpenter. The children are active members of our church and the mother is an usher. Two of the children are in Kingdom Steppers.
Give thanks to the family’s commitment to our church and for their ministry.
- Pray for their daily needs to be met through their land and for them to be blessed with an abundance to share.
We are training church members to become leaders by teaching them how to read the Bible, verse by verse, so they can understand God’s Word. We also give them assignments which help them to memorize God’s Word. I encourage them to lead praise and worship in church. One potential leader is Mr. Kakura who is married to Orikurungi. They have six children, four boys, and two girls. Kakuru used to be a Catholic before being born again. He is a good counselor in the church, especially with the youth and newly married couples. Before he was saved, he was building his house and things were not going well for him. The witch doctors he invited to initiate his house and bless were demanding a lot of money and big sacrifices of animals. When Kakuru refused to provide their demands, he was intimidated by the witch doctors and became scared for his life. This caused him to run to the church for refuge and request prayer. We prayed with him and shared the gospel with him. He gave his life to Christ. He desires to start a small business near his home so he does not have to travel far into the city for work.
- Pray for the church members to eagerly read their Bibles and memorize God’s Word.
- Pray for Kakura and his family, for the capital to start a small business in his community.
- Pray for the gospel to spread and for more people to find freedom in Jesus Christ from the oppression of the witch doctors.
We are reaching the communities around us with home visits. We shared the gospel over eighty homes, talking with more than two hundred and fifty men and women. We talk with people in their gardens and worked alongside them in their daily activities. We are seeing great results from using this method of evangelism, four people have been saved, and we continue to follow-up with them, so they can grow stronger in the Lord.
- Pray for the people we are visiting and for their response to the gospel.
- Pray for the workers who go out to visit the people and for their persistence in reaching the non-believers.
Todozio came to join the drama group through a desire to participate in drama competitions and eventually ended up involved in other church activities. She is now involved in the prayer meeting and a part of the home fellowship. We are praying for her to understand salvation and give her life to the Lord.
- Pray for Todozio to understand the gospel.
There is a lack of water in our community due to the dry season. Most of the small fountains of water have dried up and people must travel to the river, which is a long distance. Recently, one of the neighbors who live next to the church passed away. At the funeral, they did not have any water to use. Since they are neighbors, the church offered them free water to use. They were grateful and appreciated our existence.
- Pray for the outreach of the church through the gift of clean water and how this gift opens doors to reaching people with the gospel.
- Give thanks for our new church structure.
- Give thanks for the eight benches for our church.
- Pray that the Lord will enable us to put funds together to construct the church walls.
Spring 2018
Pastor Jim from the United States came and visited us in Rukungiri. Pastor Jim has been a minister for numerous years and specializes in training Christians to share the Gospel through Storytelling. In African culture, storytelling was pivotal to sharing our history. With the advent of modern technology the younger generations began to reject this art until storytelling eventually stopped. With the training we received from Pastor Jim we realized the Spirit of God works in unique ways as we began to witness people who had not responded positively to the gospel in the past were very eager to listen to the stories. Our teams themselves were so encouraged and loved this approach to reaching people. There was one case of a Catholic priest, Mr. Nturehi Justus, who always hated seeing our team preaching the gospel to him and around his home. But when we approached him as storytellers, he listened to us with eagerness and even invited us to keep visiting him with more stories.
Since I decided to involve my life in ministry, I’ve witnessed God working for me and through me in a beautiful way. My love and thirst for his word and presence has increased. I feel my life being drawn more to Christ than ever before. My spirit is more at peace, and a great sense of fulfillment fills my heart. I thank God for the Holy Spirit’s ministry in me and the joy and peace in my family today. I thank God for my wife; Scovia Kayemba who has been so supportive in the ministry, her participation in the women’s ministry leadership and evangelism team has been such a significant contribution towards the church growth. I praise the Lord for her life for she has also been helpful in encouraging me in ministry.
At God’s Embassy Kigaaga we routinely have family members from the community bring in loved ones who are in bondage to demonic oppression. Annet was an angry young woman who would continually be possessed by the ancestral spirits. When this would happen Annet would become violent, scream, and destroy things in the house and her family would have to bind her with rope or chains to keep her from harming herself or others. On one particular night, Annet was staying at her Aunt Ruth’s house when the ancestral spirits possessed her, and she became violent. Ruth called for help from her neighbors, and they tied her up and left her until sunrise. When morning came, Ruth brought Annet who was still unconscious and bound with rope to church. Ruth heard that the God of God’s Embassy Church had the power to free people from demonic oppression. Ruth was skeptical but having no other options brought Annet to church anyway.
At the church, we began to pray and fast believing that Jesus had the power to deliver Annet. She stayed at church the whole day and night, and the following morning Annet regained her mind and suddenly recognized where she was. When she awoke we introduced the Gospel to her and told her the only way to be free from this demonic oppression was by giving her life to Christ. Annet repented of her sin, accepted Jesus gift of salvation, and surrendered her life to Christ. We continue to visit and pray for her so that her faith in Christ will deepen. Ruth, her aunt, wanted to send Annet away but changed her mind when she saw Annet recovering. Her Aunt agreed to let her stay if she remained at the church where she could pray and continue to learn about God. We praise Jesus and thank him for delivering Annet from demonic oppression. Annet is 24 years old and has one child who is two years old.
Another family who we are ministering to is Faith. She is 22 years old and has a seven-month-old son named Edison. When she was in school, her father and mother contracted HIV/AIDS, and they spent most of their money on treatment. When this happened, Faith dropped out of school to care for her dying parents. When her parents died, she got married to a guy named Brian who had separated from his wife. Faith became pregnant, and when she went to the doctor for prenatal checkups, she discovered she had also contracted HIV. Her counselor encouraged her and told her that HIV was not the end of her life. He introduced the gospel to her and told her to take her medicine so that she can give birth to a healthy child. Faith accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior and her husband Brian left her and went back to his former wife. Faith went back to her parent’s old house where she now lives with her child. The surrounding neighbors introduced her to God’s Embassy Kigaaga, and now Faith is part of our church congregation. She joined the intercession prayer team and is committed to ministering to her neighbors. Faith is thankful to the Lord because she gave birth to a healthy child that is not affected by HIV. Faith is also in good health and has been an encouragement to many people who have been through the same life experience. Her prayer request is that the Lord may provide for her daily needs so that she can begin a small business from which she can earn some income and can look after her child and herself.
