Pastor Nicholas Testimony

I grew up an orphan; my father died when I was two years old, which affected my education. I only studied up to primary three. I lived with my paternal grandmother, who could not support me in school beyond that level. I moved out of the home to look for work, but every time I went back home, my uncle harassed me. This built up anger in me, and I planned to kill him when I grew old. I left home for Kabale town to train in bodybuilding and kickboxing for 2 years. When I finished my training, I went home, and I still had the desire to kill my uncle. I was earning an income during this time as a bicycle rider, and it was during that year 2000 that I wanted to invade my uncle’s home during the night. The evening I planned to do the mission, I felt tired, so I laid down for a while, but I slept only to be woken up by a dream in which I heard a voice telling me to go to church for prayers. It was getting dark, but still, I walked to a church. I shared with the pastor, who eventually led me to the Lord, and I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I did not go on with my plans to kill my uncle.
Eventually, I moved away and went to work in a different place. I went to another church where the pastor gave me a job taking care of his gardens, and when he saw that I was committed to the church, he let me lead intercession in church. During this time, I felt that I needed to get married, and I tried all the means to get a wife, but I could not for all the girls I approached refused me, saying that I am too poor to be a husband. I contacted my pastor and told him that I needed to marry, but I did not have money, and I did not have parents to give me a hand in this. My pastor was also poor and was struggling to take care of his family; he was not in a position to help. I went to Kampala looking for another job so I could earn some more money and get married secretly. When I met Scovia, she did not mind how poor I was but was happy to marry a believer, and we eloped to avoid the dowry price. I did not attend any church during this time for about a year because I felt that I was wrong for eloping. After I decided to participate in another church, I tried to talk to the pastor about my marriage and how I desired to put it right. He shared about it in church, and the brethren of this church decided to throw a wedding party for us.
They organized themselves and planned a wedding party for my wife and me on 28/11/2012, and it was the first time in my life that I felt happy. After that, I thought I was free to serve the Lord again.
I planted a garden in Mubende that was hit hard by drought, and the yields were not as high as we anticipated. After the maize harvest, we moved to Bwambara—Rukungiri to grow rice, but the same thing with the drought led to a terrible famine, where some people lost their lives in 2017. This was my first time hearing about God’s Embassy Ministries in this location when they came and distributed food to help people out of the famine.
When the rice failed, I moved to Nyakagyeme-Rukungiri to work for someone by taking care of his home. He was not going to pay me since I was free to eat from his gardens. To me, this was like an answered prayer. I was suffering due to a lack of rent money, so working for just food was fine. I visited, joined, and attended multiple different churches, but I did not feel comfortable at any. I decided to seek the Lord to help me know which church I should be part of and when I heard about God’s Embassy Katobo on the radio, I decided to go there on a Sunday morning. My wife and I both liked it and kept going, and our lives were changing positively due to the teaching we were receiving. We joined the fellowship and got involved, and they made me a leader of the intercession at church and later made me a leader of three community fellowships that met on different days, which I have been leading for two years now.
I want to thank the Lord for allowing me to serve Him and His people as a pastor through God’s Embassy and White Fields Ministry.
Recent Ministry:
We have witnessed God’s powerful presence in the life of 76-year-old Rose, a widow living with her two children and her two grandchildren. She had been suffering from illness for six months. Unfortunately, her Catholic religious community did not visit her, as she was considered very poor. We visited her in her home, shared the Word of God, and encouraged her. After inviting her to attend church, she responded to the message of healing and salvation. She was prayed for and encouraged that God heals, and she accepted the good news and gave her life to Christ. Rose is now part of our fellowship, and we praise God for transforming her life.
We are blessed to share the testimony of Edson and Moreen and their two-year-old daughter. Edson maintained his parents’ religion but had no relationship with Jesus Christ, which led him down a destructive path of gambling, alcoholism, and neglecting his family. His life was spiraling out of control. We shared the word of encouragement with him, prayed together, and led him to Christ. Edson’s life has been radically transformed. He has stopped gambling, started taking responsibility for his family, and is now actively involved in church life. Through hard work, Edson has built a house, and his wife, Moreen, is now pursuing vocational training in tailoring. Edson works as a mason and serves in the church’s building committee, while Moreen is in the church choir. We pray that God will continue to open doors of financial blessing for this family, enabling them to serve Him faithfully and take care of their family.

Mrs. Edson Ampumuza with her child.
- We give thanks to God for His faithfulness this month. Through our Thanksgiving offering, we purchased 50 chairs for the church. This is a significant milestone as we no longer have to rent chairs.
- Pray for our pressing needs, including installing power and constructing a permanent church building. We humbly request your continued prayers and support as we strive to meet these needs.
- Pray for our weekly leadership training within the church, which equips our members to participate actively in church ministry.
- Pray for our adult choir, which meets regularly to practice new songs that glorify God. Each practice starts with a time of Word sharing.
- Pray for our youth sports activities and Kingdom Steppers choir.
- Pray for our children’s Young Ambassadors choir, which practices on Saturday afternoons.
- Pray for our church outreach to the community through home visits and fellowships. We currently have four fellowship groups in different locations.

