Stay updated on future trips by visiting our website or email to let us know where you want to minister. When a trip is scheduled, we will alert you.
Some people are available to visit one of our churches and use the gifts God has granted them to assist and advance the cause of Christ. These trips require preparation and planning. You may be interested in participating in several possible trips next year.
- You are responsible for raising your funds to cover the trip’s costs.
- The application form requires your testimony of how you became a believer in Jesus.
- You will also need to provide a recommendation from your pastor or a church leader stating that they believe you would be an excellent resource for our team.
- Travel can be exhausting, so you need to prepare for the adventure.
- You will meet new friends and have experiences that will expand your knowledge and test your faith.
Even if you cannot attend, you can support one of our teams in reaching their financial goals. You may designate your gift by putting the team member’s name and the country in your checkout’s “note” section.
Support the Dental Short-Term Trip to the Philippines in 2024.
Our Partner in the Dental Ministry is leading a team to Cebu in July 2024. Your donation will help provide medical supplies for dental procedures. The team has already covered their travel costs, and everyone is ready to go. Matt and Jamie will lead a team to provide dental care for children in an orphanage, as well as check-ups and dental care for our pastors and their families. Write – Philippines Dental Trip in the notes line of your online donation – or on the memo line of your check.
Minister in Uganda In July of 2024: The team is scheduled
You will visit homes in remote regions and proclaim the gospel to the families in a village where our church is getting started.
You will experience church in a whole new way
You will have the opportunity to meet many new people
A possible trip to Japan:
You will lead a VBS for children during the week.
Be prepared for fun and new food
You will visit beautiful places and have new experiences
Meet our VBS Team, which ministered in Japan in 2019. The team was beyond blessed, working with the pastor and church leaders. The children who attended the week-long English-speaking vacation bible school heard the gospel and had opportunities to ask questions.
Another Possible Trip is to Cebu – Philippines
Minister at a Youth Camp Weekend
Use Musical Gifts to lead worship or share the Scriptures in Devotions
Minister alongside one of our pastors visiting homes and sharing the gospel. Help improve digital technology ministry, and minister to children, and adults.
You will bring relief to the needy;
you might even make a brick!
Take the First Step
- You must have a current passport to participate in one of these trips.
- The trip to Uganda also requires a visa for entry.
- You must also have a Yellow Fever Vaccine to enter Uganda.
- We will help prepare you for the rest of the travel, including the visa application and medical preparation assistance.
- The best way to get started is to contact our office and fill out the initial application.
We can answer any other questions you may have. Call (760) 846-8610 or email –