(2) God is in the business of saving souls. Some people who were in different traditional denominations (where the Gospel is not being preached) are being set free by the truth of the Gospel. Some of our members who left other religions and joined our church are being harassed by priests and bishops who are trying to persuade them to return to the Catholic church. One of the neighboring Catholic priests started visiting people who had put their faith in Christ and joined God’s Embassy. Ms. Annet was a Catholic, and her former priest recently came to her house, when he found her he spoke to her father. The priest demanded that she return because there were consequences for leaving the church. However, Ms. Annet refuse to go back and continues to attend our church, showing no signs of fear or intimidation. We are seeing God draw lost souls to Himself, and we return all the glory to Him. Keep Annet in your prayers.
The adults have been gathering supplies to help the poor and the needy in our church. Recently we rebuilt a kitchen for Annet that was in deplorable condition, during the rain it would leak, and there was no ventilation. However, the church was able to mobilize materials and during the day started working on the repairs. Mrs. Annet was so overcome with joy that she cried tears of joy. We thank God for the ministry that it is enabling the church to walk in the footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ by reaching the poor in our community.
Fred and Lillian are members of our church and don’t have children. They came to Jesus Christ through the ministry of door to door evangelism. He was previously Catholic and hated evangelicals. He would abuse anyone who came to tell him about Jesus Christ and would even chase them away. But God enabled us to reach him, and during a calm day listened to the Word of God. Through several visitations of loving him and sharing the word of God, he finally decided to surrender his life to Jesus Christ. He started attending church regularly, and even his wife has joined him. Fred joined the men’s ministry and is one of the most active men the Lord in our church. He loves our intercession prayer time, and for that reason, also joined the intercession team for the church.
Fred survives by doing manual labor jobs in the neighborhood and practices subsistence farming from which he provides for him and his wife. Fred and Lillian’s main prayer request is that the Lord will help them have a baby.
Suzan is one of the girls that the Lord saved from demonic oppression through the ministry of our church. We were called upon to reach her and pray for her. Suzan’s family took her to different hospitals and went to witchdoctors. When we met her, she was in an appalling state because the evil spirits would possess her, and she would fall and be unconscious for 30 minutes at a time. Sometimes she would be confused and had trouble comprehending what was happening to her after regaining consciousness. We began praying for her and shared the gospel with her. She desired to be free from the bondage and the oppresion the spirits placed upon her and decided to believe in Jesus and surrender her life to Him. She is committed to studying the Word and praying. Her life has been transformed, and she no longer experiences demonic attacks.
The church is prioritizing home visits to the surrounding communities. We visited 11 homes and shared the word of God with 13 men and 31 women.
Ms. Vista gave her life to Christ during one of our home visits. After her decision, her father Godfrey was upset that she started attending our church. He commanded her to attend the Catholic church. When we realized that she was not coming to church, we did a home visit to follow up. We expected to be treated harshly, but instead, the father welcomed us and requested that we explain the reason for our coming. We talked for a long time, and he allowed us to share the Word of God. Finally, he admitted that he did not like our church but that his view had changed after hearing what we had to say. He allowed his daughter to come to our church and his other daughter Rebecca also professed faith in Jesus as her Lord and Savior. Both of Godfrey’s daughters attend church regularly, and Godfrey requested that we share God’s word with him when we have time and pray for him. He promised that one day he would visit us. We believe that the Lord is drawing him to Himself and we are praying that he will surrender his life to Christ Jesus.
We praise the Lord for changing our image in the community; before, the public and religious leaders claimed that we were fake people trying to trick and cheat in the name of religion. However, that has changed because of the transformation people are witnessing and the care we have for the poor and lost. We are a genuine, true, and faithful church of Jesus Christ.
(3) Many of our members used to believe in the African traditional spirit worship and rituals, they thought these activities would bring favor and help them overcome misfortunes. Through the daily reading of the Bible, they have renewed their minds, and they now look only to Jesus and His finished work of saving grace to walk in His love and protection by faith.
Fred used to believe in spiritual rituals and sometimes would cancel important trips if a specific type of animal crossed in front of him or if a plant came into contact with his body while walking. He believed that certain animals and plants had divine negative influences. To him, they were bad omens. Fred is grateful Jesus rescued him from a life enslaved and bound to demonic beliefs. Through the knowledge of Christ and studying the Word, Fred’s is free.
We recently started a new fellowship in Nyampikye villages. We believe the Lord will draw many people as we share the Word of God. At our first ministry outreach, we had the opportunity to pray and counsel many in the village. One woman Mary K who is 64 years old gave her life to Christ.
We thank the Lord so much for the home fellowships we have at God’s Embassy Kigaaga Church. We have three home fellowships and are seeing many people come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Our prayer is that the Lord will help us create a firm foundation for them and start many more in the surrounding communities for His Glory.
We see church members interested in church ministry through the study of God’s word. They are interested in evangelism, home visits, and teaching the Bible. I am working on having people who are the most effective spread out into different home fellowships so that they can share what they are learning during the Sunday Bible classes. We are praying and believing that the Lord will bring more people who have a desire and passion for ministry. We encourage each home fellowship to follow up with the people who join them and encourage the people to stay strong in the faith.
Naboth is one of the members of God’s Embassy Kigaaga who has leadership potential. He loves the Lord and has a serious interest in the Bible and prayer. He shows great courage and boldness especially during home visitations and door to door evangelism. He is married to Anita who is in the choir, and they have four boys. The eldest son Tugumisirize is part of the Kingdom steppers. Naboth sells bananas to support his family. He is thankful to know the word of God and minister through God’s Embassy. His main prayer request is that God may bless his work, increase his banana sales so that he can for his family and support his children in school.
Matsiko was the village stoner. For 38 years he was addicted to marijuana and was the biggest grower and smoker in the village. The Lord led him to our church because he was tired of living a life of hopelessness and wanted someone to help him stop smoking since he had failed everytime he tried to stop. We shared the Bible with him and prayed with him, and he eventually gave his life to Christ. Ever since then, his life has changed, and he is no longer a threat to the community but a living testimony that the Lord is still in the business of saving souls. He has stopped growing and smoking marijuana.
Pray for an energetic man named who is 32 years old. He is an Anglican but recently has been coming to church and fellowshipping with us. We believe the Lord is drawing him to Himself and our prayer is that he may eventually surrender his life to Christ.
(4) God is indeed doing mighty works in our community. We saw three people give their lives to Christ this month. In Kigaaga, we have three fellowships meet on different days of the week. Peron is a 23-year-old who attends one of the fellowships, she has a seven-month-old child and is alone because her husband does not live with her. Peron is a teacher and has asked for prayer for her asthma, she’s been suffering for a long time and has not been able to get medicine for it. Please pray that she might find a treatment or find another hospital that can treat her.
