December 2019
Warm greetings from the Katoonya community. Thank you for your support that enables us to minister to the communities in our area. May God bless you.
Judith is married to Bernard, and they have three children. Dickson is fourteen, Annitah is twelve, and Orishaba is five. Judith came to church with an illness and no hope of being healed; she thought, at least when I die, I want to be with the Lord. After she heard the Word of God and expressed her desire for salvation, we prayed with her and gave her life to Christ. We continued to pray for her, and God healed Judith. Praise the Lord! Currently, she is a member of our church choir, and her children are in the
Kingdom Steppers.
- Pray for God to provide for Judith and her family, and to strengthen her faith.
The men have been working together to get their homes in order. They are building small structures such as kitchens and pit latrines to help in the cleanliness and orderliness of their home. These projects have been a testimony to the unity of the believers in the church.
The women are working together on baskets and mats to sell and receive money to supplement their incomes. The youth meet on Tuesdays for choir and dance practice.
Generous is in her early fifties and a widow in Katungu cell. Her grandchildren, Docus is six, and Polite is four, are living with her in a semi-permanent house. Generous earns an income from selling her labor
and from subsistence farming. She suffered from a disease for more than fifteen years that was uncurable by witchcraft and had already lost hope of being cured when she joined the church. We prayed vigorously for her, and the Lord was gracious to heal her. Now she testifies that the Living God
has cured her to be a living testimony that God is gracious and merciful.
May the Lord always be praised.
- Pray for many people to come to know the Lord through the witness of Generous.
- Pray for her grandchildren to grow up to know the Lord.
We train others in ministry to fulfill responsibilities such as leading intercessions and church programs and to share the Word in the fellowship. We mentor them and provide leadership training and development.
Newton and Jersey are becoming leaders in the church. Obed is thirty and a resident of Katoonya. He is a casual worker and stays in a semi-permanent house. He came to our church simply to attend the services but liked our teaching so much that he decided to become a part of the church. He accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and was baptized. He is
ministering as an usher and is in charge of clearing the church compound. Obed also reads the Bible in groups and drafts church programs. We pray that the Lord will open more opportunities for work and that Obed will remain faithful in serving the Lord.
Beatrice is married to Apollo; they are both in their thirties and are residents of Katoonya cell. They have two children, Akatukunda is five, and Akoragye is eight. The family lives in a semi-permanent house and earn an income through selling labor and agricultural products grown on their small piece of land. Beatrice used to spend her money on witchcraft. We visited her repeatedly at her home, and due to our frequent visits and sharing of God’s Word, she started coming to the church. She loves our teachings.
Her husband testifies that the money Beatrice was spending on witchdoctors is now going to the children’s school fees, and their home is full of joy. The family is living as an example of God’s love and grace in the community of Katoonya. Beatrice is praying to grow stronger in her faith and to be grounded in the Word.
The church is reaching the community for God through home fellowships. We have four established groups that meet in different locations. We also desire to visit every single individual in the area and share the gospel message of salvation with them. This month we visited thirty-four homes and spoke with two-hundred and fifty-six people.
- Pray for the people in the community to come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
- Pray for the families in the church to live their faith publicly, so their neighbors also come to know God.
- Pray that we can add the walls to our church structure.
We thank God for your support and prayers.
November 2019
Jackie, sixty-two, is a resident of Katungu village. She is a widow with children; Ahumuza is ten, Joel is seven, and Kelvin is five years old. Jackie used to spend all her earnings on witchcraft, and as a result, she was so poor that she couldn’t purchase enough food or clothes for her children, and they stopped attending school. Through our home visits, we talked with Jackie about the gospel. She started to change and gave her life to Christ. Jackie testifies that she no longer goes to witchdoctors, so she has been able to save enough money to have food in her home and pay the school fees for her children.
Noreen is twenty-eight and a resident of Katungu village. Her husband is known as Julius, thirty-four, and they have two children, Ashavine, five years, and Daniela, who is three. This family is impoverished, they are renting, and their method of income is to sell their labor to others. Noreen is a member of our church choir. Julius suffered from ulcers, but when he joined the church and started learning the Word of God and praying, he was completely healed. Pray for Noreen and Julius to have the strength to work so they can break out of their dire poverty and care for their offspring.
- Pray for Jackie as she raises her children and for the ability to provide for them.
- Pray for Noreen and Julius to have the physical strength and health to earn their income and save some for their future.
Newton is a youth leader and assists in training the Kingdom Steppers. Alex is the assistant to the pastor and also a fellowship leader. Pray for these elders to continue serving faithfully and for God to open the doors financially so they can sustain their families as they commit time to service.
Elias is a resident of Katoonya cell with a wife and two children. Elias had been a drunkard for many years. His children were not attending school, nor did they have enough clothes or food at home. When Elias gave his life to Christ and started to come to church, his life started changing. He no longer drinks alcohol. His children are back in school, and he is providing for his family’s needs. We pray that God may strengthen his faith.
The church is reaching the community with the good news through home visits and crusades. This month, we visited thirty-five homes and spoke with one-hundred and thirty males and one-hundred and forty females. The men’s fellowship is still doing their rotational visits, and we expect to visit everyone this next year. Our members are being trained in ministering to others, preaching, and leading the church programs.
October 2019
Kadress is forty-five and a widow who lives in Rugorogoro cell in Rushasha parish. She has four children. Kadress was sick from heart disease for a long time and visited different hospitals for treatment but never got better. Eventually, it was recommended that she go to India for treatment and spend a minimum of forty-five million Ugandan shillings (more than twelve-thousand dollars). When Kadress heard about God’s Embassy Church in Katoonya, she came and fellowshipped with us and asked if we would pray for her healing. Kadress went back to the doctor for a check-up and was informed the wounds on her heart had healed. She is now able to do her work as her physical strength has improved. We give glory to God!
Moses is thirty and is married to Blessing that is in her late twenties. They have one child. They live in Katoonya cell in a rented temporary house and earn their living by selling labor. Moses is an active member of the men’s group and helps the church ushers prepare the church for services. Ever since this family started coming to the church, they have been blessed with consistent working opportunities to earn an income. Moses and Blessing praise God for work. Their prayer request is for God to meet their needs and protect them.
Give thanks for the healing of Kadress, pray for her to continue to gain strength.
- Pray for Moses and Blessing to raise their child to glorify God and grow in their knowledge and understanding of God’s Word.
Akancungura is eighteen years old and one of our deacons and ushers. She sings in the choir and dances with the Kingdom Steppers. She also assists the Sunday school teachers in organizing the children. Akancungura testifies that ever since she surrendered her life to Jesus Christ her academic performance in school has improved. Pray that she will continue to serve God with zeal and to excel in her academics.
Elijah is forty and married to Betty; they have four children. Elijah had been living a hopeless life of drunkenness and demon-worship for a long time. Most of the money he earned was spent in bars or on witchdoctors. But since Elijah started to attend the church, he stopped drinking alcohol and is no longer consulting with witchdoctors. Elijah declares that he is now saving money to help his family and support his children in school. The entire family is a part of our congregation, we give glory to God.
Praise the Lord for the grace of his gospel and the transformation in the lives of these families.
- Pray for Elijah to continue to grow in the knowledge of God’s Word and to not be tempted by the vices of his past life.
- Pray for Elijah to be a godly influence on his family and to raise his children to honor God.
The church is reaching the community through home visits and church activities. This month we visited thirty-five homes and met one-hundred and six males and one-hundred and thirty-three females. Eunice is twenty-four and is being drawn to Christ. She has been attending the church for three months now. We pray that her hunger for God’s Word continues.
Some events that affect the ministry and cause attendance to fall include the weeding season. This busy time means that many people are not even at home because they are busy tending to their crops.
- Pray for Eunice to come to understand her need for a Savior and to declare faith in God.
- Pray for the congregation to grow in their faith and for their daily needs to be met.
September 2019
We bring your warm greetings from our Katoonya community. Thank you for the support and prayers that contribute to the effectiveness of our ministry.
God is working in the lives of Dismas and Medius. This family has three children, and they live in Katoonya village. Dismas, the father, was saved three months ago. He was an alcoholic and had been fired from his job due to drunkenness. He often spent all his earnings on alcohol to the detriment of his children, who were unable to attend a school or have enough clothes or food to eat. Dismas used to beat his wife all the time, but when he accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior, his life changed. He has joined God’s embassy, has a job now, and can provide for the needs of his family, including school fees for the children. There is peace at home, and we give God the glory.

Continue to pray for Dismas and the family!
Our ministries are meeting regularly. The men are making rotational visits and helping each other build simple but essential structures like kitchens, drying racks, and outhouses. The women are making crafts. The youth meet on Tuesdays for Kingdom Steppers. The children attend to learn new songs, scriptures, and poems to present during the Sunday main service as Young Ambassadors.
Bosco is married to Ruth. They have two children, Fortunate is seven, and Moses is five. Bosco sells his labor to earn an income but not enough to provide them with adequate food or clothing; they live in a temporary home. Ruth is in the choir, and the children are Young Ambassadors. They are filled with joy since they joined God’s Embassy their lives have changed. God healed Ruth from a chronic stomach illness, and she is now well enough to work and support some of the family’s needs. We pray with Bosco and Ruth that God will provide them with more work so they can care for their children.
Our church has grown from sixty-five people to seventy people. We are praying for the funds from our offerings to build the church walls. We are training our congregation to participate in ministry by giving them roles such as preaching the Word of God in the fellowships, at church, and other programs. We visited thirty-four homes with the past month and spoke with two-hundred and forty-one people.
Our team of leaders and deacons help God’s work in our community continue to run smoothly. Dismas, whose story I shared earlier, is a resident of the Murambo cell Nyakariro fellowship. He is the vice-chairperson of church construction and a member of our church choir. He assists his fellowship leader by preaching.
God is changing the lives of people in our village. One example is Kiconco, who is thirty-two and married to Apollo. Their two children are Akoragye, four years old, and Praise, two years. They live in Katoonya. Kiconco used to spend most of her money on witchcraft and had become poor. Still, when she accepted Christ and came to God’s Embassy, she stopped consulting the witchdoctors. Now she is saving her money and using it for self-development and paying for the school fees for her children.
Agatha is being drawn to Christ. She recently started coming to a prayer group at church on Sundays despite not yet confessing Christ as her Lord and Savior.
Praise the Lord for changing the lives of Kiconco’s family.
- Pray for Agatha to understand her need for a Savior and to proclaim Jesus Christ.
July/August 2019
We visited twenty homes and ministered to a hundred people. We held a crusade in Muramba Nyakariro village with Pastor Steve as the guest speaker. Fifty people attended, and six of them, four men and two women, accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We followed-up with these new believers, and they have all taken the step of publicly proclaiming their faith through baptism.

