October 2017
I always thank God, every time I remember all of you. I praise God for all the blessings He has bestowed on me, my family and the ministry of Riverside Berean Gospel Church. I thank God for all your prayers and support. I praise the Lord for growing the church planting ministry; I started in Barangay Rizal, San Carlos City, Negros Occidental Philippines. I have seen the grace and power of God working in the lives of His children by transforming them and becoming faithful believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
I praise God for the life of Erwin Dayanan whom I have witnessed transform from being a drug addicted, unfaithful husband to his wife Noeda, and an irresponsible father to his three children. He has become free from drug addiction and has been faithful and responsible to his wife and children.
Erwin Dayanan has been a great burden to his wife Noeda due to his vices. When I opened a Bible Study in their home every Monday evening, Erwin was hesitant in attending the Bible Study at first, but with the persistent prayers of his wife and the church, he is now faithfully attending the Bible’s study. In fact, He involves himself in the many activities of the church and has invited many of his neighbors and friends to the Bible study. Thank God for the growing numbers of attendance in the church during our Sunday worship.
The church leaders are doing a great job sharing the Gospel with their neighbors, friends, and family. I am blessed to see these children and workers of the Lord growing in His grace and mercy. I thank God for using my life and choosing me to serve Him in the church planting ministry. I am grateful to God for the support of my family and the work He has entrusted to us.
The joy of serving the Lord is incomprehensible. Serving God is a great honor and blessing, only God can give and satisfy.
I am very thankful that the Lord has blessed me with church brethren and leaders who are very supportive of their pastor. The members and church leaders respect and pray for their pastor. I was touched to see the messages given to me by some members of the church during our Pastor’s Appreciation Sunday. It was heartwarming, and I am thankful to the Lord for making me and choosing me to be His servant.
I thank God for healing my self, my children, Jazz 5 and Isaac four months old, from a cough and fever last month. It was heartbreaking to see my children getting sick. But God’s grace and healing are powerful. I also thank the Lord for providing all our needs financially through the support of the Whitefield’s Ministry.
- Pray for good health for my family and me.
- Pray for Erwin Dayanan and Noeda Dayanan would continue to be faithful in serving the Lord especially the Bible study in their home every Monday evening.
- Pray for growth in the lives of the members and leaders of Riverside Berean Gospel Church.
- Pray for wisdom for all the decisions my wife and I will face in our lives.
- Pray that God will bless the church with a church lot and building.
Pastor Jason
September 2017
I want to praise and thank the Lord for all the amazing things He has done in my life. I am very humbled that God has chosen me to serve Him in the church planting ministry. I thank and praise God for the 11 newly baptized believers in our fellowship. I am in awe of God’s faithfulness! These believers are the result of a Bible Study of our Men’s Basketball Fellowship and the Youth ministry.
These are the names of the 11 who got baptized: 1. Ker Joseph 2. Jechel 3. Jacqueline 4. Regine 5. Erwin 6. Jyra 7. Julie 8. Jessa 9. Jessa 10. Christodolos 11. Berting.
I am very thankful to the committed leaders of the church for their support and dedication in serving the Lord. I am praising God for the life of the leaders of the church because they see and know the needs of the church and have helped me go and spread the gospel to the people near our area, as well as the surrounding communities. Please help us pray for the new converts and their families. Pray that the Lord is a blessing in their life and that the leaders who serve the church will continue to preach the gospel.
I am thankful to God for healing me from the flu as well as my 5-year-old daughter and 3-month-old son from a fever, cough, and runny nose. My children and I got sick these last weeks due to climate changes and viral infections in our community. A cough and fever are rapid in our community this past week, and many children and adults suffered from it. But I give thanks to the Lord Almighty for healing us and making us healthy again. It is not easy to be sick while your young children are also sick. But our God is the greatest physician of all and heals all kinds of diseases. To God be the Glory for everything that He has done in my life and my family’s life as well. I also praise the Lord for allowing me to be part of the church planting ministry He has entrusted to me. I am very thankful for White Fields Ministry who have been my constant partner in prayers here in the Philippines. Thank you to all the supporters for the trust and opportunity to be a church planter.
Please pray for the following prayer concerns:
- Pray for the 11 baptized believers, that they will continue to grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
- Pray for good health for me, my wife, and children Jazz (5) and Isaac (three months old.)
- Pray for God’s wisdom in all the decisions that I will be making.
- Pray for our church leaders that they will continue to serve the Lord joyfully and faithfully.
