This past month, we made a new contact. The contact was met in our DSWD’s 4P’s: Family Development Session. After we shared the topic about the Family Value, we shared the gospel with them. One of the women at the session, Sis. Femi, was full of tears and hatred in her heart as she shared about her husband who does not have a job. She is the one who works to provide for their family needs. Another thing that has caused her hatred was when her brother-in-law molested her eldest daughter, and that caused her to experience trauma. Since then, every time she tries to hug her daughter, she resists, and it seems that she still has fear in her heart. Sis. Femi reported it to the authorities, but it was her husband who did the apologies for her brother, and the brother promised not to do it again. It is a complicated situation because his brother provides a lot of financial support for them. As we prayed, we tried to show sympathy and tenderness. We also tried to project all the love we can to Sis. Femi. We assured her that she has done the right thing in sharing the problem, and we let her know that we are willing to help. We read the Scripture in the book of Isaiah 26:3-4, “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal.” We prayed and asked God for peace and healing, for Sis. Femi’s daughter, and her whole family. Our plan of follow-up is to have a regular Bible study in their home, as the family is willing to do.
- Please pray for healing for Sis. Femi’s daughter, and that she may experience continuous peace from God. Please pray also for peace and healing for Sis. Femi and her family.
One of our youth leaders, Sis. Beth, is leading the cell group for our youth. Both of her parents are believers, but due to a sad experience from the past, they no longer attend a Christian church. But by God’s grace, we encouraged them, and now together with her sister, they are consistently attending the church. She is now also serving on our praise team.
We are planning to have a training clinic about “evangelism explosion” and it will be held on Sundays, starting in 2017, if it is God’s will. We would like to train our leaders in the field of soul winning. We also have a plan of enhanced leadership training and discipleship for our leaders.
- Please pray for souls to be won for Christ during our message on the gospel and evangelism.
I would like to share with you about a rising epidemic amongst our youth. From The National Youth Commission (NYC)…
“The NYC is extremely alarmed by the unprecedented spike in HIV infection among our youth. HIV/AIDS is one of the most urgent concerns facing the Filipino youth today. Our young people are at risk and vulnerable,” chair Aiza Seguerra said. “The HIV epidemic in our country has a new face and it is the face of a young person,” the NYC chief added. Citing official statistics, the youth commission said 62 percent of new HIV cases in the country this year were among young people between 15 and 24 years old. “Out of the 29 Filipinos who get infected every day in the Philippines, more than half or 19 are 15 to 24 years old. Twenty-five out of the 29 are 15 to 30 years old,” said NYC commissioner Percival Cendana. The Department of Health (DoH) projects that more than 55,000 Filipinos will get infected with HIV this year.
- Please join us in praying for the AIDS patients who seek help. We need to treat them with compassion. Please pray for our youth who are affected by HIV, that they will encounter our Lord Jesus and be saved.