During these trying times, our pastors are diligently ministering to the needy in their communities. The demonstration of their faith in action to the impoverished and helpless has a dramatic influence on the lives of people watching. Myanmar pastors are delivering some rice, some vegetables and, cooking oil. These people are delighted, says our Field Director, because they did not receive any help from the government or other organizations. The distribution of the gifts has caused people to give praise to God almighty who created everything. They know the pastors live very meager, the people see our pastors living without much themselves, and yet they are giving these gifts to them.

“For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”
Matthew 17:20
That’s Not All
I received an exciting report from our Field Director in Africa, Pastor Onesimus, this morning. God has been moving among the people in their villages. The pastors are making sure the people are being cared for during the lockdown for the coronavirus. He described the response of two families that have been influenced by our ministry in Kigaga. A Muslim family from the village called pastor Nicholas. Demon forces had attacked this family. We are very aware of the enemy forces that have infiltrated and control the rural communities. Their child was in critical condition and suffering. We have often observed that demonic spirits can afflict people as a way to force family members to provide sacrifices or payments to witchdoctors for relief. This payment and bondage, however, does not truly solve the suffering. That is when families will run to the church for shelter. We thank God that His power far exceeds the power of the evil forces. After prayers, the whole family came to Christ.
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
Ephesians 6:10–12 (ESV)
Even the Witch Doctors are Coming to Faith
Our ministry in Kigaga has been effective, even fighting against many adversaries. The demonic forces are strong in this village. I have been present on numerous occasions to hear testimonies about the bondage by spirits and evil threats by witchdoctors made against the church and new believers in Jesus Christ. We have encountered forces trying to stop the gospel from moving people to faith. In answer to the fervent prayer of the church, God has moved yet again.
Truly an Important Decision Turning from His Evil Giving it All to God
A witch doctor brought his worship articles and set them on fire. He brought them at 6 am; he was tired of the life of evil wanted to get free, so he brought them to the pastor’s home. They fasted and prayed from 6 am to 5 pm, and that is when they set them on fire. The act of burning these articles is a dramatic demonstration of repentance. The witch doctor turns away from those fetishes from which they have made much money and turn to God, giving their life totally to Jesus Christ.
I have heard testimonies of other witch doctors trying to depart from the bondage to the spirits they have served, but that are unwilling to come to Christ. The people in the village have watched those witchdoctors die right on the spot. The spiritual forces of evil are serious and hold many people in bondage, but the gospel of Jesus Christ sets people free. Our pastors battle the forces of darkness in diligent prayer. Pray that God will make them strong in their faith.
The practice of spirit worship is a dangerous and evil activity. So, it is with great joy when one of these former servants of darkness is moved by God to come to faith, and when they publicly proclaim their repentance, everyone watching sees that God will protect them. That is a powerful witness.
And a number of those who had practiced magic arts brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. And they counted the value of them and found it came to fifty thousand pieces of silver. So the word of the Lord continued to increase and prevail mightily.
Acts 19:19-20 (ESV)
Pray with us that the gospel will continue to overcome the dark forces in these villages. God is moving mountains. The testimonies of faith and the transformation of formerly evil people will open the hearts of many more people to listen to the gospel.
One Final Report Today
“Simbalay” means house church. Our God is infinite; He is free from all limitations. He knows everything and has no restrictions. His attributes cannot be exhausted or strained. Although for a time, we can no longer gather in person as a congregation for corporate worship due to the government restrictions but still our hearts and spirits can join in worshiping our Living God in our homes. Our Filipino pastors praise God for the technology that they have available to continue our church ministries and worship services using live-streaming on Facebook.
One day Pastor Lito roamed around the community to check the situation with his church members and found that most had no more food to feed their families. He was heartbroken and was brought to his knees. He asked God to sovereignly provide the daily basic needs of his people just as he provided for his people in the wilderness for forty years. God alone is our creator, owner, and sustainer of all things. You can read the whole story on his prayer page.
By your prayers, you become a partner with our pastors. You don’t have to be the one that delivers every need. We have a Heavenly Father that will supply. Ask him to provide and then rejoice and give thanks when he supplies. Your donations and prayers make a difference.