- Pray for the people to rely on God for their sustenance.
- Pray for the people who are still only considering the gospel to come to understand their need for a Savior and to declare faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
James is eighty years old and lives in the Rugorogoro cell. He has been sick from diabetes and was taken to many hospitals for treatment. No cure was possible, and at least he was discharged to go home and wait for death. When he reached his house, he asked us to come and pray for him. So, we went and shared the Word of God with him, he believed and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Now, this man who had been left to die can stand and walk. We give glory to God for this miracle.
Praise the Lord for healing James.
The ministries in the church are benefitting members through fellowship and other ways. The men make rotational visits to assist each other in building small structures such as kitchens. The women make crafts including mats, tablecloths, and baskets each Saturday. The youth meet for Kingdom Steppers on Saturdays too.
Namara is thirty years old and is a resident of Katungu cell. She is married to Perez, and they have three children between nine and four. The family lives in a semi-permanent house. Namara earns a living through her retail trade in coffee. She is a member of the church choir, and her children are members of the Young Ambassadors. Namara testifies that she was healed from stomach pains and her life has changed since she became a believer.
- Pray for Namara and her family.
The number of members in our church has increased from sixty-five to seventy-five people. We are praying that God will help us complete the walls of the church. Our deacons are dedicated to serving. Norman leads a team that cleans the church and grounds. We pray that he continues to serve God faithfully. Violet has been attending church, and we believe God is drawing her to Himself. Pray for her salvation.
Eliasafu is forty-five and married to Betty with five children. He earns a living by teaching the primary grades, and he also grows and sells tomatoes. Since most of his income went to alcohol, his family was poor and suffered for many years. Now he testifies that since he joined God’s Embassy, he has been able to save money to pay school fees for his children and is growing in character.
- Pray for Eliasafu to grow in the Lord and to not be tempted by previous addictions.
- Pray for his children to study hard in school.
Bosco is fifty and a resident of Murambo village. Bosco drank too much, and the whole town knew it. He reached the point of abandoning his wife and children for three years through his addiction to alcohol. He had been a teacher but was fired because of his drinking. We met Bosco during our home visit outreach and invited him to the home fellowship. He came, but still did not surrender to Christ until the open-air crusade, where Pastor Steve preached the gospel. Bosco gave his life to Christ and proclaimed his faith through baptism. The whole community was left wondering how God could save such a man that had been written off.

- Pray for Bosco to grow in his relationship with God and stand firm against any temptation of his past lifestyle.
- Pray for his testimony to his neighbors.
Apophia is thirty-nine and a member of the Katoonya fellowship. She is married to Apollo, a driver, and they have two children of four years and under a year. They stay in a semi-permanent home and practice subsistence farming. The husband is not yet a believer and attends the Anglican church. Apophia is an usher and sings in the church choir; her daughter, Tracy, is a Young Ambassador. When Apophia was first saved, she faced strong resistance from her neighbors and family members who persecuted her. But she stood firm and remained in prayer with us until her husband let her freely fellowship at the church with her children. We give glory to God. Our prayer is for the Lord to keep her secure in faith and for her extended family to come to faith through her testimony.
- Pray for Apophia to grow in her relationship with God and remain steadfast in her faith.
One of our deacons is Kadress, she is a women leader in the church. She hosts a fellowship in Rwamatere and is an intercessor in the church. Kadress used to be an herbalist under the influence of evil spirits and would claim to cure cancer and kidney failure. She did this for ten years. We visited her home and invited her to attend the church. The day she came to church, she felt the presence of God and gave her life to Christ. She was delivered, and that very night she reports that she slept well. Her prayer is for her husband to come to faith.
- Pray for Kadress to be a testimony to the community. Pray for her husband to be saved.
We see God changing lives in our community. Mugarura is nineteen and was a primary seven school dropout. When he left school, he started to stay away from home, living in the bush and stealing people’s property to get food to eat. When we met him, we shared the gospel and invited him to church. He came and now has left the bush and returned home to live with his parents. He is fellowshipping with us.
- Pray for Mugarura to be firmly rooted in the Lord.
The church reaches out to the community through home visits, overnight events, crusades, and home fellowships. We continue to visit those who have shown an interest in the gospel but not yet proclaimed the faith. This month we visited thirty-four families to reach a total of two-hundred and forty-eight people. Some of the challenges that impact our ministry are the open markets and money pooling events. When these are occurring, the attendance of the church drops.
Lydia is fifty-six and stays in the Kyabugashe village. She has shown an interest in the gospel. We invited her to church, and Lydia has attended twice. She encouraged her children to fellowship with us. She attends a home fellowship and likes the way we share the Word of God.
- Pray for Lydia to understand her need for a Savior and to come to faith in Jesus Christ.
May/June 2019
James is a member of the Rwamatele fellowship; Beatrice, our church member, leads this group. I have seen God at work in the life of this old man who is in his late eighties. He developed kidney failure, hypertension, and diabetes. Two weeks ago, he was taken to multiple hospitals and clinics, but all in vain, he ended up being semi-conscience and was on oxygen therapy for two days. He was sent home in critical condition, and we were called to pray for him at his house. He gained consciousness. Those in his family that had expected his death are now glorifying God for his recovery. Everybody who visited him in the hospital is also praising the Lord Jesus for Jackson’s life, and the love, care, and support we gave him in these trying times. James is receiving treatment for high blood pressure and diabetes; we thank God that he is responding well to the treatments. He promises us that when he has regained enough strength, he will mobilize his friends to come and give thanks to God at the church.

- Pray for James to regain his strength and celebrate the incredible witness of God’s grace and power to the community.
The women’s group changed their meeting time from every Thursday to just the last Thursday of the month as it was challenging for them to take time away from their gardens every week. The majority of the group comes from crop farming communities.
We thank God for the baptism of three people who gave their lives to Christ during the home fellowships. Aidah is thirty-six. Jenifer is thirty, and Sharon is forty-two. They all attend fellowships in different communities.
- Pray for these women to continue to hunger for the Word of God and to serve Him.
Women’s Day Group! Women Getting Ready to Get Baptized!
- Pray for Aidah, Jenifer, and Sharon to grow in their faith.
- Pray for their witness to their community.
Praise God for their public declaration of faith through baptism.
- Pray for the women’s group to be able to connect each month to support and strength each other’s faith.
- Pray for friendships to develop that are pleasing to God.
John is seventy and married to Violet, who is sixty. They live in Katoonya cell. They have five grown children, three girls, and two boys, who are all married. This couple lives in a temporary four-room house and survives through subsistence farming. They no longer have the energy to sell their labor to earn an income. Violet is an intercessor in the church.
- Pray for doors to open so they may get enough money to keep food on the table; especially as they are getting older.
- Pray for the daily needs of John and Violet to be met.
The foundation class is where we train the believers to participate in ministry, in the fellowships, church services, and in home-visit sharing.

- Pray for the believers to grow in their knowledge and understanding of God’s Word.
Jackson is sixty years old; he is a widower that lives in Mashongora village. Having been raised in a spirit worshiping family where alcohol was regularly consumed, he became an alcoholic at the age of fifteen. Jackson had never attended any church and so had never heard the Word of God. Through regular visits to his home, we have seen Jackson’s interest in the gospel start to grow as we share with him. Sometimes he joins us in our home fellowships and testifies how the gospel is transforming him He no longer drinks alcohol but has not yet confessed Christ.

- Pray for the Lord to help Jackson believe in the gospel and to continue living an authentic life in our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Pray for Jackson to come to an understanding of his need for a Savior and to declare Jesus Christ as his Lord.
- Pray for freedom from the addiction of alcohol.
The church is reaching the community through home visits. We intend to reach every house to share the Word of God, praying with the people, and inviting them to church. This month we visited thirty-four homes and spoke with two-hundred and four people. We organized a gospel rally in Rwembogo village and had two-hundred people attend. Sarah, thirty years old, gave her life to Christ. Turinawe, a visiting pastor from Grace Turbancle church, and Pastor Arinaitwe from Kaaro Truth Centre Church shared the Word of God and our church choir ministered with songs of worship.
April 2019
Both of these ladies are part of last month’s prayer report (click on Archive below). Let’s continue to pray for them as they seek the Lord, and let’s pray that they would both come to salvation!
Help us keep praying for Joy! Keep Praying for Molly!
God is at work in the life of Barigye, who is fifty and a teacher by profession. He was living a life of hopelessness for five years after losing his wife to HIV/Aids. As Barigye states, “there was no reason to live”, and four times, he tried to hang himself, but every time his neighbors would rescue him. His life was full of despair as he too is infected with HIV/Aids. We thank God that when we met him and shared the Word of God, he accepted the Lord Jesus Christ. We advised him to start taking the treatment, and his health has improved. He now lives a life full of hope and is taking care of his two children who are in school. He has a job to teach in a private school near the church, he has also joined the fellowship, and is a Sunday school teacher in our children’s ministry.
- Pray for the health of Barigye to improve and give thanks for his teaching position that allows him to care for his children.

Praise the Lord the salvation of Barigye and the hope this brings to his life!
Hope is thirty-five and married to Augustine, who is forty-five. They live in Mukagashe cell. They have seven children, five girls, and two boys. Four of their children still live at home, and the older three have left to find work as they are no longer in school. The family lives in a two-bedroom home and survives by selling their labor. They host one of our community fellowships, Nyakariro fellowship, in their small house. Hope is a church intercessor, and Augustine just joined the church. Hope and Augustine struggle to feed their children and provide school fees. The father, Augustine, had abandoned them and gone to an unknown location for a year, but through persistent prayers, he returned and rejoined his family. Hope requests prayers for her husband that he may choose to give his life to Christ and to find work nearby so he may earn enough to support the family with food and school fees.

Hope and her children, pray for their daily provision.
- Pray for Augustine to find a consistent job so he can support his family.
- Pray for his salvation.
We thank God for sustaining us during the rainy season when the storms affected the church services. We are working towards getting enough cement to make bricks for the church walls. So far we have raised enough to purchase eleven bags of cement to one-thousand, two-hundred and eighty-seven blocks.
- Pray for the remainder of the cement needed to complete the walls of the church to provide shelter from the storms and rain.
I train others to participate in the ministry by encouraging and monitoring them individually as they serve in different capacities such as leading in different ministries, sharing the Word in the home visits and church services, and singing in the fellowships.
- Pray for God to raise up more leaders in the church to spread the kingdom of God further into the community.
Alex is fifty-seven and one of the potential leaders in the church. He leads the Katungu fellowship and teaches the Word of God in the church. His testimony is that God delivered him from the drunkenness of over ten years. He had abandoned his family, and his children had stopped attending school. Now they are back in school and serve in the children’s choir.
- Pray for the Lord to keep Alex in the faith and for him to gain boldness to encourage men struggling with alcoholism to seek the Lord for salvation.
- Pray for financial doors to open for his family so he can pay school fees consistently.
One person who is being changed by God is a lady named Provia. She is twenty-eight and married to Alex. They are residents in Murambo cell in Nyakariro village. Provia has been attending the home fellowships for three weeks. She has not yet given her life to Christ but is asking many questions at church and trying to understand the gospel. She brings her children so that they can attend the children’s class.

- Pray for Provia to fully understand salvation and declare Jesus Christ to be the Lord and Savior of her life.
- Pray for her family to come to faith.
The church reaches the community through door-to-door evangelism and home fellowships. This month we shared with twenty-five families, including eighty-six women, and thirty-nine men.
- Pray for those who hear the gospel to have open ears and hearts to accept Jesus Christ into their lives.
Violet is in her fifties and married to Edward. They are residents of Mukayaga cell. Violet recently invited our home fellowship members to come to her house for prayers. She has declared that she will always join us in prayers when we pray with her. We are praying for her to accept the Lord Jesus Christ

- Pray for Violet and Edward to understand salvation and come to faith in God.
- Pray for them to have the strength to work hard and support their family.
March 2019
Church Choir Sunday School Evangelism
I have seen God at work in the transformation of the family of Happy and Bernard, who live in Katungu cell. This couple lived a life of pagans ever since they were married twelve years ago; they used to fight, and quarrel constantly and also drank alcohol. They would abuse their neighbors for no good reason. The children had dropped out of school from a lack of school fees caused by their parent’s alcoholism. We thank God that through home visits, Bernard gave his life to Christ and started coming to our fellowships for prayers. Three months later, Happy also accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior, and this prompted their two children to receive the Lord and serve in Kingdom Steppers.

