Pastor Jamisola’s Testimony

My name is Joselito, and I was born in Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines. I grew up in a family that believed in multiple religions. My father was a devoted Roman Catholic, my mother a backslidden protestant, my eldest brother went to the Iglesia ni Cristo, and my two older brothers attended the Seventh Day Adventist church. The rest of my siblings and I did not care about church growing up and usually went with the flow of what the different family members were doing. Often, there were debates in our home, and these discussions created curiosity and questions in my heart. This was when I started seeking the truth. testimony finished below
- Please pray that I can soon organize a ministry for the parents in Basak Lapu-Lapu.
- Please pray that we can establish home bible studies in the community.
- Please pray that God will open doors to receive the Gospel.
- Please pray for wisdom and strength in doing the ministry.

Precious in the eyes of the Lord
Luke 18:16 But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
How precious are these beautiful children who come unto Him in faith. We thank God that our children’s ministry continues to meet regularly, and I’ve seen that their knowledge and love for Jesus Christ are growing. This month is another opportunity for us to reach out to more children in the community, God has added twenty-nine new children to our outreach, and this is a great opportunity for us to reach out to 19 new families in the community. Despite the inconvenience and discomfort in our meeting place, these children are excited to always know God. Right now, we regularly minister to about seventy children, and through them, we pray that we can bridge to their parents and the entire household.
- Please pray that these children will have a personal encounter with God.
- Please pray that God will lead us to their parents.

The Father’s Joy
Raising a millennial teenager in today’s generation is challenging, especially training them to walk in righteousness and holiness and imparting them the passion to serve the Lord. As a father, seeing our children walking and serving the Lord is our joy. This month, my heart is full of joy seeing my eldest son joyfully serving the Lord by sharing the love of Jesus Christ with the little children. He serves in the music ministry and has extended his service to the children. He is now 15 years old, and I praise God for his great love for God and the work of God. He is leading the junior youth who attend our outreach program.
- Please pray that my son will continue to grow in his knowledge and love for God.

Sharing the Gospel Through Food
One of the significant challenges in the Philippines is malnutrition, which affects children from the poorest families. This problem has severely impacted their health and academic performance. We aim to restore the well-being of these children, recognizing that holistic care is essential. While we may not be able to transform an entire community, we can make a profound difference by saving one child at a time.
Despite the challenges, we remain committed to feeding hungry children. We are grateful for God’s continued provision and sustaining grace. These children eagerly anticipate every feeding schedule, knowing that they will not only receive a nutritious and delicious meal but also spiritual nourishment. Some were once found begging in the streets, hoping to find money for food. Now, they look forward to our feeding programs, where they receive physical and spiritual sustenance. We thank God for His love and care for these little ones, knowing that through this simple act of feeding, we can share His message of hope and grace.
- Please pray for God’s provision for our feeding ministry.
- Please pray for these children to be freed from poverty in Jesus’ name.

From Struggles to Support, A Journey of Transformation in Children’s Ministry
I still remember when we first engaged with this community—at the start, the parents had little care or understanding of what we were doing. For months, we struggled under the harsh heat of the sun, gathering the children outside without any shade. During the rainy season, the ground turned to mud, making it even harder to continue. But this month, we are seeing a beautiful change. God is beginning to work in the hearts of the community members. They have come together, taking the initiative to concrete the area where we meet, ensuring it doesn’t become muddy. They’ve also added shades to protect the children from the intense sunlight.
I never asked them to do these things; they did it on their own, realizing that our work is not only benefiting the children but the whole community. They have seen the positive impact on their children, and now, we’re witnessing a shift in their involvement. The parents are no longer indifferent—they’ve shown interest, and some even participate in the ministry. The transition from a challenging ministry environment to one filled with support has been incredible, and we are grateful for the newfound partnership with the parents. Their efforts and involvement testify to how God can transform individuals and entire communities when His love is at the center.
- Please pray that one day these people will be convicted with the Word of God.