- Pray that there will be more souls who will accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
Your co-laborer, Pastor Jason Magalona
August 2017
I thank God for the great opportunity of sharing the gospel with many of our contacts in Barangay Rizal here in San Carlos City. I praise Him for the courage He has given me in sharing His Word with people in our church planting area. During our evangelism, I met Letichia, a 43-year-old woman that has two grandchildren living with her and her husband. She was so excited when we shared God’s Word; she was very open to know the salvation God has given to us through His Son, Jesus Christ. When I shared the gospel, she immediately accepted the Lord Jesus Christ in her heart and opened her house to have a bible study. I praise God for Letichia, who is very eager to know and grow in the Lord Jesus Christ. Letichia recently underwent surgery in her uterus, and she thanked the Lord for saving her life and providing all the finances that they needed during the surgery.
I also thank the Lord for the lives of Mylene and Enricky who also accepted the Lord Jesus Christ when we visited their home together with Marissa, one of our church leaders. Mylene and Enricky are neighbors, and they too are very willing to know more about God through Bible study. Both are housewife’s, and their husbands are farmers. We thank and praise the Lord for the many opportunities of holding bible studies in many of the people’s homes where we shared God’s Word. Truly the Lord is at work in the church planting community of Barangay Rizal.
I thank the Lord that Pastor Cris Paño could visit the ministry and church here at Riverside Berean Gospel Church in San Carlos City. I shared with him how the ministry started and how faithful God is to the lives of every believer in this church.
Please pray for us with the following concerns:
- Please pray for the new believers, Letichia, Mylene and Enricky that they will grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Please pray for good health for me, Omega, Kezia, Jazz and our two-month baby Caleb Isaac as the weather in our place is always changing.
- Please pray for the newly opened bible studies in many homes in Barangay Rizal.
- Please pray for wisdom and God’s guidance in all the decisions we will be making for our family and ministry.
- Please pray for courage for our church leaders, and pray that they will always be faithful to the Lord.
Thank you, our dear White Fields brethren, for all the support in the church planting ministry in Barangay Rizal. The Lord will shower all the blessings and good health for you and your family. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
July 2017
We always thank the Lord for your continued support in the church planting ministry of Riverside Berean Gospel Church in San Carlos City, Negros Occidental, Philippines. Thank you all our White Fields, partners. Thank you for your prayers and financial support. We give back all the glory and honor to GOD alone! PRAISE THE LORD!
The Lord has always shown us His greatness and might in the ministry He has entrusted my wife and I. I am so overwhelmed with how God provides for all our needs and the growth of the people who are in our fellowship.
On July 22, 2017, we had ten believers who were obedient to our Lord Jesus Christ and were baptized by water. We are very thankful on how God works in amazing ways. The ten new baptized believers are committed to follow the Lord and serve Him in the different ministries of the church.
On July 30, 2017, we were so blessed to celebrate the 3rd year anniversary of Riverside Berean Gospel Church. It was indeed a celebration of God’s faithfulness and goodness in the growing ministries of the church. We are so blessed to see how true and faithful our Almighty God is. For three years the church planting ministry and church members have grown in their faith and relationship with the Lord. We have also witnessed their faithfulness in their home Bible studies, Sunday worship, prayer meetings, and the different activities and ministries of the church. I am very blessed that for the past 11 years in the Church Planting ministry I have seen the amazing work and faithfulness of our God. I have experienced how God meets all my needs and my family’s needs in amazing ways. I am so blessed and very thankful that He has chosen me to serve Him in the church planting ministry.
Please pray for the following:
- Please pray for good health for my whole family and I. My wife Omega and our children Keziah Jazz and Caleb Isaac.
- Please pray for wisdom from God especially in leading the church of Riverside Berean Gospel.
- Please pray for healing for my sister in-law, Bethel, as she has just undergone surgery for breast cancer.
- Please pray for the brethren and the leaders of the church that they will continually grow in their relationship with the Lord.
- Please pray for peace and harmony among the members and leaders of the church, and that God’s love will abound in each of their hearts.
Yours in Christ, Pastor Jason
June 2017
Dear White Fields Brethren,

Greetings, in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I praise God for giving my family and I good health and for the strength and wisdom He gives us to continue the ministry He entrusted to us. We are praising God for the new people who attend church each week. The leaders of the church are growing as they attend the Basic Pastoral Theology class. Their relationship with the Lord continues to grow as I teach the leaders of the church the foundations of our beliefs and faith by knowing the life of Christ. They are learning the very reason why He came to earth and gave His life for us. I am very blessed with the life of Jennilyn who is one of our new bible study attendees. Jennilyn participates and is eager to learn more about the Word of God. She has two children, Gerald eleven years old and Anna Marie, three years old. Her husband, Edwin works in construction near Leyte, Philippines. We have our Bible study at their house every Monday afternoon. I thank God for Jennilyn’s willingness to learn and open her home each week.

