We celebrate with immense joy during this season that we remember the birth of Jesus Christ. The reason we are joyful for his birth is that Jesus was God in the flesh. He was born as a human at just the right time so that he could live his perfect life and then lay down his life, providing the payment for our sin. That is the wonder of his love.
For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die—but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8

We continue to proclaim that message through national pastors in Japan, the Philippines, Myanmar, The Middle East, and Africa. The ministry never grows old, and the Good News is only richer every day as we consider his great mercy and grace. This year has not allowed international travel on a regular scale for our family. Still, we intensified our communication and support through digital methods that allowed all our pastors to receive the help that made them successful in this continually needy world.
We rejoice with the entire team of partners that makes the ministry possible. Our pastors have remained active in the fields during the restrictions placed by their governments. They became even more diligent in their daily ministry because they provided the lifeline for many people locked out of daily laborer jobs that gave the meager income, they used to purchase food. Our pastors’ faithful actions, supported by many generous gifts from our partners, opened the hearts of the people to hear the gospel. These meals became more than just the food to sustain the body for another week of life; they became the example of how Jesus demonstrated his love toward us. Every pastor serves his people because he has dedicated his life to Christ.
As you prepare for the Christmas celebrations, I encourage you to rejoice with all your partners in the gospel around the world. We praise the Lord for his protective care of our Field Directors and the pastoral ministers that continually serve in the face of danger. We do not fight battles of politics or the hazards of a health virus. We are engaged in spiritual warfare against an enemy that fights every effort to proclaim the Good News of forgiveness, and that justification is by faith in Jesus Christ. In this battle, we must fight together. We are thankful for your partnership because, without you, our team would be weaker. May God richly bless you!

For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly.
Romans 5:6
The Gift of Giving Joyful Pastors Preparing the Gifts