Recently Happy joined the church choir. Everyone who knew the family is grateful to God for intervening in their lives and transforming them, giving them hope for the future.
Praise the Lord for transforming this family and bringing its members to faith.
- Pray for their witness to the community to shine brightly and draw others to salvation.
- Pray for Happy and Bernard to grow in the knowledge of God’s Word.
Elizabeth lives in Katungu cell. She is married to Peter who is working in Kampala. Elizabeth serves as an intercessor in our fellowship; her husband is not yet a born-again Christian. They live in a semi-permanent house of three bedrooms and do not have a baby. Elizabeth survives by selling labor as a worker in the fields. Her prayer request is for her husband to know and accept Christ, and to have a child.

- Pray for Elizabeth to remain hopeful for a child.
- Pray for her husband, Peter, to come to know Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
There is an old lady called Joy who stays in Rushasha village, and she is not sure of her age, but from what she can remember, she was about five years old when the country was invaded by a great multitude of locust which destroyed all the vegetation and left the country with a great famine. Joy cannot walk by herself anymore but crawls like a child. We visited her home and shared the Word of God through Bible stories, and we were surprised that she loved them so much and invited us to return to tell more stories. She asked some questions and wants to know more about God.

Pastor Robinson visiting with Joy!
- Pray for Joy to come to an understanding of the grace of God and come to faith in Jesus Christ.
Our church is reaching the community through home visits and gospel rallies. This month we held a gospel rally in Nyakariro Trading Center where we have a fellowship. Three-hundred adults attended the event. This community is mostly Anglicans and Catholics with a few Seventh-day Adventists. There was high resistance from the leaders, but we still had many people who attended. Robinson shared the Word of God, and some pastors and other church members prayed with the people. After the event, we visited those who showed an interest in the gospel and invited them to the home fellowship.
- Pray for the home visits to those who were interested in the gospel.
- Pray for the evangelists to have wisdom as they share God’s Word.
- Pray for the listeners to be challenged to come to faith in God.
Molly is a seventy-year-old lady who has shown interest in the gospel but has not yet accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. She is staying in touch with us for counseling and insists that our church shares the true gospel. Molly is still a drunkard, pray for her to be delivered from this addiction and to come to faith in Jesus Christ.

Pastor Robinson visiting Molly!
- Pray for Molly to take the step of faith and to put her trust in Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior.
- Pray for her to be released from the temptation and addiction of alcoholism.
The women meet regularly on Thursdays for prayer and to learn new skills in handcrafts. The children meet on Saturdays to learn new songs and prepare to minister in the main service on Sundays.
- Pray for the cement to make bricks to build the walls of the church.
- Pray for a sound machine for the church.
February 2019
Warm greetings from the Katoonya community. Thank you for supporting us to continue serving the Lord. God is at work in the lives of the people in our fellowship.
Joyce & Kenneth’s Children Joyce
Joyce is married to Kenneth, and they have three children between the ages of seven and three years old. The family survives through selling casual labor, and they live in a temporary home. Joyce is a member of the choir, and the children are Young Ambassadors. They pray for their daily needs to be met and for their children to be able to continue school.
- Pray for the family of Joyce and Kenneth.
- Pray for the strength to work hard and earn the school fees in addition to the funds for their daily needs.
God is increasing the number of people coming to the church from sixty to seventy-five. We are praying for the funds to build the walls of the church. We strive to train the members to become participants in reading the Bible, leading the praise and worship, and preaching in the home fellowships.

We pray for Robert to continue to serve the Lord faithfully and hunger for the Word of God.
Robert is one of the rising potential leaders in the church. He is the general secretary and leads some of the church programs. Robert has demonstrated a love for God’s Word and is an active participant in his home fellowship. He has recently developed the courage to stand before crowds and declare the truth with boldness making him a potential future preacher of God’s Word.
- Pray for Robert to passionately study the Word of God and cultivate the ability to preach the truth to his community.
- Pray for a job that will allow him to care for his family and complement his desire to learn more and serve God.
We have seen God at work through Win, who is married to David. They have three children. Win accepted the Lord in the past but was not living for the Lord. Through our consistent visits and
- Pray for Win and David to grow in their faith and to serve the Lord God.

Medius is thirty-six and is married with three children. In the past, she expressed to us that she spent so much of her money for witchcraft that she became poor. When she was saved, she was delivered from the bondage and enticement of witchcraft and has been able to keep this money. Medius now affords the school fees for her children and is doing better economically.
- Pray for Medius to grow in her faith and to rely on God for her needs.
- Pray for her children to study hard in school.
Our outreach to the community through home visits this past month traveled to thirty-five homes. We shared the gospel with one-hundred and eight males and one-hundred and thirty-three females. Many were welcoming and happy to have been visited but have not yet joined the church. We will continue to visit them.