Mercy’s Heart of Service
Nanay Mercy is a senior citizen whose service journey has touched our hearts. The first time I met her was three months ago, when she quietly sat at the back, watching the children sing and dance for God. She was content just observing, but as time passed, she grew closer to us. One day, while we were preparing food for the children, she offered to help—and from that moment, she found so much joy in serving.
Nanay Mercy helps prepare the meals and assists in serving and distributing the food to the children. Her heart is pure and genuine, evident in the joy that lights up her face as she serves. We are incredibly grateful to God for touching the hearts of people like Nanay Mercy, who now actively contribute to the ministry. Her story is a reminder of how service, no matter how small, can bring joy and transformation—not just to those who are served but also to those who serve.
- Please pray that God will prepare her heart for the Gospel.
- Please pray that God will guide us as we share the Gospel with Nanay Mercy.

Extending Grace of Korean Friends to Children
I’ve shared before how our Korean friends have faithfully blessed our children with gifts and taught them the Word of God. Their program was originally set to end in December 2024, but we are so grateful that their generosity has extended beyond what was planned. This month, they have continued to meet with our children, sharing the Word of God and offering them a simple gift of grocery items.
The children were overjoyed, as they never expected to receive a gift this month. Their smiles and excitement are a testament to the impact of this continued generosity. Our Korean friends’ presence and kindness have been an immense help in supporting our church planting ministry. We praise God for sending such compassionate people and using them to extend grace and blessings to these children in such a meaningful way. Their actions remind us of the power of giving and the lasting impact of showing love to those in need.
- Please pray that God will continue to bless our Korean friends and that their generosity will reach more people to Christ.

Joyful in Hope: Celebrating God’s Sustaining Grace and Being Joyful
Our Church in Tayud, Consolacion, continues to face pressure, and though we have yet to recover from the losses we’ve experienced, God remains with us. Despite the many challenges this month, we still joyfully celebrated God’s sustaining grace during our 6th church anniversary. The celebration was simple but deeply meaningful.
In my message, I encouraged the congregation not to lose hope but to remain joyful in serving the Lord, no matter the circumstances. I based my sermon on John 16:16-33, where Jesus comforts His disciples in the face of His upcoming crucifixion, reminding them to take heart despite the trials. We celebrated in the exact location, even though it was not the most comfortable setting for everyone. The place, however, holds deep significance for us. After the service, we shared a meal together, with joy and gratitude filling our hearts.
We praise God for keeping His people steadfast and sustaining His work in this place, reminding us that our joy in Him is never lost, even amid crises.
- Please pray that the construction of the church building can be started soon.
- Please pray that God will continue to bless all the church ministries.
- Please pray that God will strengthen and sustain all the church leaders and members.

Light of Life Community Center: Church Building construction updates
It’s been four months since the September 9, 2024, fire devastated the whole church structure. We have not yet been able to rebuild the church building since the property is located on the seashore at sea level. Construction is higher because the laborers cannot work during high tides, and the ground is very muddy. Also, due to high tides and typhoons, we need to rebuild a stronger foundation.

Despite the crises and challenges that the church is facing right now, the people of God, the true church, remain intact and strong by God’s grace. The ministry has not slowed down; we continue with our mission and vision of leading people to have personal and growing relationships with God and multiply healthy churches in our communities and beyond. The church continues to gather every Sunday for corporate worship and its daily ministry activities at a temporary site.

During the fire incident, 13 families of our church members lost their houses and properties. The church body was the first to respond, providing our members with their basic needs and eventually helping them rebuild and restore. Some of our church members are finished constructing their houses, and others are almost finished. We are still grateful to God for preserving our lives.
Right now, we have 248 sponsored children from the community, and they meet for a regular daily tutorial class with 6 full-time staff working on the sponsorship project. In addition to building the church sanctuary, we would like to build an office, classrooms, and kitchen.
- Please pray for the provision for the construction of the church building.
- Please pray that we can start the construction as soon as possible.
- Please pray for the safety of the children during their daily tutorial class, especially during high tide.
- Please pray that God will continue to strengthen the church leaders and all the members.
- Please pray that we can establish home Bible studies in the community.
- Please pray that God will open doors for us for the Gospel.
- Please pray that a new congregation will be established in Basak Lapu-Lapu.
- Please pray for outreach to the adults in the community.
- Please pray for wisdom and strength to do ministry in the coming years.