Some members of our church are being encouraged to participate in choir practice on Saturdays and others come to church on Tuesdays to learn how to pray and lead prayer times.
We praise God for continually changing lives. Angel is a 39-year-old woman who spent 13 years smoking and drinking alcohol but has now come to Christ. Angel accompanied her husband who was ill and coming to church for prayers, so after seeing her husband getting better from his sickness, she too became a follower of Jesus, and both are living happy lives.
Our church continues to reach out to people through home visits and making relationships. This month we visited 75 homes with 120 women and 34 men. Many loved the visits and promised to visit us at church or the home fellowship.
A lady by the names of Rosera who was born and raised in an Anglican family has started visiting the church. Rosera comes to church with her mother in law, and both are showing interest in God’s word. We pray that she will be able to hear the word of God and give her life to Christ.
November 2017
We bring you greetings from God’s Embassy Kigaaga and thank you for the support we receive from you. We are grateful for your partnership, prayers, training, and equipping of the body of Christ through your financial support.
We are committed to teaching the Word of God to encourage believers to stay strong and grow in their faith. To non-believers, we minister through evangelism as we allow the Spirit of God to work in us to expand the Kingdom of our Lord and Jesus Christ.
November was a blessed month where we saw God’s grace at work through the equipping of our ministers. Pastor Jim spent several weeks with us teaching new skills and how to evangelize through storytelling.
The storytelling style of evangelism that he taught was applied by our team as we reached out to our community. We realized the Spirit of God works in unique ways as we witness people who had not responded positively to the gospel in the past were very eager to listen to stories. They freely interacted with our team by asking questions sincerely and wholeheartedly. Our teams themselves were so encouraged and loved this approach of reaching people. There was one case of a Catholic priest, Mr. Nturehi Justus, who always hated seeing our team preaching the gospel to him and around his home. But when they approached him as storytellers, he listened to them with eagerness and even invited them to keep visiting him with more stories.
The youth recently started a farming project, and they are now raising pigs and chickens. The youth ministry focused on this project so that they can build a self-sustaining way to generate income to support their daily needs.
What are the prayer needs of the church as a whole?
- We are praying to get chairs in the church.
What are some praises?
- We thank God for the church shed.
- We thank God for the Storytelling training.
We have a ministers class every Monday in Katobo. At the class, we are discipled and trained in leadership and teaching the Word of God. I teach part of the class and instruct the ministers how to read the Word of God and prepare ourselves for the work of evangelism. We also have home fellowships where members of the church meet in homes and share the Word of God.
A 13-year-old boy who at school is in primary 5 joined the church. This boy is known as a notorious thief, and because of that, even his parents had given up on him. They were so tired of him that they stopped paying his school fees. When he joined the church at Kigaaga, we were able to talk to him and guide him while praying for him. His life changed, and he has now been able to return to school. The community members who knew his life before are thanking God the wonderful ministry that has brought transformation in his life.
A lady named of Harriet is part of the Seventh-day Adventist church, but recently started attending our church and even forwarded her prayer requests when she could not attend. Her prayer is for her child to be delivered from a mental illness which has caused him to discontinue his education. We are praying for her, and her child and that Harriet will trust the Lord with her request.
Since I decided to involve my life in ministry, I’ve witnessed God working for me and through me in a beautiful way. My love and thirst for his word and presence has increased. I feel my life being drawn more to Christ than ever before. My spirit is more at peace, and a great sense of fulfillment fills my heart. I thank God for the Holy Spirit’s ministry in me and the joy and peace in my family today.
I thank God for my wife; Scovia Kayemba who has been so supportive in the ministry, her participation in the women’s ministry leadership and evangelism team has been such a significant contribution towards the church growth. I praise the Lord for her life for she has also been helpful in encouraging me in ministry.
Pastor John Bosco
October 2017
As the church of God’s embassy Kigaaga, we thank God for the continuous blessings. We see God’s grace manifested and His love showered in abundance in the hearts of our people. We greatly appreciate White Fields Ministry as our supporters that are being used by God to ensure the effectiveness of this divine work of spreading the Gospel and reaching out to the lost with Christ’s love.
We have seen God at work in the community, as people are giving their lives to Christ. This month alone we were able to baptize seven people: Orikurungi, Ampaire, Musiimenta, Musiimenta, Natukunda, Musinguzi, and Tukamushaba.
Both men and women have joined together in construct a toilet for the church. The project has proved to be a great way to unite people, and we are seeing an increased commitment from our church members.
The youth, specifically Kingdom steppers introduced a savings plan among themselves to be able to buy uniforms and acquire training equipment to help them improve and grow the ministry. Other surrounding churches have also started inviting them to minister and bless them with their talents. The encouragement and motivation have helped them improve their dancing skills in order to deliver quality performances; this is in addition to Bible studies for spiritual growth.
We visited the family of Mrs. Musiimenta Deudanta whose been a widow for 15 years. She has managed to support her five children by herself. She has three girls; Ahimbisibwe Jane (27), Tukamushaba Silvia (24), and Namara Ketty (22), and two boys: Nabaasa Julius (20), and Arinitwe Asafu (17). After her husband’s death, her husband’s family hated her and accused her of his death through witchcraft. They also accused her of her brother in laws wife’s death. They tried to chase her out of her own home, but the authorities helped her. Through home visits, we preached the Word to her, and she gave her life to Christ. Through prayers, she has been able to remain strong through all her challenges. Prayer is foundational to everything we do. She is happy now to have joined our church where she is experiencing the love of God through fellowship with the other church members.
We are thankful for our church building and are praying about purchasing seats and as well as buying cement to make bricks to finish the walls.
Several members of the church have stepped up to help take on responsibilities in the church, Alex is the treasurer of the kingdom steppers, and Annet is a service leader in the church, we also have Patience who is our Sunday school teacher. These ministers are doing a fantastic job in the church, and they are such a blessing to us all. Join me in praising the Lord for them and pray with me that they will become active disciple-makers.
Arinitwe Richard was a drunkard man in the community, and he had even sold half of his land and wasted all the money in alcohol. But when he came to the Lord and joined the church, we started sharing the Word of God with him while he was asking how to overcome his alcoholism. So, we invited him to keep in fellowship and prayers with us and limit spending most of his time with his old friends who are drunkards as well. We also encouraged him to read the Bible as we continuously follow up with him. He has made new friends who pray and help him in the Lord. He has been able to overcome the habits of alcoholism.
