Answers to prayers are vital to the successful start of a church. We won’t have any answers if we don’t bring our requests before the Lord. We have such a tremendous privilege to intercede for the pastors starting churches in their communities. Here are some highlights of the current prayer reports. We have updated the praises and requests on the prayer pages for each pastor. Thank you for your support in prayer.
Argentina, Pastor Matias:
We worked in four neighborhoods: Villa Palito, San Justo, Los Pinos, and Merlo. From Sunday through Thursday we spread out in these places and shared God’s word.
On Tuesday, we had the entire group gather in La Palito. This area, in particular, has been blessed by God because we have seen most of our fruit come from here over the last several years. There are two small group adult meetings, two youth meetings, and one children’s meeting. At least 30 people come to our church from this neighborhood. [Read more about the expanding ministry]
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Yokote, Japan, Pastor Saito:
This city in the far northern region of Japan’s Akita prefecture has a population of nearly 100,000 people but only one evangelical church. The church being started by Pastor Saito needs your prayers. To reach the community they distribute tracts. They have many visitors:
- We are grateful to the Lord for bringing three children to our YY Kids Club.
- I have a non-Christian friend with whom I’ve been meeting monthly
- Tomoko is a visitor who is due to give birth sometime this month
- Junko came to our fellowship
[Pray for all our Japanese pastors working diligently to share the gospel]
Uganda – East Africa:
Pray for our brother, Pastor Elijah Arok. He was one of the SPLA soldiers who fought for the freedom of South Sudan who decades ago helped lead the Lost Boys of Sudan and thousands to safety. Now the Lord has called him to be a pastor who will lead his people to salvation through Jesus Christ and eternal life in heaven. Pastor Elijah was supported by friends in ministry to attend Shepherd’s Seminary in Cary, North Carolina. Now that he has graduated our friends have introduced Pastor Elijah to us so we can help him establish churches among the Sudanese Refugees scattered around neighboring African countries. This timing fits perfectly into the plan that the Lord opened through our ministry in Uganda. There is a large refugee camp near the northern border of Uganda and South Sudan. Please pray for Executive Director Steve Wheeler as he establishes the relationship that will expand our ministry in East Africa. Contact Steve if you would like to support the work in East Africa.
God’s Embassy in Rukungiri:
Many of the children who come to the church are from needy families that struggle with the basic necessities of life. As a church, the members are giving what they are able so that the children are clothed. In this way, we show them the love of God. True religion is to take care of orphans and widows (James 1:27). The church has responded generously and we have received an assortment of clothes.

The Sunday school children (those who are not new) asked if the money they have been collecting for the upcoming Christmas party would be used to help these needy families. They have chosen to. . . [Find Out What the Children Will Do With Their Offering]
Myanmar (Burma):
Pastor Thang
In August, we conducted an evangelistic campaign in my area from the 12th through the 16th. I invited two evangelists to come and speak to the people who came. There were around 40-50 who joined us every day and night from surrounding villages. Out of these, four people repented of their sins and received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Pastor Thang
I had a good experience last month as some co-workers and I went deep into the jungle to cut wood. It was hard, but the Lord gave us success. We brought out four tons of wood. We are planning to sell it in order to make money for the purchase of land for the church plant in Pingyisan village.
Pastor Tan
We experienced heavy rains the past two months, but the ministry of God was not hindered. Two men, Tet Naing Oo (33) and Thein Shwe (49), received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
[Praise God for the Many New Believers – Read more Prayer Reports from Myanmar]
The Middle East:
We should always remember to pray for the families of our pastors. Often they are involved in the ministry as we see in this report from Pastor Amjed: “My wife continues to disciple ladies in the church and visit unbelieving women in their homes. My wife also began a new weekly study for women. They are focusing on salvation and new life in Christ. We asked you to pray last month . . . [Read his whole report]
A Prison Ministry in the Philippines:
Jimbo, an inmate, has been taking the initiative to witness to the new prisoners. He is our contact person inside the jail and is responsible for gathering the prisoners into his cell for Bible study. I am thankful that he has a desire to share salvation with those around him. [Pray for Pastor Abella]