Nurturing Young Souls: The Growing Impact of Our Children’s Ministry
Children are precious in God’s sight and play a vital role in His kingdom. In our church planting journey, we have made it a priority to begin ministry with the children, using this as a bridge to reach their parents and families.
We thank God for His faithfulness in sustaining our children’s ministry. The outreach continues to thrive, meeting regularly and bringing new opportunities to sow seeds of faith. We are overjoyed to see the number of children growing and equally excited by their parents’ increasing participation.
When we first began, connecting with parents was a challenge—they were hesitant and unsure about us. But through God’s grace and persistence, these same parents are now comfortable with us and actively assist during our activities. Their willingness to engage and support their children’s spiritual growth is a testament to God’s transformative work in their lives.
The children are increasing in number and understanding of God’s Word and their walk with Him. Their enthusiasm and joy are contagious, and their spiritual growth is a beautiful reminder of the power of investing in young lives.
We praise God for this ministry’s remarkable progress and for every heart He is touching—both young and old. As we move forward, we continue to rely on His guidance and provision, trusting that He will use these children and their families to make a lasting impact in their community.
All glory to God for what He has done and for the greater things He will do!
- Please pray that these children will continue to grow in God.
- Please pray that there will be more souls who will come to know Christ in this place.

Partners in Christ: Reaching the Poorest Children with Love and Hope
We are deeply grateful to God for blessing us with faithful friends in His vineyard who share our vision and passion for reaching children in the community for Christ. Our Korean friends have been a consistent source of joy for the children, generously providing them with grocery items every month.
These children, coming from some of the poorest families in the community, look forward to these gifts with excitement and gratitude. The items they receive are not just small tokens—they make a significant difference in their daily lives, easing their families’ burdens.
Through these simple acts of kindness, we have been able to lead the children to a deeper understanding of Jesus Christ. This outreach has not only met their physical needs but also planted seeds of faith in their hearts. Currently, fifty students meet regularly each month for Bible teaching and gift-giving, creating opportunities to share the love of Christ in a tangible way.
We praise God for allowing us to be His hands and feet in this ministry. These gifts, though simple, are powerful tools in showing His love and bringing these young lives closer to Him. All glory belongs to God for His provision and for using us to make an eternal impact.
- Please pray for our Korean friends that they may be able to continue to touch lives for Jesus Christ.
- Please pray that the Gospel will penetrate the hearts of these children.

Celebrating our First Community Christmas in Lapulapu
We praise God that this month, we had the privilege of celebrating our first community Christmas party. It was a unique experience for many, as they are used to celebrating Christmas in ways that don’t honor God. But this time was different. We began the celebration with worship songs and sharing the Word of God. The event was filled with meaning, joy, and fun, but most importantly, it glorified God. We are also grateful to some of our friends who provided for our needs, such as food, prizes, and gifts. Thank you, Lord, for this memorable and meaningful celebration!
- Please pray that the seed of the gospel planted in their hearts will grow and bear much fruit.
- Please pray that the true meaning of Christmas will continue to speak into their hearts.

Honoring Our Volunteers
Volunteers play a crucial role in the ministry, and their contribution is invaluable. As Christ valued and worked with His disciples, we, too, value and appreciate our volunteers. Starting a ministry without a team is never easy, and even Jesus did not carry out His earthly ministry alone—He always had a team. I thank God that I am never alone in this ministry; He continually provides me with individuals who share the same vision and passion.
This month, we took the opportunity to express our gratitude to our volunteers by giving them a simple gift as a token of our appreciation for their hard work and dedication. It brings me joy to see not only the growth of the ministry but also the spiritual growth of our volunteers. Their experience has been transformative, as they have felt the pastoral care despite the challenges and hardships they faced. Through this, we were able to encourage their confidence and courage to continue serving the Lord in this ministry.
- Please pray for the spiritual growth of these young servants of the Lord.