Mrs. Abia had a problem with chewing tobacco, but ever since she gave her life to Christ and joined the church, she has been able to overcome the habit.
As a church we were able to mobilize and have an evangelism team composed of five members; myself Pastor John Bosco and my wife Scovia Kayemba, Anitah Naboth, Byaruhanga Alex, and Tukamushaba Anent. These members had a short training on how to carry out evangelism and have been able to reach out to most of the members of the community of Kigaaga through door to door evangelism. We are seeing many people now joining the church and others giving up alcoholism.
I’ve personally experienced great workings of God in my family, and He has helped me through the support you are giving. I’ve been able to clear my debts and as I speak now all my children are in school. I’ve been able to have this fantastic opportunity of serving God full time without worrying about what to eat or wear or my children’s school fees. I feel happy, excited, and contented in Christ Jesus my Lord.
Scovia Kayemba has been such a blessing to the ministry through her support in the women’s ministry; she has helped mobilize the women and grow the worship team. She is an active member of the evangelism team who is reaching out to the community through the door to door evangelism.
God has been merciful to us and allowed us to bear fruit; we give God the Glory!
Pastor John Bosco
September 2017
We saw God at work in our ministry and community in September. We started praying at the beginning of this year that He would provide a church building for us and this month we completed the roof of our new building. The saints are growing in the Word of God, and the children’s ministry is increasing as well. We praise the Lord for His goodness.
The women’s ministry is vibrant, in addition to learning skills in handcrafts, they have also started a saving system where every member is saving UGX 1,000/= every week. This fund is to help finance some of the women’s ministry events and programs. The church is excited to see what the Lord will do through the lives of this ministry.
Our men’s ministry is small, we do not have many men in the church, but the men who we do have are committed to the Lord. The men are digging the pit latrine at our church site, and they have excavated 17 feet in depth, our next step is to finish the roof of the outhouse.
This month I made 25 home calls, visiting with 52 males and 75 females (a total of 127 people). Among the homes we visited, there is a woman and her children who are members of our church. Atukwasa Prim is 29 years old and has four children (1 male and three females). She is currently separated from her husband because he is a witch doctor and she said she could no longer keep up with the constant demands of the spirits her husband worshiped. She later gave her life to Christ and has been a believer for two years. She sells food and Chai (milk and water tea) in a small food joint. The money she earns is not enough to enable her to support her family, so she was forced to give her eldest son to the children’s father and the second daughter to the children’s aunt, she still has the other two children. Her struggle to support all the children forced her to give two of them to her family. The two children that remain with her desire to go to school but she cannot afford it. She is new to our congregation and is living in a different area. We are still working with her to identify what her spiritual gifts are.
Her testimony is that she refused to give in to the worship of spirits and ultimately had to separate from her husband. When she separated from her husband the door was opened for her to hear and receive the Gospel and to give her life to Christ. She was born into a strict Catholic family, which created problems (since she is now born again) and as a result, she was forced to leave home and rent a room to live in with her children. The Lord has worked in her life the past two years, and she continues to work in her own food business. Her prayer request is that we keep praying that God may help her grow her business and support her family.
Our passion is to develop every Christian to his/her full potential in Christ. Our call as a church is to raise Bible driven and oriented ministers whose number one desire is to win souls to Christ and bring glory to God by proclaiming the Gospel in its truth. We are learning this in the minster’s class every Sunday from 8:30 am – 10:00 am.
The leaders are showing great commitment to ministry, and I believe if they remain faithful God is going to lift them and use them mightily by His grace. We believe that with consistency in Bible study and the continual grounding in the Word of God they will be transformed to the understanding of what it means to be a servant of Christ.
Praise Reports
- We thank God for the support of White Fields ministry.
- Praise for the completion of the church roof.
- We thank God for the seeds donation of beans and maize to our members.
- We acquired a solar panel for lighting the church at night.
Prayer Points
- As a church, we are praying for cement to be able to begin making bricks for the church.
- As a church, we have been blessed with a solar panel to provide light during the night prayers. We acquired it on loan and will be paying it back in installments, pray for us that as a church we will be able to keep putting together what we need each month.
- We trust God will enable us to get timber and make benches for sitting in church.
We thank God that He has enabled us to serve Him and His people to his Glory. Thank you very much for standing with us!
August 2017
The Lord is good to us as a church. This month we have seen many people come to faith in Jesus Christ. Our core mission is to preach the gospel and bring people to Jesus. This month I visited many families in Kafunda cell, Nyakinego parish. The community is near the area surrounding our church.
We visited 23 homes, and 57 people heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ (19 M, 38 F), out of the 57 people 9 (6 F, 3 M) received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I have included the names of the people who received Christ, please help us pray for them that the Lord will strengthen their walk with Christ despite all the opposition and persecution they will face.
The names of the ladies are:
1. Nabaasa 2. Namanya 3. Arinaitwe 4. Turinawe 5. Asiimwe 6. Kobusingye.
The names of the gentlemen are 7. Moses 8. Alex 9. Mukasa. The church is excited for these new believers, and we are looking forward to discipling them.
We started a friendly competition in the Children’s Ministry. It consists of scripture reading and memorizing Bible verses. It was fun and exciting to see the kids compete and excel in their Bible knowledge.
Among the women, they are still learning trade skills and this month they learned how to make handmade tablecloths. The women are enthusiastic and eager to learn a new skill and the attendance has increased from last month as well. Please help us pray that the women will continue to develop their skills and that they will seek the Lord for wisdom while working and learning together in fellowship.
The church organized a night prayer at Mr. and Mrs. Sarapio’s new home. John is 63 years old and lives in Kigaaga, Rugundo village. He was born to a family that worships spirits. His first wife died because of a failure within the family to worship the spirits (there are punishments if the covenant is broken in demonic spiritual worship). After seven years of his wife’s death, John married his current wife, Angellah. Angellah comes from a catholic background, and when she joined the family, she realized that they worshipped evil spirits. The family required her to perform a sacrifice to enter the covenant of their family. She did what was required by the family, and after some time, John went to Kampala (the Capitol) to work while his wife remained in the village. During this time, evil spirits began attacking her until she could no longer handle what was happening to her. Angellah escaped to the church for prayer and gave her life to Christ, we prayed, and the Lord delivered her from the evil spirits. She is now free from demonic oppression. However, when the family started building John & Angellah’s house her brother in law Kasheija (John’s brother is a witch doctor) told her that she must call him when the house is finished, so he can “bless” it. He said that an animal sacrifice would be performed, and payment to perform the rituals would be required from her as well, or else she would die within a week.