Moses is a man who is being drawn to faith in God and has shown more interest in our Sunday services. He even welcomed our prayers with him last Sunday.
Sometimes activities in the area attract people’s attention, and they end up not coming to church; these include open markets or casual money pooling groups that have an aim to help their members get start-up capital for their small business or other development.
- Pray for the church congregation to put their trust and reliance on God to meet their daily needs and future desires.
- Pray for the people to have wisdom and discernment in their finances and make wise investment decisions.
January 2019
Julius was born into a spirit-worshipping family and experienced a life of misery. Every woman he married divorced him within a year, he married and divorced four women in four years. Each woman Julius married was tormented by evil spirits, and they couldn’t take it so they would divorce him to escape. Julius used much of his wealth consulting with other witchdoctors but found no solution to this challenge. He married the fifth wife, and her name is Susan. Three months ago, Susan was tormented by the evil spirits in the same way as the four previous wives, with severe headaches, convulsing and foaming at the mouth, and would talk as if having a conversation with the dead relatives in the family of Julius. Their neighbors showed concerns and they told Susan that if she did not leave Julius and his family that she would die. Susan was brought to the church, and we spent time in prayer with her. She was set free from the spirits and gave her life to Christ. When Julius saw how God delivered his wife and how she was healed by prayer, he gave his life to Christ. This surprised all the neighbors, and they are still quite shocked by the events. Julius and Susan attend the fellowships and church services. They are grateful for the church that cares about people and brought the truth of God to their community.
We held a gospel rally in Katungu cell in the compound of Julius. Two-hundred people attended. Five people gave their lives to Christ, two women, and three men. Pastor Robinson and Pastor Kayemba were the preachers.
- Pray for Julius and Susan. Give thanks for their deliverance from the evil spirits.
- Pray for the testimony of Julius and Susan to bring many people in the community to faith in God, especially their immediate neighbors.
- Pray for the new believers to grow in their faith.
Give thanks for their deliverance from the evil spirits.
Ahimbisibwe is a resident of Katungu cell in Kyabugashe. She is thirty years old and married to Namala who is five years older. Namala neglected his family and married another woman in town; he does not return home to support his wife and three daughters. The family lives in a semi-permanent house of three rooms and earns a living through subsistence farming and selling labor. Ahimbisbwe is an usher and in the church choir. The children are Young Ambassadors.
- Pray with Ahimbisbwe and for her husband, Namala, to return home and surrender his life to the Lord.
Through the foundations class, some of the church members are now able to lead others in Bible study, teach the Word of God in the fellowships and even share the Word in the main church services. Kafureka is a committed member who hosts a home fellowship and leads the women in the church. She is an intercessor and has the gift of hospitality. Before coming to Christ, she practiced witchcraft and was a local herbalist. Now she is committed to learning the Bible, knowing more about Jesus Christ, and is a faithful servant of God.
- Pray for the Lord to keep Kafureka in faith and through her, bring many to know the truth.
Ambrose is forty years old and is staying in the village of Kagorogoro in Mashongora. He is from an Anglican background and never welcomed us to his home during our outreach ministry; even calling us a lost group. Recently, after listening to the radio program on the topic of grace, Ambrose invited us to his home, and we shared the Word of God. He expressed an interest in the way we preached the gospel and requested us to begin a home fellowship in his home so he could hear the Word of God more often.
- Pray for Ambrose to come to an understanding of salvation through Jesus Christ.
- Pray for the cement to make bricks.
December 2018
Dear friends and partners in White Fields Ministries, we greet you in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior. We appreciate your support, guidance, counsel, and prayers for the work in our community and surrounding areas. God blessed this past year.
Nabasa Maume is a member of one of the Kyabugashe fellowships. She is twenty-three and a divorced mother with one daughter, Aybare Rachael, in primary one. When we first met her last year through home visitations, she was extremely sick from typhoid fever and due to poverty, had failed to access medical assistance. She had lost weight and was critically dehydrated from vomiting and diarrhea. To our surprise, people had started to arrange for her burial. We prayed with her and took her to the hospital where she stayed for over a month through the help of Robert. God showed his mercies, and she recovered. It took some time for her to regain her strength, but she is now fully recovered and able to do her usual errands as before. Maume is grateful to the church for the support and love we showed her at that time. She continues to glorify God for what the church has done. Everyone who knew her when she was ill appreciates the labors of the church in the community, especially the home visits where the church members step down into the lives of the people to minister to their needs. Naume and her three brothers serve the Lord through the church choir.
- Pray for Maume and her family as they grow in the Lord and witness to their neighbors.
The young people and children have rehearsals every Saturday. They are being trained in different songs and spend time studying the Word of God. The women meet on Thursdays to make hand-crafts to earn an income; current projects include mats, caps, sweaters, and all kinds of baskets. The men do rotational home-visits to make repairs or construct simple structures. This month we visited the home of Mr. Oworinaw Alex and helped him to repair his kitchen.
- Pray for the work ethic of the youth, children, and adults to be richly rewarded as they contribute to the community through various means.
- Pray for the women to encourage one another through their conversations as they work alongside each other to earn an income.
- Pray for the men to bless their neighbors through their work and repairs.
The Begumisa family includes Bernard and Jonah, they have four children in school and are living in Rugunda cell in Kyabugashe. Tumuramye is six years old and in primary one. Elizabeth, the only girl, is eleven and in primary four. Abraham is thirteen and in primary three. Niwamanya is four years old. The family ministers in the Kyabugashe fellowship and live in a semi-permanent house with three rooms. They are struggling to survive as Jonah, the wife is the only earner of income in the family. Bernard cannot move, he was hit by thugs in his back and sustained a deformity of his left femur. He lives in great pain and is not able to go to the hospital for treatment. The children serve on the Young Ambassadors team, and the mother serves as an usher in the church.
- Pray for the Begumisa family, for their daily needs to be met through the income earned by Jonah, she is a day laborer.
- Pray for the Lord to open doors for them financially so they can afford for Bernard to receive medical treatment and also keep the children in school.
I am training individuals in ministry through teaching and prayer. We talk with the individual who has shown interest in a specific area and start by observing them to discern their gifts. We pray with them and encourage their persistent faithfulness. We advise them to read their Bible daily and meditate on its words. I am working with the deacons at the church to build a strong leadership team. Jackson helps in the construction department. Robert leads the men’s ministry, and Agnes leads the women. Norman and Nabasa lead the children’s ministry.
Pastor Robinson Translates for our
President Sharing the Gospel -
Children are Happy Heading Back to School
- Pray for the Lord to keep those in ministry growing in their faith to continue serving the Lord.
- Pray for the encouragement of the leaders as they faithfully serve the church members and pray for them to encourage one another.
God is changing the lives of people. Alex and Allen are married, both are in their thirties. Allen, the wife, is the one who gave her life to Christ first, in June of last year. Alex was not happy and harassed her, not allowing her even to attend the fellowship. But through constant home visits, he became more interested in the gospel. He has not yet confessed; however, he at least allows his wife to attend fellowships and has even allowed us to begin a home fellowship in his house and he tries to come.
- Pray for Alex to come to a complete understanding of the gospel and to surrender his life entirely to the Lord Jesus Christ.
An old woman, Tinkamuzaraga Yudeth, is one-hundred and twenty years old. She recently showed great interest in the gospel as we preached and gave her life to Christ. She was amazed, telling us that she had never heard a good gospel like the one our church was teaching. She promised to arrange a day for us to share the Word of God with her family members.
- Pray for the family of Tinkamazaraga Yudeth to hear the gospel and come to salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. Give thanks for the salvation of Yudeth.
Our church reaches the community through door-to-door evangelism and home visits. We encourage them to attend the fellowships in various homes throughout the community. This month we visited thirty homes and shared the good news with over two-hundred people. Three people accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. The people are thrilled to have us come to their homes, they welcome us and take the time to listen to the gospel. This warm reception encourages us to keep visiting them, and we desire to share the good news with all the people in the Katoonya community. Once they have heard, they then can decide if they will accept Jesus Christ into their lives.
- Pray for the people in Katoonya to be open to listening when the gospel is shared and to come to faith in God.
- Pray for those who bring the message of the good news to have wisdom and compassion as they share with their neighbors.
- Pray for a church sound system and chairs. Pray for the cement to make bricks for the church walls.
November 2018
A man by the name of Baragaire Charles is sixty-nine and lives in Rugorogoro cell. We have seen God at work in his life. The first time we met him was through home visits, and when we shared the gospel with him, he gave his life to Christ. He later informed us that he had lived a life of confusion and failure in marriage. He would marry a woman, produce one child with her, and then divorce her without any cause and immediately marry another woman. He has eight children, five girls, and three boys, born from different wives. He called his newly married wife, Annet, and explained that he planned to divorce her the next year. After much counseling and prayer, he resolved to stay with Annet for life. Charles and Annet attend the fellowships and are committed to coming to the services on Sundays.
- Pray for the family of Charles and for the transformation of his life to be a witness to the community around him.
Kedress Kafureka leads the women’s ministry, and they meet on Thursdays to encourage one another in the Lord through prayer. They also teach and learn skills in making handcrafts to earn a living, some of the products include mats, baskets, hats, and table mats.
The youth, the Kingdom Steppers, meet on Saturdays for dance practice and to study the Word of God. They also do sports evangelism.
- Pray for the ministries to continue faithfully and for many more people to be led to the Lord through these ministries.
Mashaba Jailence is a widow who lives with her granddaughter Katushabe Doreen. They live in the Katabushera community. Doreen leads a home fellowship in their area, and Jailence is a part of the intersession ministry at the church. They have a mud-built house roofed with iron sheets and three rooms. They make a living by selling their labor. Doreen is a double orphan, and all of Jailence’s children passed away from natural causes. She had five girls and one boy. Doreen is in Senior Two in Kyabugashe high school. Jailence struggles to provide the school fees for Doreen and to purchase food for survival. She is grateful to the Lord that despite all of their financial hardships, she has been able to keep Doreen in school. Pray for the Lord to keep them secure in faith and to provide for their food and other necessities.
- Pray for Jailence and Doreen.
One of our elders, Mugisha Pius, is leading a fellowship in Nyakariro and is gifted in singing. Pius was a drunkard and violent man, but by the grace of God through home visits, he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. He used to spend most of his time in bars and had sold most of his property to buy alcohol. After Pius surrendered to Christ, his outlook and character changed. He started saving money and has redeemed a piece of property that he had sold in exchange for alcohol. He is grateful for what the Lord is doing in his life.
- Pray for Pius to remain faithful and not be tempted by previous habits or desires.
We visited over two-hundred people in seventy families this past month. They were encouraged by our visit, and many promised to come to the fellowships and church when they can. Bernard is in his late thirties, he is a shop operator in Katoonya trading center and has recently shown interest in the gospel after frequent home visits and conversations. According to Bernard, he is interested in the gospel, but his primary challenge is concern about the future, he thinks that when he gives his life to Christ, he will no longer want to sell alcohol, but it is the only way for him to earn an income. He has not yet accepted the Lord but attends the home fellowship in Katoonya trading center.
- Pray for Bernard to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Pray for him to trust God for the future.
Richard is forty years old and divorced his wife because she was a drunkard and practiced sorcery. She left two years ago leaving him with three children. When we invited him to the church through our home visits, he agreed to come and has started attending our home fellowship in his area. He has not yet given his life to Christ, but he shows much interest in our lessons and asks many questions to understand the Word of God.
- Pray for Richard and his family to come to faith in God.