A Blessed Christmas Getaway
Joshua 24:15 – But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve … but as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.”
I praise God for the gift of a wonderful and godly family. They are my joy, inspiration, and strong support in the ministry. It has been our family tradition to have a vacation every year. We place great value on family and make it a priority to spend quality time together, recharge, and draw closer to God. This month, we were blessed by God’s provision and the opportunity to have a Christmas getaway in the northern part of Cebu. My wife and children enjoyed the beauty of God’s creation and the bonding time we shared.
It was a productive and fruitful short vacation. Not only did I get a break from the battlefield to spend time with God and my family, but I also regained strength and returned with a renewed outlook on the ministry.
- Please pray for God’s sustaining Grace for my family in the coming year.
- Please pray for more fruitful and productive years in the ministry.
Father’s Joy: Kerith Ravine’s Heart for Serving
One of the greatest joys of being both a father and a pastor is witnessing my children walk in righteousness and wholeheartedly serve the Lord. My eldest son, Kerith Ravine, is in 9th grade and deeply passionate about serving the Lord, primarily through music. This month, I praised God for the way he stepped up to volunteer in our ministry. Kerith now leads the junior youth small group during our weekly outreach, where twenty young people come together to learn about Jesus Christ. His leadership has helped them grow in their faith and fostered a closer, more supportive community.
- Please pray for my son in his walk with the Lord.
- Please pray for these junior youth that they will continue to seek and follow the Lord.
Nourishing Hearts and Bodies: A Mission to End Hunger
Feeding hungry children is a passion and a vital entry point for our ministry in the community. This month, despite facing financial challenges and uncertainty about operational costs, we continue to praise God for His unwavering provision, especially for our regular feeding program. We serve a complete meal to 70 children from the poorest families, who rarely get to enjoy nutritious and delicious food at home. Their families are deeply grateful, knowing their child is receiving a wholesome meal and easing their household budget. It fills our hearts with joy to see these innocent children savoring their meals as we work together to stop malnutrition in our community, one child at a time.
- Please pray for God’s continued provision in our feeding ministry.
- Please pray that these children will be filled with physical and spiritual food and continue to hunger for God’s word.
Spreading Joy and Love: A Gift of Kindness
Children’s hearts light up with the simplest of gifts, and we are grateful to God for our ongoing partnership with the Cebu Korean Church in this ministry. This month, fifty children were filled with joy and excitement as they received a thoughtful gift of groceries from our Korean friends. Before the gift-giving, we shared moments of singing, games, Bible stories, and team-building activities. Through this simple yet meaningful act of kindness, we could share Christ’s love with these children and touch their parents’ lives. We thank God for the opportunity to spread joy and love tangibly.
- Please pray that our partnership with the Cebu Korean Church will continue to flourish.
- Please pray for wisdom to reach out to the parents better.
God’s Provision for a Safe Learning Space
One of the challenges we face in reaching out to a poor community is finding a comfortable and conducive space for learning. We used to rely on the Barangay gym, but often, on the day of our gathering, the gym would be unexpectedly booked by the Barangay, leaving us needing a place to meet. This month, I praised God for His incredible provision. After speaking with the mall manager near our community, I asked if we could use their lobby for our outreach activities. By God’s grace, the mall owner graciously granted my request to use their facility whenever we need it. Now, the children can learn God’s word in a more comfortable and safer environment. Glory to God for making a way for us!
- Please pray that God will provide us with a permanent place to gather.
- Please pray that these children will grow in the Lord.
Evaluating and Planning: A New Chapter for the Church
Church planting is never easy—it’s messy, complex, and requires strategic planning and continuous monitoring. I am thankful to God for never leaving me alone on this journey and for providing a dedicated ministry team to partner with me in reaching more people for Christ. This month, we were blessed with the opportunity to evaluate our work in the field over the past few months and set goals and plans for the upcoming months with my volunteers. These young people, who now serve as my team, testify to our previous church planting efforts. Five years ago, they were humble children attending our weekly outreach, and now they are growing in the Lord, passionate and active in ministry. As we enter the holiday season with many special events, we prepare for these activities while also planning for changes in our ministry approach for the coming year. I thank God for His guidance and wisdom as we progress.
- Please pray for wisdom and strength for my team.
- Please pray that God will add more to our team.
Providing Relief and Emotional Support After the Fire
After the devastating fire in our community on September 9, 2024, our immediate focus was on meeting the victims’ basic needs—providing food, clothing, temporary shelter, kitchenware, and other essentials. Our next priority was to help them rebuild their homes. However, in focusing on physical needs, we initially overlooked the critical importance of emotional support. Just a few weeks after the incident, we recognized that many people were suffering emotionally—experiencing pain, anger, trauma, and sadness.
Through conversations, we learned that many were struggling to sleep, reliving the event in their minds. Some men were even considering revenge against the person responsible for the fire, while others had lost their appetite or fallen ill. Realizing the deep impact of trauma, we decided to organize a full day of psychological first aid and debriefing to help families begin to heal emotionally and psychologically.
I thank God for sending us volunteers—trained counselors who could expertly guide people through crisis support. We began the day with singing, a message of hope from God’s Word, and some lighthearted games to bring a smile to their faces. We then divided them into small groups for men, women, and children, providing a safe space where they could express and release their thoughts and feelings.
The community members were deeply grateful for this support, feeling cared for and loved through the presence of attentive listeners. I praise God for meeting every need that day—providing finances, counselors, a suitable venue, and good weather. Now, the community has moved toward acceptance and is on a path to healing. Glory to God for His provision and guidance.
- Please pray for a complete emotional healing of our people.
Japeth’s Journey Through Tragedy and Trauma