Angellah came and told me what her brother in law required of her; I advised her not to fear but to be confident in the Lord, our protector. I promised her that the church would organize a prayer of blessings for her new home, and the witch doctor would not enter her home. The church prayed and blessed her home in Jesus name. When the house was ready, we went and spent the night singing, praying and sharing testimonies. She now thanks God for keeping her safe and protecting her against the evil spirits. She’s been living in the home almost three months and has not died as the witch doctor had threatened her. During our overnight prayer at her house, we had six people give their lives to Jesus (3 F, 3 M).
We thank God for the support of White Fields through your prayers and support we can go out and spread the gospel in our communities. We are grateful to God for the church building White Fields funded for us. It has given us a name in our community that we serve a God who answers prayers. Previously, we were evicted from a rented room that was on religious grounds. We began to pray for land and a building, so this construction comes as an answer to prayer, which is a testimony to many unbelieving neighbors that our God is alive and well.
Prayer requests:
- Pray that the Lord will soften the hearts of people towards Him.
Pastor John Bosco
July 2017
We have seen our Lord Jesus moving mightily in our ministry as God is using us to cause transformation within the community of Kigaaga. We have many people who have surrendered their lives to Christ in the short period since we started God’s Embassy Kigaaga.
This month, we were able to baptize nine newly converted members, and each was able to be baptized and receive a baptism certificate. Most of the baptized members are from the community of Kigaaga. They include Moses, Cosmus, Novus, Betty, Alex, Rosette, Daniel, Julius, and Suzan.
There has also been an effort among the women in the Church to work together and develop their hand crafting skills by making baskets and mats. We believe that by developing such skills, member especially women will be able to generate additional income to support their families. We are aiming at promoting creativity to increase productivity also among men by encouraging them to get heavily involved in farming with their wives to fight poverty in the church and the community as a whole.
We are starting to have the youth actively evolved in drama with a purpose of enhancing the methods of spreading the gospel in the community and developing their talents. Brother Ivan has been of a great help in seeing that this activity is promoted among the youth. Most of the young people are very excited to participate in this drama ministry.
We have also introduced a Bible study class for the little children every Saturday from 4pm to 5pm. Sister Patience is responsible for that course, and God is using her to show His Word to the younger generation.
Some of the challenges that we have been having is that people are finding it hard to adapt to the newly introduced “methods of Bible interpretation” and unlearning the doctrinal contradictions of faith from their previous religions. This has moved us to consider increasing the amount bible fundamentals classes and seeing how we can offer an in-depth teaching of the Word of God.
Ms. Abia is one of our church members, she is 32 years old and has three children, two boys, and one girl. Peter is in primary two class and is 6 years old. Simon is in nursery two and he is four years old. Ritter is one year old. Her husband is a catholic and he doesn’t want her to go to church at God’s Embassy Kigaaga. The rest of her family is catholic and they have been fighting her for joining the born again faith. At one time her husband asked her to choose between her marriage and the church but she insisted on staying in prayer and fellowshipping with us. As a church, we are praying with her and still encouraging her to remain strong and maintain her trust in the Lord. Meanwhile, we pray trusting God for the conversion of her husband.
Angel used to be bitter and a drunkard in Kigaaga trading center but when he gave his life to Christ and joined the church of God’s Embassy Kigaaga, his life did not remain the same. He is a changed man and is now a committed church member and leader.
Church prayer request:
- Our prayer is that God may make a way for provision for the construction of the church. We are also believing and praying for the church sound system that we can use during open air crusades and Sunday services.
We have an intensive Sunday morning Bible class for the enthusiastic young leaders aiming at deepening their roots and faith in Christ Jesus. We also have an evening prayer meeting every Friday where ministers meet and pray together and are encouraged in the Word of God.
Your prayers have greatly affected my life and our ministry at God’s Embassy Kigaaga. Thank you for them and know that we as a church pray for you as well!
Pastor John Bosco
June 2017
God is good and faithful indeed. He is showing us His goodness in our community. God is mightily moving in Kigaaga. Ever since we started, there has been a great impact in the community, many people are giving their lives to Jesus Christ (14 people) so far, and these have joined our congregation. We have seen people change transition their businesses and sources of income because of the faith they have received in Christ. One lady, in particular, is Betty who accepted Christ in the open-air evangelism when the Vision 25 Team ministered in May. Before coming to Christ, Betty owned a bar, and she was a drunkard herself. When she gave her heart to Christ, she joined our church, and after some time of fellowshipping and studying the Word with us, she deliberately decided to change her business from a liquor store to a food restaurant in favor of her faith and conversion. The Lord increased our number to about 35 adults and 20 children. We have one Sunday school teacher and need one more.
People are happy with the work of preaching the Gospel and enjoy having the Word of God shared with them and receiving prayer. A significant number turn up to attend church with us including many who haven’t become believers but are interested in the faith.
Some of the church members are getting an interest in being involved in ministry. Some have joined the choir, and the choir now has four members.
As a church, we are putting more emphasis on intensive Bible study to equip the future ministers with the Word of God. We also attend the leadership classes at God’s Embassy Katobo conducted by Pastor Onesimus every Tuesday evening, though this course has now changed to Sunday afternoon to allow time to internalize the sermon for Wednesday fellowship. We emphasize that every leader in the church should attend these classes to grow. Most of the ministers habits and cultural behaviors are changing and are being conformed to the Word of God.
We visited 15 homes and shared the Gospel of Christ with a total of 60 (32 F, 28 M) people, 32 females and 28 males including the children. Among them is this family of Miss Rosette. She is separated from her husband, and there is little hope for the two to reunite. She stays with her three children, two girls and one boy, two of her daughters are in school, but the boy is still too young to attend school. Rosette is 35 years old. She does hard labor to earn money to take care of her children. She trusts God to provide her a business to earn extra income that can sustain her family.
We are having a problem as a church with the religious sects here and the witch doctors who are opposing the existence of our church in the community. There has also been the introduction of a night club with prostitutes in the Kigaaga trading center. This has increased the rate of immorality and prostitution in the community. The church is praying against it and is one of our major prayer requests.
The Lord has been gracious to me in that He has provided money for me to build my own house and I am no longer renting. Most of my debts have been paid, and I’ve been able to enroll all my children in school by God’s grace through the support of White Fields.
My wife, Scovia is so helpful to me in the ministry especially by leading the women’s ministry. She is also an active member of the worship team. She is playing a prominent role starting the women’s skills group at church. She is actively emphasizing skill development among the women. My children are also contributing eagerly to the ministry, Allen is the leader of the young ambassadors and Caleb is an active member as well. Joshua is a member of the Kingdom Steppers.