- Pray for the church members as they gather the funds to provide the cement to build the church walls.
October 2018
Greetings to our friends in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. Thank you for your continuous support for us with finances and prayers. Without your help, our ministry would not be as effective. We have seen God working in the lives of the children who are being financially supported to attend school. They had lacked their school fees, and many of them had lost hope in the possibility of studying or continuing to attend school. They are now glorifying God for their education. This ministry to the children has also drawn others to believe in our Lord Jesus Christ through the way the church is walking in the footsteps of Jesus by helping and supporting the people in the community. One example is Katushabe, who is a student receiving a scholarship for student fees. Her grandmother, Mishambi, was a staunch Catholic but started coming to the church and has given her life to Christ. Praise the Lord!
Give thanks for the multiple blessings of the scholarship program that provides school fees for many of the children.
Give thanks for the children’s opportunities to pursue an education, made available to them through this program.
Give thanks for the ways this ministry opens doors for the gospel message and the eternal impact of salvation.
Scovia is in her forties, is married to Johnson, and is a resident of Rushasha. Scovia grew up in a family which practices witchcraft and spent much of her life in the shrines serving the spirits with her parents, Daniel and Jovian. She never attended school because she spent all her time in the shrines as the chief usher and entertainer of the visitors who come to consult the ancestral spirits. She never had the chance to attend any church or heard about Jesus until we visited her home and shared the Word of God with her. We thank the Lord that when she visited the church, she gave her life to Jesus Christ. She has joined the fellowship, and almost everyone who knew her is grateful and praises the Lord. Her parents are against her decision, and her husband is not yet a Christian. Scovia says she cannot turn back because now she knows the truth. Pray for the Lord to strengthen her faith, and through her, her family will draw near to Jesus Christ.
- Pray for Scovia to be strong and grow in her faith.
- Pray for Scovia’s parents and husband to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ.
Bonny is a single mother with one child, Kate, who is six and in primary school. The family lives in Katabushera village in a semi-permanent house of four rooms. We met Bonny through our home visits. She was utterly desperate and had no hope because nobody cared about her. We shared the gospel and the love of God with her and invited her to visit the fellowship. She started coming and has given her life to Christ. She is happy because she now has a family of believers who care for her. She sings in the church choir, and her daughter is in the Young Ambassadors. As a single mother, she struggles to pay for her daughter’s school fees and have enough income to provide daily food.
- Pray for Bonny to be secure in her faith and for her physical body to be healthy so she can continue to work and support her family.
We are blessed with faithful leaders in the church. Roberts leads the finance committee and is also the church secretary. Jackson leads the building team. Norman leads the youth and the intercession ministry. Kadress leads the women’s ministry. Others are being trained to read the Bible and lead the church programs.
- Pray for the leaders to have wisdom, courage, and compassion as they lead their people.
- Pray for God to give them peace and comfort in Himself.
- Pray for their training as they continue to learn and grow in their knowledge of God and His Word.
Home visitations are the most effective way of spreading the gospel. We desire to visit every house to share the Word of God. This month we visited forty-four homes and talked with one-hundred and seventy-six females and one-hundred and thirty-two males. They all welcomed us and asked us to come again to their house. Many had questions about Christ, the Bible and the beliefs of different religions. One common question that many of the people ask is ‘which religion is right’?
Abdul is our immediate church neighbor and is Muslim but still shows an interest in the gospel. He is attending the services and asking questions. Pray together with us for him to believe in Jesus Christ.

Give thanks for the effectiveness of home visitations and pray for safety for the evangelists as they travel to the homes.
- Pray for Abdul to come to an understanding of the grace of the gospel and believe in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
Moses has been attending the fellowships and Sunday church services but has not made any commitment to Christ. His wife is a believer and a Sunday school teacher for the children’s class. Moses has many questions about God, Jesus, and spirit-worship. Pray for the Lord to open his heart to the knowledge of the truth.
- Pray for Moses to have his questions answered and accept the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
- Pray for the cement to make bricks for our church walls.
- Pray for a church sound system.
September 2018
We greet you in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior who has graciously enabled us to serve Him through your continuous support. May the Lord reward you abundantly.
I have specifically seen the Lord at work through the life of a lady known as Norah. She is a widow. She has three daughters who are all married, and she lives with one grandson called Anthony who is twelve. They have a semi-permanent house with four rooms. Norah had lived a miserable life for many years, her girls were possessed by spirits that led them into madness. She consulted many witch doctors from various places but all in vain. We met her through home visits and shared the Word of God with her. As we prayed for her, the Lord delivered her daughters and they are now in their right minds. We praised God for delivering them from bondage. The family now attends the church to learn the Word of God.
Give thanks for the deliverance of Norah’s daughters.
- Pray for the family as they grow in the knowledge and understanding of God’s Word.
We face a major challenge in our country. Most of our members come from polygamous families. Most marriages are not as the Bible teaches us. This is a challenge we face as we tell people to live according to the Biblical truths in God’s Word.
- Pray for wisdom for the pastors and leaders as they counsel their people and teach God’s Word.
- Pray for the men and women who are seeking to live according to God’s Word as they face these challenges in their own families, give them guidance and peace as they seek solutions.
Bernard is married to Happy and they have two boys and two girls. Samuel and Anitah are in Senior One at Kyabugashe High School. Their other two children are not in school due to their lack of school fees. Bernard and Happy were raised in alcoholic families and they also started drinking alcohol at an early age. Through the sharing of God’s Word, they have given their lives to Christ and now are ministers of the gospel. Two of their children are in Kingdom Steppers and Happy is a member of the church choir. The family survives through subsistence farming and selling labor to others to make their living.
- Pray for the Lord to grow their faith and knowledge of Himself.
- Pray with them for the finances so their children can go to school.
Asuman comes from a Muslim family that neighbors the church. He had never attended our fellowships in the past but recently has shown an interest and started to attend the church services. He requests us to join with him in prayers. He has not yet confessed faith in Jesus Christ. He does assure us that he will not go back to the mosque because the church preaches the gospel that is full of truth.
- Pray for Asuman to overcome his fear of an Islamic reaction to his faith.
- Pray for Asuman to come to a complete understanding of the gospel and openly give his life to Christ.
The church reaches the community through door-to-door evangelism. Our intentions are to visit everyone in the community and share with them the gospel message. This month we visited thirty homes and talked to over two-hundred people. We believe that as we share the gospel and display the love of Christ for people, they will come to know the truth and believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
We are grateful for the support of White Fields to help us be a more effective ministry to our community through the pastors and the poverty solutions projects. These projects are a testimony to the community that we are a church that cares about people and displays the love of Christ to people.
- Pray for the poverty solutions projects to be blessed and for the love of Christ to shine through these projects.
- Pray for the building of our church walls. We have laborers and are praying for the provision of cement.
August 2018
Mr. Remigio is a hundred and three years old. He gave his life to Christ after many visits to his home. According to him, he served the devil for many years and never had any thoughts of salvation. He would worship and pray to the ancestral spirits to watch over his family and protect his wealth. He has three wives and sixteen children. Mr. Remigio has been so transformed by the gospel that he wants to be baptized. He was known as a witch doctor but now is a born-again Christian. Praise God!
Give thanks to Mr. Remigio’s salvation and pray for his witness to the community.
One of the members in our church is Medius, a widow with four children, three daughters and a son, who is still in school. She sings in the church choir and her children are young ambassadors. They live in the village of Kashayo in a house with four rooms. Medius’ husband passed away three years ago, and she makes her living as a subsistence farmer and selling her labor. She is praying for the strength to continue working and for enough jobs to feed and support her children in school.
- Pray for Medius to be blessed with jobs and for her crops to thrive.
- Pray for Medius’ children to study hard and succeed in school.
Mugisha is a teacher by profession. He is married and has three children. He was living a desperate life due to his alcohol consumption for the last ten years. He was heavily addicted to alcohol and unable to sleep without drinking. Because he was a drunkard, he neglected his responsibilities as a father and husband, leaving the care of the house to his wife and unable to buy food for his children. We shared the world with Mugisha and he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. His life was transformed by the grace of God. He attends the fellowship and has stopped drinking. He is taking care of his family and the joy and peace of the Lord are reigning in his family. People in the village are seeing the power of the gospel in his life and are grateful for the positive influence of the church on the community.
Give thanks for the transformed life of Mugisha through grace.
Give thanks for the witness of the church to the people in the village through the dramatic transformation of lives changed by the gospel.
The church is reaching the community through door-to-door evangelism and shared the Word of God with fifty families this past month. Continue praying for boldness is sharing and perseverance no matter the response.
During our outreach, we knocked on the door of Kininga. He is of Islamic faith but is interested in hearing the message. He invited us to pray with his family and has encouraged his son, who is in his mid-twenties, to begin to have fellowship with us. We are praying for this family to come to an understanding of the gospel and each one to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ.
- Pray for the evangelism outreach to the families in the village.
- Pray for Kininga and his family to continue listening and to come to an understanding of the gospel.
- Pray for the church members to be able to contribute to the purchase of cement to make bricks for the church walls.
- Pray for the future ability to build a Sunday school structure.
July 2018
Stanley is seventy years old and is married to Mary with ten children. He is a retired army officer who had the rank of sergeant. According to Stanley, he worked in the Uganda People’s Defense Forces for twenty years and retired due to an eye sickness that left him no longer able to read or write. We met him through home visits in his village and shared the gospel. He accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior and has been healed of his blindness. Mary suffered from fatigue due to insomnia and was unable to work in the garden. When she consulted the doctor, there was no detection of any sickness that they could treat. After we prayed with her and her husband, she had enough sleep for the first time that night. She has gained back her energy and thanks to the Lord for the peace and healing that has come to her family.
Give thanks for the healing of Stanley and Mary.
Mohammed is married to Annet. He and his wife gave their lives to the Lord six months ago. They have four children who serve in the Young Ambassadors ministry. Annet and Mohammed are ushers at the church. They are day laborers and are praying for the Lord to provide financial opportunities, so they may earn enough money to provide food, and their children’s school fees, they would also like to buy land to cultivate.
- Pray with Mohammed and Annet for the opportunity to earn money to sustain their family.
Medius is a widow with four girls. She lives in the village of Nyakariro, about six miles away. I met her on the road and shared the gospel with her. She was so convicted that she visited our church that Sunday and gave her life to Christ. She is now a member of the church and walks from her village every Sunday with different people and her children. This has prompted us to start a home fellowship in her village.
- Pray for safe travels for the group coming from Nyakariro and for their witness to their village.
- Pray for the home fellowship in Nyakariro to grow and expand in numbers.
As a church, we reach the community through door-to-door evangelism. We had twelve new people show interest and are attending home fellowships and church. Our goal is to reach every person in the community and share with them the gospel. Other ministries in our church include the children’s classes. We are training and encouraging our committed members to serve in different capacities.
- Pray for the members to continue serving the Lord faithfully.
- Pray for spiritual gifts to be developed and cultivated by our members to reach our community and to serve in the church.
Spring 2018

