Serving little ones as a mother is never an easy task in life. Mothers fulfill the incredibly powerful role of nourishing and protecting the infant human life in their bodies until delivering the child at birth. The job is not finished at birth, intense as that process may be. In continuation of that role, mothers raise the children of the next generation. Birth brought the child into a hostile world. A newborn baby is not capable of surviving without a caregiver; God blessed them with a mother. Mothers, including adoptive moms, spend countless sacrificial hours guiding, encouraging and nourishing children into adulthood.
[Read more…] about Motherhood: A Strenuous OccupationMethod of White Fields
Stay updated on future trips by visiting our website or email to let us know where you want to minister. When a trip is scheduled, we will alert you.
Some people are available to visit one of our churches and use the gifts God has granted them to assist and advance the cause of Christ. These trips require preparation and planning. You may be interested in participating in several possible trips next year.
- You are responsible for raising your funds to cover the trip’s costs.
- The application form requires your testimony of how you became a believer in Jesus.
- You will also need to provide a recommendation from your pastor or a church leader stating that they believe you would be an excellent resource for our team.
- Travel can be exhausting, so you need to prepare for the adventure.
- You will meet new friends and have experiences that will expand your knowledge and test your faith.
Even if you cannot attend, you can support one of our teams in reaching their financial goals. You may designate your gift by putting the team member’s name and the country in your checkout’s “note” section.
Support the Dental Short-Term Trip to the Philippines in 2024.
Our Partner in the Dental Ministry is leading a team to Cebu in July 2024. Your donation will help provide medical supplies for dental procedures. The team has already covered their travel costs, and everyone is ready to go. Matt and Jamie will lead a team to provide dental care for children in an orphanage, as well as check-ups and dental care for our pastors and their families. Write – Philippines Dental Trip in the notes line of your online donation – or on the memo line of your check.

Minister in Uganda In July of 2024: The team is scheduled
You will visit homes in remote regions and proclaim the gospel to the families in a village where our church is getting started.

You will experience church in a whole new way

You will have the opportunity to meet many new people

A possible trip to Japan:
You will lead a VBS for children during the week.

Be prepared for fun and new food

You will visit beautiful places and have new experiences

Meet our VBS Team, which ministered in Japan in 2019. The team was beyond blessed, working with the pastor and church leaders. The children who attended the week-long English-speaking vacation bible school heard the gospel and had opportunities to ask questions.
Another Possible Trip is to Cebu – Philippines
Minister at a Youth Camp Weekend

Use Musical Gifts to lead worship or share the Scriptures in Devotions

Minister alongside one of our pastors visiting homes and sharing the gospel. Help improve digital technology ministry, and minister to children, and adults.

You will bring relief to the needy;
you might even make a brick!

Take the First Step
- You must have a current passport to participate in one of these trips.
- The trip to Uganda also requires a visa for entry.
- You must also have a Yellow Fever Vaccine to enter Uganda.
- We will help prepare you for the rest of the travel, including the visa application and medical preparation assistance.
- The best way to get started is to contact our office and fill out the initial application.
We can answer any other questions you may have. Call (760) 846-8610 or email –
You can mail donations by check to:
White Fields
P.O. Box 1839
San Marcos, CA 92079-1839
Our National Pastors travel into the remote villages and mountain areas to reach people that are otherwise cutoff from civilization. The roads are often just dirt; created by the wearing down of walkers and then the occasional vehicle. In order to proclaim the gospel and bring the Good News of faith in Jesus Christ – the pastors need a way to travel to these places.

White Fields set up this transportation fund specifically to help with the various projects that will provide transportation for our pastors and ministry teams

In addition to the motorbikes, Whitefields provides pastors with safety gear. Roads are often rocky, and traffic is less organized than on industrial streets, so we give the pastors equipment to ride safely.

We want to provide
All Wheel Drive Vehicle

We also have teams that travel to visit the church sites. Sometimes they bring evangelists, musicians, and other ministers to give services for a weekend or short time. The teams that travel, need more than a motorbike so we will provide a van for bringing the group.