Praises and prayer requests:
- We thank God that the owner of the house on the church grounds has given us the house as a donation to the work of God. We demolished the inside walls and use the house for our congregational meetings as we pray for a better structure.
- I’m trusting God to enable me to purchase a motorcycle that I can use for visiting people’s homes. I would like to extend my appreciation to God who uses White Fields to finance the work of God in Kigaaga and has caused a revival in our community where people are turning to God in a way that is so amazing!
May God, bless you all, Pastor John Bosco
May 2017
We have seen God at work this month in so many different ways. The visit of the Vision 25 team helped us in home visits to encourage and interact with some of our congregation members. We visited ten homes. To each home, we carried a gift of love (maize, flour, and a bar of soap) as a community we have a scarcity of food, and some families have died of hunger in the neighboring district. So, a bag of maize and flour came as a relief and a blessing to all the families we visited. We are thankful to White Fields and Vision 25 for providing the love gifts.
Among the homes, we visited was the family of a local government leader in Kigaaga. We shared the Word, and he confessed faith in Christ and asked to be prayed for with his family so that they can make a bold step of attending church with us. We thank God because this is an action that will impact the people in Kiggaga starting with their leaders.
We hosted an evangelism night in the trading center of Kigaaga, the preachers were the Vision Team that taught through music, dancing, and drama. In the end, an alter call was made, and twelve people made a profession of faith. Professor Larry prayed for the new believers.
The Lord through White Fields has blessed us greatly by buying us land for a church. This is such a testimony that God is with us as a church. We are so grateful to the Lord for this. We were renting a house, and it was getting expensive because our tenants would increase the rent now and then. We now have land of our own, and the shelter that was the house of the former owner is what we are using as our meeting place.
We have observed commitment in faith and a desire to serve the Lord in brother Murisa and his wife, Novace. These and other leaders, we took to the leadership training at God’s Embassy Katobo. This training is every Monday and Tuesday from 4pm-6pm. We also made a Church Leadership Committee with a person in charge of Building Department, Church Treasurer, Sunday School Teachers, a Women’s Leader, as well as a Youth and Young Ambassadors leader
We showed the Jesus film and had around thirty people attend; four people gave their lives to Christ. In addition to the home visits we did with the Vision team, we visited nine more families who we were able to minister equaling a total of 27 people of whom 17 are female, and 10 are male. Among the families visited, in May we visited our church member Kenyanji whose child died, we spent some time with her comforting her and prayed with her. Our request is that we keep her in prayer in such trying moments. We also visited Christine, a widow who has recently joined our church congregation this month. We prayed with her and encouraged her to keep her faith. She has five children who are now adults.
We mobilized children to go to God’s Embassy Katobo for Vacation Bible School on the 18th, 19th and 20th of May. Each of these three days the children were taught in the word of the God.
I also visited Jailes, an old woman who is a member of the church that had been admitted to Nyakibare hospital. We prayed with her and other sick people that were in her ward. This gave us an opportunity to share the Word of the Lord with other people in the hospital.
Prayer requests:
- Pray new believers will be strengthened in love of God.
- Pray for a roof structure for us to fellowship.
Yours in Christ, Pastor John
March 2017
The Lord is working within our church in many ways: As a pastor when I see people come to church as non-believers, studying the Word of God, growing in the knowledge of Jesus Christ becoming disciples, that encourages me. In that way, I see God working in our church and lives. An example is the testimony of Betty.
Betty is thirty-two with two children, Racheal and Ritah eleven and four years old. She was married for seven years when her husband started to mistreat and beat her, he finally chased her out of their home and told her he didn’t love her anymore. Betty returned to her father’s house and lived there for two years, after some time her father told her to return her children to their Dad. (A common practice here is that a divorced woman must return her children to their father. The reason for this is that the children can inherit land from their fathers but not their mothers.)
However, when she went back, she found that her husband had already married another woman. She took her children back to her parents, moved out, rented a house, and got a job as a waitress. She became friends with some people who introduce her to alcohol. She became an alcoholic, lost her job, and became homeless. She went from home to home living with whoever had mercy on her to give her accommodation.
She was hopeless, helpless, destitute, and that is when I met her and shared the Gospel with her. She said God could not accept her because she had done many wicked things but I encouraged her that Jesus came for sinners and we are all sinners saved by grace. She then asked, “How can I be a good person from everything that I have done?” I encouraged him to believe in Jesus Christ, and that she was free to keep fellowshipping with us.
Later she accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior, since then she has been coming to the Church weekly. We have counseled her to keep working hard with her hands (she is a casual laborer).
She now rents pieces of land and plants crops. She also started saving money to one day open a shop selling local merchandise.
Betty is very grateful that she came to know the Lord and that He has changed her life for good. She is rejoicing and looking forward to growing in the Grace of God to know Him better.
- Pray that God would help her support her children in school.
- Pray she may be able to start her retail shop.
- Pray she may get a Husband who fears the Lord.
We are committed to training leaders for the growth of the ministry. Our first group of leaders is our choir members. We meet every Saturday at 3pm. It is from this group that I hope to identify their leadership potential and focus their training and other ministry opportunities.
We hold a Wednesday and Friday prayer meeting. Many people are being taught the Word of the Lord, and we see great improvement in their lives as they try to live lives worthy of their calling in Christ.
We believe in the great commission to make disciples through teaching and preaching the Word. We are now involved in home visits and house to house evangelism. We have a passion for preaching the Gospel to all the communities surrounding us.
This month we visited 13 homes with a population of 50 people. Of all those we visited, three individuals received Jesus as their Lord and savior. Their names are Tracy (F), Denis (F), and Alvert (M). Those who did not receive Christ were very appreciative that we visited them, shared the Gospel, and prayed for them. Some promised to visit the church. We were happy that at least a seed was sown. Keep praying that God will cause these seeds to grow in their hearts to the knowledge of Christ.
Among the home visited, pray for Nalukwago, she came to our church after her husband left her after once they got tested for HIV/AIDS. The tests revealed that she is HIV/AIDS positive while her husband is negative. The husband chased her away without any support. They have a daughter together who is nine months old. One of the challenges we face as a community of single mothers, many have been left alone and they find the church as a source of refuge. Pray for us as a church to find a way of equipping these single mothers and windows in our community.
I visited Pastor Kwesiga of Revival Church from Nyakabungo and he told me that they are happy to work with us in the communities nearby for God.
