[Editor’s note: individual pastor’s pages may be updated more sporadically as telephone and internet lines are not consistently accessible, and communication is becoming increasingly more challenging due to the political situation. We are in contact with our field director, and he is communicating with the pastors in their fields to provide support and encouragement. Please remember these believers in your prayers.]
Young people from our churches diligently study in Bible College led by our pastors and professors. During the years of education they learn theology and church leadership. They are also trained in sharing the gospel so they can serve as evangelists in the community where they participate in the local church.
[Donate To Scholarship Students]
Many churches in Myanmar need help with construction and building maintenance.
The churches are located in impoverished communities and also suffer by the violence between rebels and military control under the current government unrest. [Support Construction]
The political situation in our area is worse and fighting is happening many times in our city. Bullets have hit our church building and made many marks on the walls, but the Lord has protected us and we are all safe because of your prayer help…. (Continue Reading)
Unfortunately, Mokha storm destroyed the roof and wall of their church building. Pastor King Talyn and his members repaired it last month. Some houses of the church members were also affected, and we are doing our best to help them rebuild. Pray for the repair work of the church and the houses…. (Continue Reading)
We ask for a special prayer request of U. (Mr) Maung San and Daw (Mrs.) Mar Mergret, they are Burmese nationals. Their house was destroyed and they were chased out of the place because it belongs to one rich man…(Continue Reading)
We have reached several people in Yukyi with the gospel message. Among them is a woman named Ma (Ms). Ih Ih Naing, who had accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Savior this summer. When I met her, she had a problem with debt… (Continue Reading)
Pray that we can build our church building. We did our best to get the wood and the gathering was completed. But when we tried to build, the chief and authorities of the village have forbidden it. Please pray that we will have permission to complete our church building…. (Continue Reading)
Your Prayers Are Needed
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As we are encountering political and economic crises, the prices of things are increasing almost every day. This inflation has affected my church members and the people around us; many are jobless and so have no income. There are a lot of robbers, thieves, and pickpockets everywhere. .. (Continue Reading)
With guiding fundamentals and nurturing foundations of trust, a Bible School was created so that church leaders and evangelists are trained to expand the outreach of the gospel. The model of supporting national pastors has proven fruitful in Myanmar. There are many areas that still need an evangelical church.
As our network of national pastors increases, we are expanding outside of the capital into the difficult and unreached regions of Myanmar. These areas lack basic infrastructure, roads, electricity, and communications; many times, they are also closed access — restricted to foreigners — but are areas national pastors can reach because they are citizens and know the culture and how to live within the extreme conditions. Our work continues to grow in Myanmar, and your help in supporting national pastors makes that possible.