I met a man named Alex last week while I was out sharing the Gospel. He’s been an alcoholic for 12 years. During our home visit, I had the opportunity to share the Word of God with Alex, after explaining the Gospel for several hours Alex accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. He told me that he had thought about leaving his wife and six children and committing suicide. Since he received Christ Alex has attended church every week including our home fellowships. He is a witness to his community and has shared his testimony with many people. Alex met Sam who has a similar story. Sam shared that when he saw Alex’s transformation, he was convinced that the church was delivering the true Gospel. He too accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior and requested to be baptized.
Moses was a drunkard who did not like our church; he had a negative attitude towards us. When he attended the Anglican church, he believed that giving money to the church would be enough to take him to heaven. However, during our home visits, he allowed us to share the gospel with him. He was touched and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. He started attending our church and has become a born-again Christian.
We see God’s people having faith and living their lives to serve our Lord despite the hardships. Topista has three children who she cares for on her own. Her husband left her for another woman. She carries the responsibility of providing a home, food, and school fees so that they can continue to go to school. She works manual labor jobs and struggles to earn enough money. However, she continues to be involved at church, and her children participate as well. Topista is an usher and is also part of the choir. Her children are part of the young ambassador’s choir. Keep the family in your prayers as they continue to serve faithfully at the church.
Isaac is a young man who attends our home fellowship but will not attend our church service on Sunday’s. He lives with his parents and is afraid if his parents discover he attends church. He secretly worships with us but has not openly confessed his acceptance of Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Please help us pray that this young man would be released from the bondage of religion.
Prayer Request:
- Continual prayer for Alex and Sam. Help us pray that they will continue to seek our Lord and be strengthened by his Word.
- Prayer for Sam’s daughter Shivan who is 15 years old. Sam has been raising her since his wife left them.
Sports evangelism is a ministry we continue to do; this activity brings the youth together. We concentrate on football (soccer) and volleyball. Our biggest challenge is our equipment. We depend on borrowing balls and nets but praise God that he provides when we need them. Please help us pray that our church will acquire the right equipment one day.
(2) This month we got to baptize five people. We also thank the Lord for the sports evangelism crusade we hosted where young people from other local churches around turned up for competition against our team called Embassy Football Club. The word of God was shared, and eight young boys gave their lives to the Lord.
In my village, I have seen that Jesus is at work in a man named Johnson. He is married and has two girls who both attend school. Johnson went to the Anglican church, but at the same time he led a group of thieves robbing and killing people across the country. According to Johnson he had been a thief for 15 years and had been to prison about 72 times throughout Uganda. When we visited him and shared the Bible, he told us that because of our home visits he feels that the Lord is telling him he needs to change his behavior and repent. After sharing the Word of God, he promised to visit us at church, which he did. When he attended the service, as usual, the gospel was presented, and he accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior. We thank God for Johnson’s conversion to faith.
The youth are training, learning Christian songs, and dancing every Saturday preparing for the Sunday service. The young people are encouraged to join sports evangelism as a way of attracting more to come to church. Recently we held a sports evangelism crusade where around 200 people turned up to watch the match. We thank the Lord that after sharing the word of the God, eight boys gave their lives to Christ.
Newton and Evelyn are a young couple who are nineteen and twenty years old. They have a one-year-old baby and live in a two-room house in the village of Kyabugashe in Nyakagyeme sub-parish. They’re both on the worship team at church and Newton is part of the kingdom steppers. They both work in a small shop they lease. Newton heads the home fellowship in his area, and both have the gift of evangelism.
Pray that they will get enough money to boost their business. Pray that the Lord protects them and their baby and continues to bless them with good health.
Jane is married to Henry who is an Army officer. Jane and her teenage son have joined our church even at the protest of her parents. They wanted their grandchild to be part of the Anglican church. Jane has not yet professed faith in Christ. Her son continues to serve the Lord through the young ambassadors. Please pray that the entire family will come to know the Lord as their Savior and that Jane will continue to attend and learn God’s word, and one day confesses her faith in Jesus.
Pray for Isaac who accepted the Lord Jesus as his Savior but is getting resistance from his parents. He attends our fellowships secretly because of fear from his parents. Recently he decided to believe in the Lord and shared with the parents the Word of God. Pray that the Lord may protect him through this adversity/oppression and use him to bring many family members to Christ.
(3) I met Amon, a 90-year-old man who has many children. When we first visited him during our home visits, he resisted the gospel. He believed that by giving money to his religion, he would get a ticket to heaven. After a few visits, he started accepting our message of Jesus Christ. We shared with him that only by believing in Jesus as his Lord and Savior would he have eternal life. Amon received the message and encouraged his family to fellowship with the church. He is very old and not able to walk to church, but he has offered his home as a place for a community fellowship.
In our community, most of our people have issues with alcoholism. Many shops sell alcohol and people who become believers struggle with the draw that alcohol has on them. Some people who come to the Lord who sell alcohol for their business struggle to find an alternative business. The transition is challenging. Another battle is finding new friends who are not drunkards, but the Lord is a just judge who helps us in our time of need. Keep us in your prayers that the Lord will give us wisdom on how to handle such issues wisely according to scripture. We are eager to help the new believers to grow in their faith.
Brian and Lydia are newlyweds and have no children. They rent a home in the Katonya trading center and sell commodities from their home. They also farm because their income is not enough for their rent and daily needs. Brian and Lydia both serve in the choir, and Brian also leads the fellowship meeting at the trading center. Please help us pray for this couple, pray that the Lord will grow their faith in him and that they will raise enough money to buy land so they can build a house for their future children.
On Monday and Tuesdays, we go to God’s Embassy Katobo for leadership bible study. We also involve our most dedicated members in the church activities. We train them to lead our church programs, intercession prayers, and other events we have planned.
We recently had a visitor who claimed he had never entered a church. His name is Asuman and is 22 years old. Asuman comes from an Islamic background and goes to the mosque on Fridays for Islamic prayers. One Sunday he decided to visit our church and listen to what we were preaching. He shared with us that ever since we began ministry in the community, he has seen the positive transformation of the people. Asuman had heard of the church and followed us from a distance and finally decided to step foot in our church. As a church, we welcomed him and invited him to come back any time we are teaching.
As a church, we are reaching the community through house visits and evangelism. Our target is to take the Word of God to every home in our community and pray with them as well. We thank God for this month; we were able to reach 11 homes, sharing the Word with 56 people.
Summer 2018
(4) This month we saw people who were hopeless and purposeless in life change their minds and pursue a life of faith in Jesus Christ. A young Muslim man in Katoonya was living a life of ignorance and never believed in the hope of the gospel. Asuma welcomed us each time we visited, and through our witnessing and sharing who Jesus Christ is, realized his need for redemption and gave his life to Christ. Ever since then he has joined our church, and is usually the first person to arrive in the morning. He also joined the ushering department and has taken on the responsibility of cleaning the church every Sunday morning before prayers begin as his way of ministering to the Lord.
Through music and dance performances the Kingdom Steppers dance group has had several youths join the church and come to the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Nickson from Katunguru Village was invited to watch and participate in music and dance at our church. When he joined, he was also introduced to the Word of God. He is now a born-again Christian and loves dancing for the Lord. We also met Owen, a young man who left home and started living on the streets. When he joined Kingdom Steppers, we shared the truth in the Word of God and encouraged him to return home to his parents. He has returned home and is a better son now and his father Robert is grateful to the Lord. Robert can see the change in his son’s life through our ministries. He says his son was lost but now is found. Our prayer is that many young men in the communities surrounding the church will come to the knowledge of the Lord and grow up with a God-fearing heart.
Naomi is a widow from Burere village; she has a young daughter named Rachael. Rachael is 5 years old and is part of the Young Ambassadors at the church. Naomi ministers at church as a prayer intercessor and is an usher. She attends fellowship faithfully. Before Naomi came to the Lord, she suffered from insomnia due to evil spiritual attacks. When her husband died, she was initiated into the traditional spiritual worship and started experiencing demonic assaults at night. When we met her, she had been suffering for two years. She had tried several means to be delivered from these spirits including consulting witchdoctors, but all was in vain. When she came to church, we prayed with her, and she was delivered from the demonic oppression and gave her life to the Lord. Naomi’s prayer request is that the Lord may strengthen her faith and allow her to grow in the Word of God. She also prays that the Lord may provide for her financially so that she can take care of her child and give her the education she needs.
We continue to go out into the community and visit homes. During the month we made eight home visits and shared the gospel with many people. The people were receptive and said they would attend the church. Even though no one accepted the Lord, we have faith that our message was heard.
Christine is married to Eric, and they have three children. Christine was an alcoholic and always fighting with her husband. Her family was falling apart due to constant domestic violence. Her children were failing to study due to the lack of their parent’s commitment and started living a hopeless life. But when we organized a crusade in Katoonya trading center and Christine heard the gospel she gave her life to Christ Jesus. We started following up and encouraging her to attend church programs especially the Bible study. Christine has become one of the most transformed women in our church who is deeply committed to serving the Lord. Toda, Christine is in the church choir, and there is peace between her and her husband. You can see that the family is settled and there is no longer domestic violence cases being reported against them these days. All her children are at school, and some have joined the Young Ambassadors.
Mideous lives in the community, and recently has shown interest in the church even though she has not committed his life to Christ. Mideous comes from the Anglican church and sometimes it is hard for people to leave the church even when they just attend. Her children, however, have joined the Young Ambassadors. We meet once a week with Mideous and share the word of God every time we have the opportunity. We have faith that she will surrender her life to Christ.
(5) I have specifically seen God at work through Generous who is 50 years old and lives in Katoonya with her husband Kenneth who is 57. They have six children, four girls and two boys and all of them are married. When we met Generous for the first time at her home through a house visit, we shared the word of God, and she made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ as her savior. She later disclosed to us that she wanted to commit suicide and felt her life was hopeless because of her physically disabled husband. Their children had also not supported them for seven years and did not communicate with them. She now attends home fellowships and Sunday services with us and is grateful for the church that cares and visits people in their homes and gives them hope and faith through God’s word.
The women meet twice a month on the first and the last Thursdays of the month. They meet at the church and encourage each other through prayer and sharing the word of God. They also engage each other by learning skills such as making handicrafts, mats, baskets which they later sell for income. The men do volunteer work by visiting each other’s homes and fixing or rebuilding fix part of their houses. This system brings unity and love among the men in our church, this month the men helped Pastor Bosco finish his home. Our young people are known as Kingdom Steppers, and they meet twice a week on Tuesdays and Saturday evenings to learn new dancing skills. They also memorize verses to present on Sunday during the primary service.
Norah is 50 years old and is a widow with five children. All her children are married, and she lives with one of her grandchild named Anthony. Anthony is only 13 years old and serves in Kingdom Steppers. Norah serves at the church as well. Please pray that the Lord may continue using her to encourage more widows to come to Christ and that the Lord will continually give her strength to work and keep supporting her grandchild in school.
Our ministry training is done through individual involvement in leadership and observing our leaders. People are inspired to join the ministry by leading church programs, leading fellowships, sharing the word of God and other activities in the ministry. Pray for our current and future leaders that the Lord may continue to minister their growth and strength in the Word.
Christine is 35 years old and is married to Eric 40, they have four children. Before Christine gave her life to Christ, she had decided to divorce her husband because he was a violent alcoholic. However, through counseling and patience, she was willing to stay with him and learn how to deal with him when he drinks. Christine attends church services and our fellowship. Please pray that she will have the wisdom to talk to her husband and that he will come to know the Lord.
The church is reaching the community through home visits and door to door evangelism with the aim of speaking to everyone so that we can share the word of the God. This month we thank the Lord that he enabled us to reach out to 44 homes that comprised 222 people, 132 women, and 90 men.
November 2017
I have seen God at work in the life of Henry Baguma, who used to despise our church and would not even come near Christians because he thought we were a group of lost individuals. In one incident he got in a fight with his wife and injured her because she came to church service with us. Recently through home visits, we met him and shared with him the Word of God and by the grace of God he repented and confessed Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. When his wife witnessed him accept the Lord, she too and all their children joined him and started coming to Church as a family. They attend a nearby home fellowship and their children joined the Young Ambassadors.
Through storytelling, many families have opened their homes to us. This has been one of the most successful approaches I have used in sharing the Gospel with both believers and non-believers. With such doors opened, many are starting to come to church to visit and hear more Bible stories. Among the families we met, we also met the family of Kamusiime Bosco and Akatukunda Ruth who lives in Katoonya village next to the trading center. They have two children a boy 8 year old boy named moses and a five year old girl named Fortunate.
Kamusiime Bosco and his wife Ruth are part of the church choir. They live in a two-room house and work manual labor jobs. However, they also have a garden that they use for food. Despite the pressure from their family members, friends, and their former religious leaders, they have remained faithful to the Lord and decided to get baptized. Pray for them that they may continue standing in the Lord and that the Lord may strengthen them to work hard to keep their children in school.
October 2017
Dear friends in Christ Jesus, we bring you greetings from Katoonya. We appreciate your continuous support that has helped us stand as a church. Surely it would be challenging for us to have started without your support.
I have seen God at work through a woman called Ampeire Meron, she is 40 years old, and her child was sick for over a year. According to the mother of this child, they had taken her to different hospitals from time to time without any change at all. They were so desperate that at one point that they visited a witch doctor and still there was no improvement. The mother almost gave up after realizing that every effort they tried was in vain. They decided to come to church so that we could pray for the kid. The child healed completely, and this miracle prompted the mother to give her life to Christ, and she got baptized. She is now an earnest, committed member of the church, and she attends home fellowships. She is filled with joy and very thankful for what the Lord has done for her child.
When she went home and testified what the Lord had done for her child who they had lost hope for and were waiting for him to die, all the family members Glorified the Lord and were touched. One of her brother in laws by the names of Turyamureeba Johnson (49 years old) gave his life to Christ and had also joined our church.
We have maintained our weekly men’s group on Thursday’s from 3pm-5pm. We encourage one another in learning new skills which can help us earn a living in the future. Currently, we concentrate on handcrafts like baskets and mats, but we believe God will open a door so that we can buy a tailoring machine, which can help people learn to learn more skills in tailoring.