My wife and I are very thankful for all your prayers for the safe delivery of our second child Caleb Isaac. My wife delivered our baby boy on June 21st, we prayed and asked the Lord for a healthy arrival, and the Lord answered all of our prayers. Our God is an Almighty God and has done wonders in our lives. We thank our White Fields supporters, for your prayers and financial support. It is a blessing to do the ministry and our family’s daily need. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
Please pray for the following concerns:
- Pray for wisdom in every decision and situation that I must go through, and that everything my family and I do will bring Glory and honor to God!
- Please pray for my health, my wife, and our children Keziah and Caleb.
- Please pray for Jennilyn that she will continue to grow in her relationship with the Lord.
- Pray for Jennilyn’s husband, Edwin that he too will receive the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior.
- Continue to pray for the church leaders as they lead Bible studies and share God’s Word with their families and friends.
- Pray that the leadership team will be united in serving the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Thank you, and God bless you all!
In His Service,
Pastor Jason M. Magalona
May 2017
Truly our God is great and awesome in all the ministries He has entrusted to me at Riverside Berean Gospel Church. I am praising the Lord for I have seen how He works in the lives of the leaders in the church and how they grow maturely in doing and advancing in God’s Kingdom.
I am thankful to God for the life of Josephine, who is already 32 years old and a mother of three. Josephine was invited to Bible study by Michelle, one of our church leaders. The life of Josephine is quite complicated before she came to know and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ in her life. She used to be a prostitute and her children have different fathers. One day, Michelle visited her in her home and asked her if she can pray for her. She then said yes and Michelle prayed for her. After praying, Michelle asked her if she is willing to learn God’s Word through Bible study. Praise the Lord that Josephine is actively attending our Bible study every Thursday and she is also actively attending our prayer meeting every Wednesday and Zumba ministry for women every Saturday. We are thankful to the Lord that Josephine has surrendered her life to God and is willing to be transformed and be made new as a person who has a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.
I am grateful to the Lord for He has molded and used my life to share His Word to the people who are lost and seeking for the truth.
This week, two of our church members Soledad who is 90 years old and Marybeth who is 41 years old, joined our Lord for eternity in heaven. I praise God for their lives and their faithfulness to God until their last breath here on earth. I thank the Lord because the family of Soledad are all Christians and had received Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
Please pray for Marybeth’s family because she is the only believer in her family, but despite her passing away, her mother allowed and permitted us to hold a short funeral service, as requested by Marybeth before she died. I told her parents and the rest of Marybeth’s family that Marybeth requested to have a service during her wake because she was concerned about her life and their destination after their death. Marybeth is already in heaven and is at peace with the Lord. I praised the Lord that Marybeth’s mother and her son, Jaguar Jimenez, accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior after they heard the message. While Marybeth was still alive and suffering from her illness, her family was persecuting her faith in the Lord. But regardless of what she has been through, she still attended each Sunday service.
Thank you our dear White Fields supporters for your continued prayers and for supporting us financially in the ministry that the Lord has entrusted to us. We are so grateful to all of you and how you blessed us with your generosity. We pray that the Lord will bless you a hundredfold and give you all good health.
Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for good health for me, my wife Omega and our daughter Jazz.
- Please pray for strength and a normal delivery for my wife in June
- Please pray for Josephine spiritual growth
- Please pray for comfort for the families of Soledad and Marybeth.
- Please pray for unity for all the members of Riverside Berean Gospel Church.
Your in Christ, Jason
March 2017
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord for the amazing works He has done this month. I am thanking the Lord for the lives of the ten new believers who followed the Lord Jesus Christ in water baptism on March 11, 2017. These are Bingbing, Ruth, Jessa Jane, Rhealyn, Roxanne, Jenny Ann, Julianna, Frank, Mark, and Dennis. Thank God for the dedication He has given to these believers who surrendered their lives to follow our Lord Jesus Christ and the ministries He will entrust to them in the future. Before the baptism of these ten believers, I was able to have a baptismal class with them. Praise God because they all understood the importance and symbolism of water baptism and we are praying that they will continue to follow and serve God all the days of their lives.
I am thanking God for healing me from a boil on my head. I have been not feeling well for the past two weeks for the boil on my head caused a terrible headache which resulted to the redness in my left eye. I went to see a doctor for a check-up, and he gave me medicine. I am praising God for providing healing in His powerful name! We are thankful to the Lord for allowing my wife and I to conceive a baby boy based on the ultrasound of my wife. We are excited for the coming of our second baby very soon.