You can help us provide transportation so the pastors can reach more people with the gospel. We also give safety helmets for all riders. Visit our Transportation Store and choose how to give.
Every donation helps us provide transportation to get the pastors into more homes to visit the needy.
The roads can be long and the people far away. But when God opens a door and people want to hear the gospel, our pastors will travel as far as they need to proclaim the Good News.
Pray for their safety and that God will provide the vehicles to bring the gospel to every neighborhood in the country.

We must be global Christians with a global vision because our God is a global God.
John R.W. Stott
The gospel is only good news if it gets there in time.
Carl F.H. Henry

Uganda Bible School
White Fields has a long history of working in Africa. In our early years, our focus was on Zambia, Namibia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. Today, we work in East Africa in the Southwest region of Uganda, which gives us access to train pastors from across the border of Congo and Rwanda. Thanks to partnerships with individuals and churches, such as the Shadow Mountain Mission Committee, our Field Director for Uganda, Onesimus Ngoboka, graduated with his M. Div. from Southern California Seminary in El Cajon, CA.
The Library is Open and Available

The Cargo Container Arrived (See below for a history of the Four-Year Project)
Our post in January 2024: We have a cargo container with nearly 15,000 theological volumes that will soon reach the port in Mombasa, Kenya. Over the next three months, our Short-Term Mission teams will collaborate with our Ugandan Librarian to set up the library and organize all the books on the shelves. The container is expected to arrive by the end of May. Please pray for continued safe journeys and for everything to go smoothly during the transportation by truck from the port all the way to Rukungiri.
Back in January 2024, we were praying that all the hard work being done would arrive safely. Thank you for your continued support and prayers.
Highlights of the cargo container workers gathering and preparing the library in the USA.
Our US Librarian met Joan, our Ugandan Librarian, and they began setting up the library

After the Container Arrived, the work in the Uganda Library began.

The Uganda Bible College provides a tremendous setting for pastors to gather and fellowship, pray together, study the Word of God, and learn to better shepherd God’s flock.

Stephen Wheeler and Pastor Onesimus teach a class on hermeneutics at the Bible College.

Taking a break from classes for lunch.

A View at the beginning when construction of the first classroom building was completed in August 2019.

White Fields Ministry is dedicated to training and equipping new pastors to bring the message of Jesus Christ to the most remote and neglected communities. Since the establishment of the Uganda Bible School in August 2019, we have been actively educating and empowering our pastors and church leaders. James Fazio Th.M., D. Min., Ph.D., Dean of Bible and Theology, and Professor of Biblical Studies, along with Jeremiah Mutie Th.M, Ph.D., Professor of Theology and Church History from Southern California Seminary, journeyed to Uganda to instruct our church leaders during the inaugural week of the Bible school.

Burdened for his people and blessed with a gift of teaching and training young men and their families to become pastors, Onesimus leads our church planting efforts in Africa. Onesimus is pictured with his wife, Betty.
Our pastors may not serve in large cathedrals surrounded by crowds of admiring church attendees, but they are diligent ministers going right into the villages to the homes of people who need the Lord. They stand up to persecution and boldly proclaim biblical truth against all opposition. Through our faithful partners in prayer and finances, we see how God has blessed this area with our gifted leaders, who will have the opportunity to keep growing in their biblical knowledge and, in turn, go out and keep preaching the gospel.

White Fields Ministry looks to transform an entire community, and as part of the local church’s outreach to the community, they have created a government-certified school in their district. Graceland Elementary School. The school has Bible-based courses that teach children the word of God as well as traditional classes like science, reading, math, English, etc. This investment in the future will allow correct theology, discipleship, and Bible teaching to continue for years to come. Some of the children that attend our Elementary school will be our future leaders!