For the young people known as kingdom steppers, much emphasis has been on music, dance, and drama where many young people are attracted to our church because of the talent. Even though we have some youth that has not confessed Jesus as their Lord and Savior, we believe that God’s word does not go void and they will accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. For children, we have discovered that through sports evangelism, many children are drawn to Jesus Christ. They meet on Saturday evenings for sports, and on Sunday, they come to church for children’s class.
Rwasikira is a member of my fellowship; she is 65 yrs. Old and lives in a mud house with three rooms. She lives with her son Kato Bernard who is 47 years old. Rwasikira serves at the church as an intercessor and leads the group widows of the church. The most prominent challenge she has is that she lost most of her children who were supporting her financially. Pray for her that God may open a door economically to help her and her son who needs medical attention.
Through leaders’ training every Tuesday, we share the Word of God and help each other to participate in leading different programs in the church like; choir, intercession prayer, and programming of the church services. This meeting helps me train other to join the ministry.
An example of how God is transforming people’s lives is through one man called Turyagyenda Jimmy who is 47 years old. Jimmy lives in Katoonya with his family of 4 children; 2 boys and two girls, they all attend school. This man gave his life to the Lord recently. When we met him during home visitations according to his wife, he was living a life of drunkard for over 20 years. He was in most cases coming back home late and fighting his wife every night when he was drunk; he would also fight with his neighbors. Most of his money went to drinking alcohol. But we thank God so much that, after giving his life to Christ, his life has completely changed. He started attending fellowship and no longer drinks alcohol. He now glorifies the Lord so much, and his family is happy. Through home visitations, we were able to visit ten families that comprised of 52 members altogether including 27 females and 25 males.
We thank the Lord so much who enabled us to baptize nine members of our fellowship last week including three females and six males.
Prayer Requests:
- Cement for bricklaying of our church.
- Sound equipment for our church.
Pastor Robinson
September 2017
This month has been such a blessing. We did home visits with some of our church members who were sick from different illnesses. The members were happy to receive us in their homes, and I am pleased to report that they are getting better after the church reached out to them.
God has demonstrated His beautiful and significant works in Katoonya through a woman named Christine who was married to an Islamic man. God allowed me an opportunity through evangelism in Katoonya to share the Word of God with her. As a result of my sharing the gospel, she professed faith in Jesus Christ. When her in-laws heard that Christine had abandoned their faith of Islam, they joined with other family members and started persecuting her. The husband even threatened to kill her if she did not stop coming to church. But we thank God so much that Christine resisted them and continued to attend church. Her commitment to the Lord grew stronger as she came each week and learned about her Savior. She vowed to stand through whatever happens even if it means her death; she said she would gladly embrace it wholeheartedly and not give up her trust in the Savior. The husband finally divorced her. She now stays in a small mud house with her twins, an eight-month-old boy, and girl. She works as a day laborer to earn money to feed her children. Her biggest challenge is taking care of the babies. As the church, we pray that the Lord will continue to provide and comfort her through this persecution.
This month we visited nine families and were able to minister to 38 people in total (17 male and 21 female). Among them we visited three families, out of those five people had malaria and other diseases, but the Lord through the church provided medical treatment, and they are now getting much better. We thank God that as a church we can do home visits and encourage the people not to lose hope. We ran into some who had lost hope of living due to a lack of medical treatment. However, through the people and visitors, they were taken to the hospital. During the home visits, we gave gifts of food: cornmeal, flour/posho, beans, bread, and a bar of soap. These were such a blessing because the gifts provided the families with enough food for two weeks (due to prolonged drought and famine there has been a food scarcity), these gifts brought joy to the families.
Through these home visits, one of the church youth who had dropped out of school two years ago due to lack of school fees got an opportunity to return to school. We thank God so much for the team He added unto us while we were doing these home visits. The Lord used them to bless different people. Praise the Lord for His goodness!
Among the family visits was the family of Mrs. Komugisha Beatrice. She is a widow with three children, a boy, and two girls and they are staying in a mud house. All three children participate in the church choir, and Beatrice is a leader of a home fellowship and intercession group.
Since the time Beatrice and her family accepted Jesus over five years ago, they have faced rejection from relatives for leaving their father’s religion. The father passed away ten years ago. However, she says the Lord has been faithful and enabled her to work and support her children in school.
They survive by doing any labor job that is available, she uses the money to pay for school fees, and her prayer request is that the Lord will continue helping her children stay in God’s word and to stay focused on their studies as she works to support them.
Praise Reports:
- After an extended period of famine, people do not have enough food to eat or seeds to plant when the rains came. We thank God so much for caring for us and providing food to our church members during home visits and also providing them with seeds to plant and overcome poverty. Our congregation has a hope of harvesting since they have planted good seeds.
- We thank God for White Fields for its partnership which has helped us to fund most of the projects. Without their help, we would not have the opportunity to do so much in the communities.
Prayer Requests:
- Pray that the Lord will provide cement for the church walls of our building.
Serving faithfully in Katonya, Pastor Robinson
August 2017
Dear friends and well-wishes, I salute you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We have seen God at work here in Katoonya community in many ways. One way was through our home visits. We visited 16 families, and out all the families we saw one person received Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Her name is Joy Marembo, a widow who is 70 years old. Joy’s religious background is the Anglican church. She lives in a four-roomed mud house and has lived there isolated since 1987, the year her husband died. She said that she had not moved out of her surroundings since then. She would only go to her gardens, but never associated with people, and never went to church because she was angry at God who had taken her husband. Her husband meant everything in life, and he was the only thing she felt she had in life, so Joy resented everyone and lost interest in praying to God and going to church. For 30 years, she was bitter with God. We prayed and shared God’s Word with her numerous times, and after some time, she changed her heart and mind and believed in the Lord Jesus and gave her life to Christ. Joy attends our fellowships at the church. Most of the community members who knew her are amazed at how the Lord is moving in her life. Her children are the most shocked; they had lost hope in her. She says that her only challenge is that she lacks clothes and shoes for church. Please pray for her that God will meet her needs, but also that God will use her testimony to reach her family members and community.
We had planned to have dinner with the seniors in the community in August, but we were not able to because we are still mobilizing the resources, but we are hopeful that we will be ready in September. We plan to have a simple interactive and joyful dinner. Please pray with us that that dinner will bring many of our seniors, and they will hear the gospel and join the kingdom of God by giving their lives to Christ.
For the youth department, the church is reaching out to the young people through sports evangelism, music, dance, and drama. We have some young people who are interested in attending church because of the sports evangelism. We currently have ten young men who have shown interest in joining the church. They continue to participate in each church service. Please help us pray that our young community will continue to be interested, and through our activities, they will come to know our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ngabirano Junior is 24 years old young man. He is part of a large family, 8 children total (5F, 3M). He is the 3rd born of his siblings. They lost their father eight years ago. After the death of their father, they got involved in worshiping the ancestral spirits. Junior became the family priest to lead in the worship of the spirits. Different people used to go to him to consult their ancestral spirits for guidance and blessings. So, when Ngabirano Junior gave his life to Christ, it did not please many of his family members including his mother. What made the situation worst at home is that when he invited us to his home for prayer, the family would say that the spirits would not work to their expectations. The family cast him out and stopped giving him needed support as a member of the household. However, he is committed to serving the Lord, despite all the challenges. He has joined one of our local Bible schools here in Rukungiri at Miranda. The church is helping him get through school so that he can get equipped for God’s ministry in the church. Please keep him in your prayers that his faith will continue to grow deep into his life despite the hardships he has endured. Also, please pray that the Lord will provide a ministry so that the church can continue to help him finish school.
Pastor Kwesiga Robinson
July 2017
As a church, we have witnessed God’s continual operation and demonstration of His love, in God’s Embassy and the community of Katonya at large. Many people are testifying of God’s mercy towards them, even among those we least expect such as witch-doctors and drunkards who are surrendering their lives to Jesus Christ.
This month, a well-known ancestral spirit worshiper, a lady by the name of Kedress gave her life to Jesus Christ. She openly confessed that people came to her for healing and she would go to the spirits who would possess and direct her in how to treat people. She said, at first, she thought that those spirits were from God, but after sharing with her the Word of God, she realized the spirits were evil. She denounced the spirits, and we prayed for her liberation from the spirits. Kedress received complete deliverance and was set free from her bondage. She has opened her house for a home fellowship every Wednesday and has also joined the evangelism team. She walks in her community sharing her testimony of how she is finding rest in Jesus Christ.
In our village, there is a group of seniors whose average age is 60 years old. As a church, we have discovered that this group in our community has been neglected both by their children and even their local religious sects. We are making an effort to reach out with the Word of God and encouraging them to attend church. We are purposefully and specifically visiting once a week spending time with them in prayer and bible studies in their own homes. We have planned to organize a special dinner at the church to continue sharing the love of Christ as a reminder that Jesus never abandons anyone even at an elderly age. With this ministry, most of the old people are now testifying of the love that the church is showing them. They feel proud of being part of the church. We pray and believe God will provide finances for all activities so that we can continue reaching out to many more people with the love of Christ. One example is Joy Esther, an old woman who is 99 years old. She doesn’t have the strength to support herself or to stand or walk. She has six married children, all have abandoned her except one. The little care she receives is from her eldest daughter who is 70 years old and is also very weak. We hope this ministry will reach many more people like Joy Esther.
The Lord has used the church to promote and spread the gospel through sports and youth activities like football and volleyball. The young people in our church reach out to their peers in the community through sports games. Many youths have been attracted to attend church because of these sports activities. Brother Frank has been a great contribution to this ministry in particular through mobilization and the sports preaching approach that he uses to teach the youth. I personally as a pastor have been actively involved in this ministry to ensure its effectiveness. We now have 15 energetic young boys on the football team, and we believe God will provide the sports materials we need like balls, volleyballs, nets, and other sports items.
(Click here to see how sports activities started in February 2017)
Erius is 14 years old, and he is in primary four, Junior is 18 years old and is in senior two in school, both of them are staying together in a rented room at the Katonya trading center. Their parents abandoned them and stopped paying their school fees after they gave their lives to become disciples of Christ. For the time being, they survive by doing manual labor in the community to pay for food, school, and rent. They are ministering in the church now and are in the Kingdom steppers, church choir, and are very active in the sports ministry. Recently Junior stopped going to school because of an eye problem. He is now working to save money to see the eye specialist. Please pray that God will bring healing to his eye.
We thank God for the level the Lord has put us in relation to church attendances; we now have over 40 members who attend church every Sunday. We have 15 men and 25 women and are strengthening ministries like the sports and senior ministry.
Kenneth who is 36 years old experienced God’s transforming power. He was previously an alcoholic and hopeless young man who was loitering in the Katoonya trading center. His marriage failed because of his alcoholism, and he was living life as a homeless person. But, when a member of our church stopped and visited with him and preached the Gospel, God had mercy on him, and Kenneth gave his life to Christ. His life is transformed! He attends church each Sunday, and everyone who knew him is testifying of the goodness of God and His church at God’s Embassy, Katonya.
A lady by the name of Elivaida who is 68 years old and a member of the Anglican church recently visited our Church for prayers. She told us that she was convicted in her heart to come and pray with us because of her health. She was diagnosed with kidney failure, and we are praying for her that she may experience Christ and give her life to Him.
I thank you for your prayers and financial support. They increase my effectiveness in ministering to our people and planting the church at Katonya!
Pastor Robinson
June 2017
We have seen God at work in such way that people who used to despise us have started coming and fellowshipping with us. Among them are three men and two women who have given their lives to Christ and are committed to studying the Word of God.
Men and women meet once a month (the first Thursday of the month) to study skills to help them earn a living like pottery, weaving, mat making as well as studying the Word of God. Our church young people commonly known as Kingdom Steppers meet every Saturday from 3:00pm-5:30pm for practice and prayers. Children also meet every Saturday from 3:00pm-5:30pm weekly with their teachers guiding them through the Word of God. Culturally our community is highly dominated by alcoholics, and a majority of the people worship ancestral spirits, this hinders people from believing the Word of God easily. Keep praying for us that God will soften their hearts to the Word of God.
We visited eight families and ministered to a total of 46 people of whom 19 are males, and 27 are females. Among them, is the family of Mr. Bashabe. He is the secretary of the church, leads men in the church as well while his wife Gauda Bashabe leads the church choir and is in the intercession group. Bashabe is 48 years old is married to Gauda Bashabe who is 40 years old. They have lived together for 15 years and have no children as of yet. They depend on agricultural produce from their gardens for income and home consumption. Their testimony is that despite the fact that they have no children, God has enabled them to live peacefully serving the Lord together and believing that He will give them children. They are committed to serving the Lord.
The church members have agreed that we should meet every Tuesday for prayers and church activities. Sunday afternoon we meet for fellowship and to prepare for Wednesday fellowships and share the challenges we meet through the week in our and home visits. We have five deacons in the church that are helping in different fields. They are named as follows, Bashabe Robert helps in men ministry as their leader, and he is the secretary of the church treasury. Manyindo Agnes leads the women ministry and helps in the children class, Niwamanya Frank leads the youth in the church. Karabaho Jackson heads the building committee and church developments. Pray for them that they may remain faithful before the Lord in everything they are doing for Him.
Through house, to house evangelism, many youths have been reached with the Word of God. One of them is Moses aged 25 years who has given his life to Jesus Christ. Alice Kakuru, an older lady who has started attending church fellowships but hasn’t become a believer yet. Pray for her to for quick deliverance to help many to come to Christ.
The Lord is working in my life in such way that, through the support of the White Fields I can meet most of my family needs like school fees, house meals, water and electricity bills. My family prayer need is that the Lord may open a door for me to acquire the land where I can build my own house for my family.
Praises and Prayer Requests:
- We thank the God for enabling us to get some benches in the church. Now some people have a place to sit which is contributing to have order in church. However, we pray that the Lord will enable us to have public address system that will ease the work of teaching the Word and additional church functions.
- As a church congregation, we thank God that we have raised enough money to buy one bag of cement towards the construction of walls for the church. We are in prayer believing God for the provision of more cement to make bricks for the church walls.
Your servant in Christ, Pastor Robinson