Ongoing Ministry:
We praise God for the new fellowship in the village of Katunguru, in Medard’s home. The fellowship started with five members, but we now have seventy-eight members and twenty-two children. We need to rent the space we meet in because we can no longer fit in Medard’s house.
We see God at work in the life of Namara, a widow with eight children. Currently, three live with her. We met her through our home visits and found that she does not have the funds for school fees for her children. After the death of her husband, due to stress and anxiety, she developed stomach disease. She sought medical attention, but she did not get well. We shared the Word of God with her, she believed, and we led her to Christ. She joined us at church, and the more she came to church and we shared the Word of God with her, the more she learned that she has healing in the stripes of our Lord Christ Jesus. We prayed with her, and the Lord healed her of the stomach disease she had developed. She then, by grace, received help to get her children back to school. We praise God for the provision and hope. Kedress knows that waiting upon the Lord brings renewal of strength from the Lord. She is committed, and her prayer request is that her children grow into loving and believing in the Lord.

We see God at work in the life of Patience, who was pregnant with twins and asked for prayer to protect her and her babies during the birth. She had miscarried three consecutive times. God heard our prayers. She dedicated her children to God, and we pray for the good health of her twins.
We praise God for the new believers who we baptised.

We thank God for this month for the return of church members who left the church to follow false preachers who taught them they must leave their husbands to serve God. The women confessed to God for forgiveness and testified that when they reflected on the Word of God, they realized that our church emphasizes preaching of the Bible as our guiding book in spiritual matters, conduct, and behaviors and that the false preachers do not. The women sought repentance from their husbands who forgave them, and now have peace in their families and are full members of the church, vowing not to repeat such an error.

We pray that God may strengthen the faith of Julius, Winnie, and their children. Julius had spent all the money that he received from the sale of one of his pieces of land trying to get healing from diseases his family suffered due to demonic attacks. We prayed for the family, and the Lord delivered them from demonic possessions. We pray for their spiritual growth and that they will have continued physical strength for subsistence farming as their income comes from selling what they grow.
We pray that God may strengthen Immaculate in her spiritual life and help her remain serving Him. Immaculate is a widow in a permanent house with two four-year-old grandchildren. Her source of income is from subsistence farming, and she sells labor to neighbors for survival. When her daughters returned home from the Butabika National Rehabilitation Center in Kampala for mentally disturbed people, she was advised to look for witch doctors who failed to heal her daughters who had been mad for over two years. We shared the Word of God and prayed for her daughters; they were healed, and Immaculate gave her life to Christ. She serves in church as an intercessor.

We pray the Lord gives Hobson and his wife Prossy the grace to keep in faith and guide Hobson in his new journey of salvation. We met Hobson at his home when he was drunk. We shared with him the Word of God, taught him of the dangers of alcohol, and prayed for him. He came to church and gave his life to Christ. He has continued in fellowship with the church and is no longer a drunkard.
Pray for Bless as he seeks the Lord’s guidance to build a house. Bless, 24, is single and stopped attending school due to peer group influence. He began to drink alcohol, and his character changed for the worse. He came to know about God after we shared the Word of God from John 10:10: “That the thief came to steal and destroy, but Jesus came to have life in abundance.” The Word challenged his heart, and he gave his life to Christ. He is happy to be with us in the church and prays to have the provisions to have his house built.

We see God at work in our church. We had a church fundraising meeting with the objective of installing hydroelectric power in our church. The church members solicited and cooked all the food that fed the attendees. The church rented chairs for the people to sit on. A total of one million and two hundred shillings was collected on that day in both pledges and cash out of the two million shillings that were budgeted for. We thank God for this, and the process of acquiring electricity at church has already started, which will help us have our Friday night prayer meetings now and begin thinking of acquiring a sound system for the church.

Vaster is a widow and a mother of children already raised with their own families and homes. They support their mother in all they can. We met her at home as we were heading to the Rwengwe fellowship, and we invited her to attend fellowship with us, which she was initially resistant to. We revisited several times, and she eventually came, listened to the Word we shared, believed, and gave her life to Christ. She testifies that after the death of her husband, the spirit of the dead started coming and tormenting her at night, but she feared to tell people. Now she says that since she accepted Jesus Christ, the spirits that used to torment her at night have not come back, and now she sleeps in peace, and for that, she is grateful to God.
A Witch Doctor Turns to Jesus
God is working in the lives of many and the life of Remigiyo is no exception. He is a hundred and six years old and a resident of Kashayo Bugangari. He was married to three wives and one has died; he has two remaining wives and twelve children who are all married. Remigiyo was a witch doctor and had threatened many in the area. He started visiting our church and seeing his children repenting of their sins and praying for his salvation. This last month he agreed to believe and accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior. He also agreed to baptism in the name of Jesus. We give all the glory to God!

Pastor Nicholas Gives Oversight to a New Church
The Grace so Amazing radio ministry in Rukungiri has expanded into new regions. A result of the broadcast playing on new stations further out into the remote villages was that people heard the true gospel. They had gathered into cults that were led by false teachers, and when the people heard the biblical truth being taught by Pastor Onesimus on the radio, they began to travel to the nearest White Fields churches they could find.
In some of those villages, so many people joined the true church that we prayed that God might provide an opportunity for us to begin a church in their village. We now have young men who are enrolled in our Uganda Bible College who can lead the church as soon as we have resources to support them. You can help us with that. In the meantime, we have assigned our nearest pastor to oversee the congregation. In the case of the believers in Katerampungu, they are not waiting for someone else to provide a place to gather. They have already purchased land and are constructing a stick structure to get a roof so they can meet out of wind and rain.
We have seen God working in the church of God’s Embassy Katerampungu. They were renting, but God helped them buy a piece of land where they could meet until they purchased a larger piece of land. They have built a temporary structure where they meet to praise and worship the Lord. All glory to God! Our church in Kagashe is providing an example of how to serve the Lord in biblical truth.