We are committed to developing healthy, self-sustaining national churches.
The pastor and his family live among their people at the standard of living in their community. We provide a full-time salary for the first year and then gradually decrease the amount each year as the local church of new believers takes on the responsibility of their pastor’s salary.
We support indigenous pastors in their own countries, working among their own people.
In this way, language and cultural barriers are non-existent, and the message of the Gospel can spread more quickly. The ministry continues even during a political upheaval or natural disaster because the pastors are citizens and will remain in their country. Our focus is global; we support pastors p
We choose men who work with the accountability, oversight, and encouragement provided by our Field Directors and visits by our President and Board Members.
Our pastors have accountability through the international visits of our President and Board Members, the local oversight of our Field Directors, and a committee composed of missionaries and local pastors. These committees review reports, visit the churches, and encourage pastors who are trained to begin planting a church. Our President and Board of Directors give final approval for all support.
Our vision is that the White Fields approach will be recognized and embraced as an efficient way for North American Christians to participate personally in advancing the Great Commission. Invite our team to visit your church and share it in a Sunday School class or with your Mission Committee.
The Lord may call you to go on a mission for a short while or the length of your entire life, but He may also call you to serve at your home and give financially so national pastors can reach their people. Your support will allow them to minister full-time. National pastors live like the people they are reaching. They provide a living example of a biblical believer in the context of their culture. The bottom line for each of us is to be faithful and fulfill the purpose of the Lord in our lives. The Apostle John commended Gaius in 3 John when he said.
“Beloved, you are acting faithfully in whatever you accomplish for the brethren, and especially when they are strangers; and they have testified to your love before the church. You will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God. For they went out for the sake of the Name, accepting nothing from the Gentiles. Therefore we ought to support such men, so that we may be fellow workers with the truth.” 3 John 1:5-8
Our President, Stephen Wheeler, visits our churches all around the world.