May 2017
Dear brothers and sisters, we bring you warm greetings from Katonya. We highly appreciate the tremendous support you give us both financially and spiritually. Surely without your support, ministry would be very challenging. We thank God for you.
We had seen the Lord at work in such a way that when the church roof was completed, people who used to despise our humble beginning came to inquire from us how we were able to complete the work. We pointed them to our faith in Jesus Christ asking Him for help through prayers. In our village people have started respecting the message of the gospel we share with them, reaching the extent of asking us to visit them in their homes to share the Word of God and pray with them.
This month the women from Church traveled to Katobo for a women’s seminar. The seminar had many topics such as women in ministry, family as a ministry, and the need for godly characters in women as they live with non-believing husbands. All in all, the seminar went well, and the women came back praising the Lord for things they had learned at the teaching. We pray such seminars will continue to be arranged to help the churches being planted.
We were able to make build seats in the church, formerly we sat on the mats, but now we have a new place to sit under the shade.
The church has chosen leaders for the women, children, and men who are part of the Katobo leaders training. We travel to Katobo every Monday and Tuesday evening. The training is helping us in being better ministers who are learning to divide the Word of the truth correctly. We thank God for Pastor Onesimus who is training us in these classes.
In May we were blessed to host the Vision 25 and White Fields teams at the Katonya trading center. A large gathering came and listened to the Gospel through music, dance, and drama. Many plays were presented that pointed to their need to trust in Christ. The Vision team sang songs in the local language which was incredible, the people were amazed. From that gathering, we had ten people start attending church. We thank God for the visiting teams that came preaching the good news.
As a church, we are committed to preaching the Gospel from house to house through home visits. This month we followed-up on a home visit we made to one of the families of the church. Sister Jaylence has six children and attends the church. Her husband Mr. John is not yet a believer, but we are praying for him to join the family in the faith. They live together a mud house with their six children, three boys, and three girls. The eldest daughter Justine is 15 years old; she serves in the church choir. She only studied up to primary seven and dropped out of school due to lack of school fees. Their second daughter Ketty is 13 years old. Ketty is in primary seven and has no hope to continue with her studies. The rest of the children are in lower classes. Because of alcoholism, John has left almost all the responsibility of the family to his wife who moves around selling labor to buy food for her family and school fees. We are praying for them, especially Justine who still wishes to continue with her education.
This month we have shown six films which helped us preach the Gospel and share the need for Christ. These films have also helped reduce the open persecution of the church members. In these films, a total of 150 people viewed them, and four adults gave their lives to Christ.
Prayer requests:
- A church public address system.
- Construct the walls of the Church.
We are thankful to the Lord for the support of White Fields for funding our church programs. We pray God bless them king size.
Pastor Robinson Kwesiga
March 2017
Dear friends in Christ Jesus, we bring you our warm greetings from Katonya! As a church, we appreciate your continuous support towards our well being both spiritually & financially.
We are very grateful to see the completion of our roof. We are now free from rain. It has been a challenging time of waiting but now the roof is completed, and we are grateful to the Lord for the support of White Field’s Ministry that has enabled us to have a place we call home. People from the community are giving thanks to God who has provided for us.
We have seen God at work within our youth department through games and sports activities. We thank the Lord who has enabled us to reach the youth through sports evangelism as well as sharing the Word of God. This month, we organized a football match amongst the children under 13 years old, this attracted many adults to as well. We have found that this group draws more people to the stadium as each parent wants to see what is happening on the field. This approach has been useful most of these children in the sports team were not allowed to come to church by their parents. Their parents now let them come because of our sports days, and some have received Jesus Christ as Lord Savior of their lives.
We thank the Lord that through sports evangelism some adults have started coming to church for the Word of God and some have ended up accepting Jesus as their savior like Ivan who shared his testimony with us.
Ivan Mukiga is 30 years old and was born in the religious setting of the Anglican church. Ivan became an orphan at a young age, he never met his father, and without a father, at home, he became lawless and acquired the bad habits of drinking and smoking cigarettes. He was searching for peace and satisfaction but confessed it was all in vain and acknowledged that he had spent over two years without attending any church fellowship.
While playing on a soccer team that was competing with God’s Embassy’s team, some of our members invited him to come to church, he came and on hearing the Word of God was convicted and gave his life to Christ. He is grateful that he has hope for the future.
Someone who used to be hopeless now is hopeful knowing he has God and a church family to care for him. Previously nobody cared for him, but now he has a church family that cares about him and loves him unconditionally. He is committed to learning the Word of God, pray for him as he desires a Bible. He is praying to save money to start a shop.
The children ministry is growing. We are grateful to the Lord for the number of children that are increasing since we constructed a church store that doubles as the children’s church. We have 20 (13 boys and 7 girls) children attending. Pray for us to get an ample space for the children for children’s church.
As a Church, we are committed to fighting poverty and encourage hard work. One of the ways is encouraging members to be involved in animal and crop management. For the youth, we bought one pig, we plan to distribute the piglets to members of the youth one by one to ensure that in the long run, every youth member is raising a pig at home as an income generating activity. Pray for this project to take off.
We are committed to leadership training and development. Church leaders meet on Friday for training and Saturday for preparing Sunday services.
This month we visited five homes. This is one of our primary ways for evangelism within the community. We also visit our believers and give them encouragement and support. Among the homes, we visited, was that of Georgina, a 76-year-old widow of Mashongora village. She was formerly connected to the Anglican church but also practiced African traditional religion of worshiping spirits. She stays with three grandchildren, two boys and one girl. Precious 10 years old in Primary five, James 7 years old in primary two and Alex 5 years old in Primary one. After sharing with the Word of God, she gave her life to Christ. She is zealous in her new-found faith. The parents of the grandchildren passed because of HIV/AIDS. She depends on manual labor to support these children.
- Pray for her that the Lord may strengthen her to take care of her grandchildren.
Another home visited was that of Mr. Edison. He separated with his wife who left him and their one son Brighton who is eight years old in Primary Four. His wife left him because he was an alcoholic. On our visit, we found Mr. Edison recovering from compound fractures from a motorcycle accident. After sharing the Gospel with him, he accepted Christ. Pray for him as we go about reconciling him with his wife since he is a changed man now. He attends our fellowship every week coming to church on his crutches. He is rejoicing that the Lord saved him and changed his life. He used to stay in bars all night drinking alcohol, but now he goes to church for prayers, stays at his home, and visits friends. Pray for his quick recovery.
Prayer Requests for the Church
- Pray for the Public-Address system to be used in Church and outreach events during evangelism.
- With roof built we now pray for finances to buy cement to build the church walls.
- Pray for the provision of sports equipment like footballs and netball for the youth and children.
- For the provision of the children shelter where they can sit comfortably learning the Word of God.
- Pray for us to receive more Bibles and other Bible study books for children.
Thank you for joining us is in prayer. It is wonderful to know we have a team of people supporting us around the world.
Pastor Robinson
February 2017
Beloved friends in Jesus Christ, we bring warm greeting from God’s Embassy, Katonya, we appreciate your tireless efforts support us both spiritually and materially.
We thank the Lord for your endeavors towards the kingdom of God. Specifically, we are grateful to you for building us a church. We began by fellowshipping under a tree and received considerable criticism from the religious community, God has remembered us through your support. We thank the Lord who has not let us down since we started calling upon His name. We see God work in our lives and church, our fellowship, began as five members, but now by God’s mercy, we have grown to twenty (eight males, twelve females) adult members and fifteen children.
The Women’s Ministry is increasing in size and meets every Thursday to study the Word of God. We are also teaching them hands-on skills like weaving baskets and mat making to help them earn an income.
God enabled us to start sports evangelism ministry among the youth. Our target is to use games to attract young people to church. We are using soccer among boys and netball among girls. After the games, we bring the youth together and share with them the word of God and invite them to church. We believe that through sports evangelism, we will be able to deliver the Word of God to the youth who usually don’t attend church.
We started a prison ministry in March. We visit local jails on Thursdays, we share the Word of God, counsel, and pray with them. The Lord has given us favor with several prison wardens, and they have encouraged us to come back to share the Word of God. It is a blessing to see the inmates touched by the promise of a changed life.
Our community is dominated by the belief in traditional African religion combined with Catholicism or Anglicanism. Many have a form of godliness but deny its power, they appear to be christian but mix their beliefs with spirit worship. For this reason, there is persecution of Catholics and Anglicans, who turn to faith and join our church. For example, Kedress Karugahe and her two children became believers in Jesus through our preaching and joined God’s Embassy Katonya. However they were stopped by their father from coming to Church, and their mother was not even allowed to step foot in our Church. Kedress approached us and shared with the Church her problem, and we advised her to keep praying and reading her Bible from home until God softens her husband’s heart and allow them to come to Church again.
Parents influencing parents to stop their kids from coming to church is a common occurrence. Sometimes the parents of other children when they see youth attending our church will go and talk to their parents and tell them to stop sending their children from coming to church. They are loyal to their traditions and religion but not obeying the Word the Lord and living a transformed life. Keep us in your prayers that God will continue to do a mighty work in this community.
Jackson is a recent member of our fellowship and became a believer through one of the home visits we did in our community. When we visited his home, he had a problem. In the process of enlarging his house compound, he removed a tree that their ancestors used as an altar for worshipping spirits. Every night the spirits in this home would attack one of the children and speak through the child that their father had destroyed their ancestral altar. This altar needed to be repaired by renewing a covenant and planting another tree and making sacrifices on it if there was to be peace between the spirit world and their family. Jackson refused to renew a covenant with these spirits and sacrifice to them and went instead to ask his Anglican reverend to pray for him to overcome these spirits. The reverend told him to go to the Christian church at Gods embassy for help, he told Jackson that, “We don’t have the power to overcome these spirits, ask the pastor at God’s Embassy Katonya to pray for you.” He was thinking of how to meet with us when we visited him and told us his whole story. We prayed for him that night, and there was no torture of his children by the spirits. He saw that Jesus is powerful and later gave his life to Christ. He is now mobilizing the members of his extended family and asked us to visit with them and share the Gospel.
The family of Jackson is struggling as are most households in the community. They are peasants with limited land trying to find work doing manual labor to support their family. Most families live under the poverty line and work for eight hours a day to earn up to $1.50.
- We pray the Lord would provide for the Jackson family to finish their home.
- Also that our community can raise money to buy bibles for our church members, without them, we cannot be grounded in the Word of the Lord.
- Praying that our youth that attend the sports evangelism ministry will become believers in Jesus.
We shared the Gospel with a homeless man named Moses who has joined the Church and is staying with one of church members. He was homeless for eleven years wandering from village to village until we shared the Gospel with him. Praise the Lord. Keep him in your prayers that we can help him gain some life skills through our church.
Before White Fields support we struggled as a family to pay our bills and school fees. With the backing of White Fields the Lord has provided for us, now I can support my family.
- Pray for funds to buy land in Katonya. My family has a desire to stay within the community we are serving, we plan to find land and purchase it, and build a home here.
As a church we thank God for answering our prayers by building us a church, we began our church under a tree with the challenges of sunshine and sometimes heavy rainfall. The Lord helped us through the support of White Fields we are now in the final stages of roofing our church. It is a great testimony that God is with us.
We have five deacons in the church that are running ministry activities. Agnes is leading the women’s ministry and teaches the Sunday school children. Bashabe is the leader of the men’s ministry and church treasurer, Jackson heads the building committee, Beatrice heads the prayer intercessors and Frank Niwamanya heads the youth department.
Prayer requests for the church:
- Church public address system.
- More chairs.
- The Greater impact of the sports evangelism ministry.
- Ask God to strengthen the family of Jackson in His grace and love.
- Pray for children’s school fees and learning materials for all believers. We want our church members to have their children go to school; this is one way through which our members can overcome poverty and become meaningful citizens in the community.
Your co-worker in the ministry, Pastor Robinson
January 2017
Dear friends and well wishers in Christ Jesus. I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and Savior.
Brethren, friends, and coworkers in Christ Jesus, as a church in Katonya, we thank you very much for the great support you have continuously given to us both spiritually and financially. As a leader of the church in Katonya Community, I do appreciate the administration of White Fields for the financial support I receive to help my family to do the work of the ministry. I appreciate your efforts towards the construction of the church building that is now ongoing.
Doing ministry without a shelter has been very tough especially on rainy days. Praise the Lord that the roof is under construction. We thank the Lord so much who has given us the grace to serve regardless of all the hardships we went through, such as praying in direct sunshine, intense wind storms, and sometimes heavy rainfalls which have disrupted most of the church programs. Since the building of the roof that hardship is history. Praise the Lord!
Despite the challenges, the Lord has been wonderful to us. We continue to see the hand of God and the Church is growing steadily. We are committed to teaching the Word of God, and many people are responding to questions, while others are becoming believers in the truth. This month we visited fourteen homes as part of our involvement in house to house evangelism in the community. Nine people (Seven male, two female) out of the homes we visited received the Lord as their savior and have been baptized.
One of the people that came to the Lord (Mugisha) has been a drunkard and had neglected his responsibilities as a father and husband. His salvation was a relief to his family and a shock to the community. The people were saying,“Mugisha can’t be saved, he will soon back slide.” But contrary to their perceptions he is coming to church faithfully, please keep him in your prayers.
Prayer requests:
- Children’s structure for their Sunday school classes.
- Sound system for the Church.
- Pray for Abudu. He is a Muslim man, who is the neighbor to the church. Attends Church services and have not yet confessed Christ.
Your friend in the Lord, Pastor Robinson.
The year two thousand and one is a year I will never forget because that is the year I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior.

I was born into a broken nonchristian family, I grew up using drugs (grown in our area) as well as drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. I was searching for something and felt very lost. It was during this time that the Lord used Pastor Onesimus to share the Gospel with me, the Word of God brought hope into my life. As I read the Bible, I began to think in a more positive manner, and the Lord helped me to stop these bad habits. I wrestled in the Spirit about the things I heard in the Gospel, the battle between my will and the Lords calling to my Spirit.
After pondering these things for some time, I was encouraged to attend a local church in Kampala called Mutundwe Christian Fellowship Centre. God healed my heart and gave me the grace to confess and accept Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, Lord, and Christ.
Since then the Lord gave me a new will, I immediately joined a local church near my home called Harvest Center in Kampala. The Lord was so good to me and used the pastor of this church to pray with, encourage, and guide me. The Lord changed the trajectory of my life, and I am so glad He did!