Church request:
- Public Address System
- We need chairs for sitting on
- Church Land
- Solar Panels for lighting
Praise Report:
- We thank God for White Fields partnership and support in prayers and financial support. Especially the support to the pastors. We are very grateful to the Lord for this partnership.
Yours in Christ, Pastor John Bosco
February 2017
Greeting to my friends around the world. We are the most recent church plant of God’s Embassy and the Lord is gracious to us. We began a focused effort to visit every home in our community; we call it door-to-door evangelism. This month we visited six homes with a total of twenty-three people. Of the twenty-three we visited, seven people, (four adults and three children) decided to come to our church. We acquired a house to rent for our Sunday Services, and most of the community is excited for our church plant except for the religious leaders (who hold power over the people).
As a fellowship, we have seen God increase our numbers, and we now have twenty-six people attending our church. We saw an increase of seven people because of our door-to-door evangelism. The growth in numbers has required us to find a bigger place for our gatherings. We were no longer able to fit in the home of Kahima and Susan, where we started our fellowship. We are renting a house that will fit about fifty people and believe the increase in numbers is through the help of the Lord. Our community is under the influence of the Catholic Church which persecutes anyone who turns away from Catholicism to the Evangelical Church.
Our church is made up of mostly women; we have a total of twenty female members. Two of them serve in the ushering department, one as a Sunday school teacher and two are leading the choir in praise and worship. These women partnered with the women’s fellowship in Katobo where they are learning and acquiring practical skills for making tablecloths and floor mats that will be sold to bring in some income.
The men’s ministry is challenging due to the small numbers of men we have in the church. We have six men in our fellowship, one is the treasurer, two are bricklayers, two are cattlemen, and two have a piggery and goats project. All these men are still being taught the Word. We plan to involve them in the ministry of intercession, preaching, and teaching. Outside of the church, we are showing these men home developmental activities like digging, proper drainage, and cleanliness in their homes so that they become examples to the community as men who are responsible for their families. In the community, there is a tendency for men to neglect their families. It is our prayer that the Church will be an example and teach healthy behaviors on how men ought to treat their wives and children as the Bible teaches.
The Youth Ministry is still young. We have not done any activity yet, apart from encouraging them to be helpful at home and obey their parents. We have eight youth (five male, three female). Four of them are in school, and they come to church when they are on holiday/break from school. We have sixteen children, and they are in Sunday school. We are praying that we can add a different room to our building so that they can have their service in a separate room from the adults.
Our church is located in the middle of a major trading center where the primary enterprise is selling alcohol, many times our services are interrupted by people who are drunk from the nearby breweries and dive bars. Many individuals in this community believe in and use witchcraft. Another challenge is that we are in a Catholic neighborhood which is opposed to us being in this community. They tell the people not to come to our fellowship and not to accept the Gospel. They claim we are starting a new religion and that people should not join since they have their religion in the Catholic Church. They care about religion more than faith in Jesus; they even confess that they cannot depart from their parent’s religion.
A family of Mr. & Mrs. Naboth and Annitah Gumoshabe: This family has four kids (one Female, three male/ one set are twins). The wife became a believer first, and then later her husband came to the Lord also. This family is among the poorest and work hard as farmers so that they can send their kids to school. For two of them working one eight-hour work day, they receive $0.75 each. They struggle to support their children in school because their income is minuscule and yet they are passionate about educating their children. They are committed believers and members of the church. As a family before they believed in Jesus, they worshiped evil spirits. Like many families that worship spirits, they were involved in witchcraft and sought help from witch doctors but soon realized they were not helping. Mrs. Naboth heard of Jesus on the radio and came to learn more about Him, after accepting Christ, her life changed for good.
- Pray that God would strengthen this family and grow them in the Word.
- Pray for provision of school fees.
One of the things our church desperately needs is Bibles. Most people cannot afford to buy the Bibles in our own language. We are also praying that God provides us with land so that we may build our church and Sunday school building.
On one of our witnessing trips, we shared with someone who had been attending our church whose name is Ssajja Richard. He was a drunkard, and when we shared the Gospel with him in his home he believed and became a free man, he no longer drinks alcohol.
I have been without a house for eight years. When we started a fellowship, the religious leaders asked the believers how they could follow a pastor who does not have a house of his own. A man without land, they even claimed that I failed to build a house for myself, how could I build a church? The Lord has now shut their mouths. I am building a house, and it is a testimony that God helps those who are despised and lifts them up by His grace.
I thank God for all the donors of White Fields for continuously giving to the work of the ministry. Through your giving, we can reach, teach, and impact lives in communities that would not have had the chance to hear the Gospel. Thank you. May God bless you.
Yours in Him, John Bosco
January 2017
Greeting to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for all the love and support you have shown us, we are here because you chose to stand with us to take the gospel to the remote communities of Rukungiri.
The Church congregation in Kigaaga rooted in the word of God through Bible study is meeting every Wednesday and Sunday. The youth are attending bible classes with the adults, and we have identified some members in our fellowship that can serve with the children’s church. They are being trained and engaged by God’s Embassy Katobo so that they gain the experience and confidence to do the same with our kids.
We are praying for the church to be able to buy land and build a permanent church structure on it. Creating a structure would show the community our long-term intention to serve this community.
We have started a choir ministry of praise, worship, and preaching the gospel door to door,
Catholics dominate our community by more than 50% of the population they are followed closely by the Anglicans. (The Catholic and Anglican churches in this part of Uganda allow people to go to the witch doctor and worship evil spirits as well as worship Jesus.) With this there is a great deal of evil spirit consultation, worship, witchcraft, and alcoholism for Catholics here do not condemn such things. There is also a lot of religious adherence to traditions; these affect peoples’ response towards the Gospel.
There is a window named Margret living with HIV/AIDS. Her husband passed away from HIV/AIDS. She stayed in her house being neglected and despised because she was bedridden for many years from this disease, no one wanted to associate with her because they believed that she was going to die anytime. No one wanted to waste time associating with a dying widow.
She is a peasant and depends on digging and manual labor to bring in income to eat provide for her basic needs. However, with her weakening body, she is no longer strong enough to work in the fields. She also harvests tiny amounts of food from her garden which is not sufficient to sustain her.
She gave her life to Christ through the home visits that we carry out in the community. Believing in Jesus has led to more hatred and harassment from the community. They accused her of deserting her parents’ and late husband’s religion because she has refused to go back to the Anglican Church and continued fellowship with us.