All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent permitted by law. Your financial support from any Country will help us expand the number of pastors starting new churches in their communities. The poor communities we serve have meager offerings at the beginning of their church. But, the support you donate allows us to provide a salary to a national pastor starting that church until the church can support the pastor.
Schedule a donation and establish an automatic recurring monthly gift from your credit card or checking account. If you have any questions or wish to change your automatic contributions, please call (760) 846-8610 and speak to one of our staff, or – email
You may choose the region that you would most like to support. Join us to sustain the families of pastors reaching their communities with the gospel.
Click Below to Donate Through PayPal
There are several projects where you can designate your gift. These projects are designed to enhance the successful start of a church in impoverished and needy communities. Providing a pig, goat, or seeds through our Poverty Solutions can help a new believer in a church gain the ability to produce a sustainable income. These projects focus on solutions, not just handouts. We believe if you teach new believers how to fish instead of just giving them a fish, they will grow in dignity and into the maturity of their new faith. We also include Water Projects which can build water storage tanks or drill wells. These water sources are located at the local church, effectively making the new church an essential community hub. Finally, we also offer Short-Term Mission Trips through our Global Outreach coordination. Your support for these trips can help the individuals who have time and energy to travel into a rural area to minister alongside our church planters.
You may benefit financially by donating stock directly to White Fields, Inc. Please speak to your tax accountant or financial adviser to learn more about your options and potential benefits if you choose to donate the stock directly to White Fields, Inc. You or your financial broker can follow these steps:
- Contact our broker or our staff to receive the appropriate White Fields, Inc. account information for where to make the transfer.
- Notify the White Fields, Inc. office at (760) 846-8610 and speak with one of our staff – or email to provide the following:
- A description of the securities being donated (the Stock Symbol)
- The number of shares
- Your name, address, and phone number
Our Broker: Adam Henderson – (888) 569-2602 or email:
PacWest Investment Group
LPL Financial
Office (951) 795-4746
28459 Old Town Front Street Suite 315
Temecula, CA 92590
This statement does not intend to make any claims of tax advantage or other financial potential gains regarding your financial situation either by White Fields, Inc. or by our LPL Advisor Broker.
White Fields Inc.
P.O. Box 1839
San Marcos, CA 92079-1839
DONATE BY PHONE: (760) 846-8610
We can take donations by phone at our central office number (760) 846-8610.
- We commit to managing the resources God provides with integrity and honesty and to keep you informed about the ministry.
- We keep all your personal and donation information private and secure. Online donations are made on a secure web host.
- We promptly receipt all donations and mail an end-of-the-year summary of all your contributions by mid-January of the following year.
- We submit to an annual Audit/Compilation by Filipovitch & Co. White Fields maintains good standing with Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
White Fields, Inc. is recognized by the United States IRS as a
501(c) 3 non-profit corporation. Incorporated in the State of California.
Privacy Policy: Your privacy is always respected. Your credit or debit card information is safeguarded, and none of your personal information is shared with any other agency. After we receive your gift using your Visa/MasterCard, American Express, or Discover Card online, you will receive an email confirmation immediately that your transaction was successful, and we will send you a White Fields receipt by mail if you provide your address. All Credit Card data is completed on a secure website managed by Paysimple, and no information is stored at our office or on our website.
Complete Privacy Policy of our Website
Starting churches in hard-to-reach communities.

The poor communities we serve have meager offerings at the beginning of their church. But, the support you donate allows us to provide a salary to a national pastor starting that church until the church can support the pastor. The pastor and his family already know the language and the culture, so they are able to live like the people they are serving. Thank you for your partnership with these precious ministers and their families taking the gospel to their people. The churches they start will eventually become self-sustaining. We then provide support to another new church that is just getting started.
You can pray for these pastors by exploring their prayer pages.

Step by Step
Our ministries around the world are making progress every day. The national pastors we support apply hard work, faithful obedience, and diligent perseverance in their ministries. When combined with the prayers of our partners, then by the grace of God, people come to faith in Jesus Christ. Each step in the process builds upon the last step until total transformation takes place. Villages are turned upside down and people walk in a newness of life.