We thank all of our dear White Fields supporters for your continued prayers and financial support which helps us as a family in the ministry so much. We pray for you every day and know God will bless you a hundredfold for your generosity and faithfulness to Him.
Please pray for the following prayer concerns and requests:
- Please pray for the ten newly baptized believers that they will continue to be faithful in the Lord and serve Him all the days of their lives.
- Please pray for the Bible studies I have in the urban area.
- Please pray for God’s protection in the lives of the members of Riverside Berean Gospel Church that peace, unity, and love will abound.
- Please pray for good health for my wife Omega and our upcoming baby. Pray that we would have a healthy baby and a safe and normal delivery.
- Please pray for me that God will guide me and give me wisdom in all the decisions that I make and that everything I do will give glory and honor to God.
In His Service,
Pastor Jason Magalona
December 2016
Greetings in the most precious Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Truly our God is great and awesome in all the ministries that He has entrusted to me at Riverside Berean Gospel Church. I am praising the Lord for I have seen how He works in the lives of the leaders in the church.
I am thankful to God for the life of Nanay Baring, who is 72 years old and the mother of one of our leaders in the church. Despite the pain she has in her body, she still faithfully attend our church services, Bible study, and prayer meetings. We are blessed by how faithful she is to the Lord and how she dedicates her remaining days to serve and worship the Him.
- Please pray for good health for Nanay Baring, and that she will continue to be faithful to the Lord.

I am grateful to the Lord for the lives of two brothers, Bryan and Mark. Mark is 17 years old and Bryan is 15 years old. These brothers are helping their parents by getting some sand and gravel in the nearby river. Their parents do not have a fixed income because they are unemployed. They brothers also study very hard. All the eight members of their family have been to church and are faithfully attending the church services and cottage prayer meetings. Mark has been staying with us since last month so we can help him with his education, and above all, help him grow in his relationship with the Lord. We also have plans to have Bryan stay with us because we can see their hardship in their family in getting food for the day, and how to go to school without any allowances and or fare for the tricycle. My wife and I have seen the faithfulness of Bryan and Mark in the church and their determination to go to school despite the lack of allowances and food. We are thankful to God that we have seen contentment and joy in the lives of Bryan and Mark; that no matter how hard life is, there are many reasons to be thankful.
- Please pray for Bryan and Mark, that God will provide and allow them to finish their studies.
- Please pray for my wife, as she is pregnant with our 2nd child. Her pregnancy is quite delicate; she has been on bed rest for two months now and is also on leave from her work.
- Please pray for good health for me, my wife Omega, and our daughter Jazz.
- Please pray for unity and one heart and mind for all the members of Riverside Berean Gospel Church.
Thank you, dear White Fields supporters, for your continued prayers and support in the ministry that the Lord has entrusted to us. We are so grateful for all of you! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
May 2016
Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I praise God for all the blessings and for the opportunity of sharing His Word to the people who seek Him earnestly.
I am thankful that God has given me the privilege of sharing the Gospel to Randy who is from barangay Rizal, San Carlos City. He has had a very challenging life with all the hardships he has experienced. I shared with him that God loves him unconditionally, regardless of all the past mistakes that we have done in our lives. He opened up and confessed to me that he was a gun for hire and has killed many before. I remained calm while he shared about his life and story. He told me that he was sentenced to jail for the rest of his life for the accusation of murder. His mother could not accept the sentence of the judge; she died after a year of him being in prison. He could not accept what had happened to his mother. However, he remains thankful that after 15 years of imprisonment, he was given a parole by the government. Because of that, he was able to be with his family and children. I told him that God has a purpose for his life because He has given him another chance to change his ways. He got emotional as I prayed for him. I praise God because he understood God’s Word and the grace and salvation Christ has given to him!
- Please pray for Randy, that he will grow in his new relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. That in spite of all the things that he has done, that he will feel and know God’s forgiveness. That he will live a life that is new and will let God take control of his life.
The brethren of Riverside Berean Gospel church and I praise God for the blessings he has given to us and for hearing our prayers. Specifically, we have the opportunity to have our own church lot and building that we have been praying for. We believe that by God’s grace and time, that he will provide the means to do so. I also praise God for healing my daughter from fever and illness.
- Please pray for the means and needs for the church lot and building.
- Please pray for good health and protection for me, my wife, and family.
Thank you dear White Fields supporters for all the prayers for us and support. We pray daily for you as well.
Pastor Jason