We keep praying for her and her family, teaching her the Word of God that she may be firm in the faith despite these challenges. Because of her HIV/AIDS status, she is always sick and recently had a lung sickness, but now she is improving. We pray that God restores her in strength so that she can work in her gardens again. Her healing would allow her to be able to support her family with food and shelter especially her children who are still in school.
Since we are a new church plant we are having challenges being accepted in the community, we are being embraced by many as their refuge especially since some have been considered valueless in the already existing religious churches.
As a church, we are doing community outreach to get involved in the lives of people specifically by visiting the sick and praying with them no matter what their religion or beliefs.
Kigaaga is an alcoholic community, many of the people that are coming to the Lord and joining us were once drunkards. They are changing as they hear and are encouraged by the Word of God, we teach that through Jesus Christ they can overcome those habits even those that had been addicts for a long time.
We praise God for growing us into a church congregation from a small fellowship. We are thankful for the support from White Fields that ensures our pastor is supported as we plant this new church.
Prayer requests:
- We are praying that God provides us with funds to buy land to build a church structure for adults and children.
- Praying for needs in our community like Margaret for her kid’s school fees and building a house for her.
Your friend in the ministry, Pastor John
Pastor John is beginning his first-month planting with White Fields, check back soon to read his first update. Until then read below to hear how John became a believer in Jesus.
I would like to thank God because I am alive and walking in his grace. I was born into an Islamic home where was one of the favorite children, our parents loved us, and we enjoyed that love within our family. There was a total of five siblings in our family. One of my brothers was a troublemaker; he would try to get me into trouble or fight with me because he did not like me. He was the oldest in our family, but he was the son of my mother from a previous marriage and was not my father’s child. I was the baby of the family with three older sisters and another older brother. We grew up in the town of Masaka. The reason my stepbrother and I did not get along was that he wanted to receive the family inheritance which was going to be mine, this is the reason why there was so much conflict between us.
When I became a man, I left home and went to Kampala to find work, while there I met an engineer who gave me a job. One of the projects I oversaw was in the town of Rukungiri. When that project wrapped up, I received another assignment there and decided to make Rukungiri my home. One day on the radio I heard someone preaching the Gospel, this preacher shared of an event the church was having, and I decided to go. I went to the crusade they were talking about to learn more about the Gospel, and that is how I came to the knowledge of Christ.
After living in Rukungiri for several months, I decided to return to my parent’s house and tell them about my new found faith in Jesus. When I arrived home, I found out my father had just passed away, before he died however he made an oath that I would be the one to become the spiritual leader of the family. Growing up as a Muslim I would read the Koran and help my father perform sacrifices to evil spirits; this is why my father had said I would become the spiritual leader of our family.
I told my mother and siblings that I was now a Christian and that I could not do this since I believe in Jesus Christ. I was informed that there were no fools in our family and to not become the spiritual leader would be a foolish thing to do. My family told me they would give me two options. I could be stupid and follow Jesus Christ if I did I would be forced to leave the family and give inheritance to my siblings. Or I could reject my faith become the leader of the household and receive the inheritance. Because of this ultimatum, I asked if they would allow me two days to think about my answer.
I had two days and one night to decide and give them an answer. That evening I went, and prayed, while I was praying I remembered in Genesis 12 the passage of scripture where God was calling to Abraham. At the remembrance of this scripture, I began to denounce every covenant (to evil spirits) I had made. I denied every pact and agreement I knew I was personally involved in when it came to Spirit worship. (Covenants in Uganda are made by sacrificing the blood of cows and other animals.) As I began to pray the shrine in the room caught on fire (on its own/by itself). My family knew I was praying in that place and when the shrine caught on fire they came in thinking I was attempting to destroy it. They dragged me outside, beat me up, and threw me in jail.
While in prison my stepbrother came and paid one of the prisoner’s and one of the guards to murder me. The prisoner who had been paid by my brother came to me and asked what I had done to be in prison. He described the man who came and paid him to kill me, it was then that I discovered it was my brother who was arranging this. The prisoner told me that my brother had paid a guard to kill me as well and that if anything were to happen to me, my brother was the one behind it.
He asked why we were fighting and I explained how the shrine had caught fire, and he said,”That is the only reason?” “I was also paid 50,000 to beat you up, but if this the reason you guys are fighting I don’t want any part of this.” The next day I went to work because I was on the roster, (prisoners in Uganda work in jail as a part of community service) at the end of the day when the rest of the prisoners were returning to the prison I was pulled out from the group. One of the guards took me up the road to a field with three trees and had me start digging with a hoe. When I began to dig with the hoe, it went through a root and broke, so I was no longer able to use it. It was at that moment that the guard cocked his AK47 to shoot me.
In my heart, I felt someone tell me to turn around and look at him. I dropped the hoe and heard the voice say again to turn around and look at him. As I turned the guard took two steps backward, the voice inside me told me to step toward him. It said that if he took three steps backward I should take three steps forward towards him, and that is what I did. The guard once again took two steps back, and I took two steps forward, looking in his eyes this whole time. He took six more steps backward, and I went forward six more steps. The guard lowered his gun and turned away and said go back to work. I felt that I should go back and continue digging like he told me to. When I turned and began walking back to the hole the guard attached the bayonet to his gun and sprinted towards me stabbing me in the back three times. Each time he stabbed me he pulled the bayonet all the way out and thrust it all the way back in. The last thing I remember as I laid on the ground was him yelling out the word “fallen.” By the time the prisoners picked up my body to take me away they knew I was dead, so they took me to the prison morgue. While there they had another prisoner come and wash my body. I was covered in blood, as the prisoner began to clean my body, he checked underneath my armpit and felt my heart beating and knew that I was still alive. He went back and told the other guards that I was not dead, when asked how he was aware that I was alive he lifted up my arm and said,”I checked his heart.” When they realized I was not dead, they took me from the morgue to the hospital. Now the guards had already called my home and told my brother and siblings that I was dead.
When my mother came to see my body, the guards told her that I was alive and in the hospital. My mom found me and placed me in a different hospital so my stepbrother would not find me. My stepbrother was very rich, and he had the power to have me killed again, so I was sent away secretly. My mother, however, had to sell a piece of land to bribe the guards at the prison to tell my brother I was, in fact, dead. After I had healed, I returned home, and my good brother came and found me and said,” Welcome back.” My good brother told me that I would have to leave and not come back or I would be killed my stepbrother again. So I went to Kampala, but my brother found out I was alive and again sent people after me. Therefore I returned to Rukungiri and have lived here ever since. The Lord has protected and guided me; I am forever thankful for the life He has given me and the gift of His salvation!