Meet Japeth, one of the victims of the recent fire. On the day of the incident, his entire family was away, unaware of the disaster until a neighbor called to inform them that their home had been completely destroyed. When they returned, they found nothing left. To make matters worse, both Japeth and his wife were employed by the person responsible for starting the fire, who, just two days later, dismissed them without explanation. They now find themselves both homeless and jobless.
During a debriefing session, I asked Japeth to share his thoughts and feelings. He expressed intense anger toward his former employer, whom he holds responsible for their loss. The depth of his pain and frustration even led to thoughts of violence. Japeth also revealed that this series of traumatic events has deeply shaken his faith, leaving him questioning God’s presence. He shared his history of unimaginable hardships: his family was massacred in Bohol, prompting him to move to Cebu, only to face disaster after disaster—his home was burned, his business destroyed by an earthquake, and now once again, he is left without a home or job.
Yet, in the midst of these trials, Japeth expressed gratitude for the Light of Life Community Center and for the support provided by our community, which has been a source of strength in his darkest moments.
- Please pray for Japeth and his family that they will be able to forgive the person responsible for their situation.
- Please pray that they can find a new job as soon as possible and their house will be rebuilt.
- Please pray that they will come to Christ.

Faith Unshaken
Serving God Amidst the Ruins
Two months have passed since the fire, and while people have begun rebuilding their homes, the church remains in ruins. Despite the challenges and the lack of a permanent structure, the church continues to fulfill its purpose. Ministries like worship services, Bible studies, life groups, visitations, and children’s programs are all ongoing. We praise God for sustaining and strengthening His people through these difficult times.
In this challenging season, the community’s faith has grown stronger, as it has experienced God’s sustaining grace firsthand. For now, we are gathering under a temporary tent, which allows us to continue our ministries as we wait for the church building to be reconstructed.
- Please pray the church building to be reconstructed soon.
- Please pray for God’s people to continue to serve God regardless of the situation.

Our children’s outreach continues despite bad weather and typhoons.
The children eagerly meet with us, excited to learn about God. After three months of ministering to them, I am grateful to see how God is working in their lives—they’re more engaged, eager to learn, and prepared for our visits. Additionally, several parents are now attending our core sessions with the children, providing opportunities for us to connect with them as well.
We thank God for the seventy children we minister to each month. From this group, we are already identifying potential leaders to train as future volunteers, teachers, and youth leaders. Some of the children have excelled, and we have invited them to join our volunteer team, leading worship songs and assisting in group activities. These children are excited to lead their peers in worship, and we are preparing them to serve as the church’s future volunteers.
I firmly believe that training the next generation of church leaders must begin now, while they are young. We cannot underestimate the potential God has for children. I look forward to seeing them stand in front of the congregation and lead with passion and faith in the years to come.
- Please pray that these children will continue to seek the Lord.
- Please pray for continued provision in our feeding ministry.
- Please pray that this food will connect them and their families to Jesus Christ, the bread of life.
- Please pray for the safety of the children every Saturday for their AWANA, especially during high tide.

Reaching Hearts in Basak
The Gospel is the most important message in the world, and intentional preaching of it is the essential calling for believers. This month, I thank God for the opportunity to preach the Gospel to the community in Basak, Lapu-Lapu, despite the challenges posed by Typhoon Kristine.
I am especially grateful because, for the first time, many parents joined and heard the Gospel, in addition to the children. The parents, who were standing nearby, listened attentively from start to finish, and I praise God for the souls who responded to the message.
I thank God for the seeds of the Gospel now planted in their hearts, praying that it will grow, take root, and bear much fruit in their lives.
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10:14 & 15
- The Church in Tayud remains a ruin, and the people are still suffering. Please pray for provision for the reconstruction of the church building.
- Please pray for provision for musical instruments and other needs in the church.
- Please pray that God will open doors for us for the Gospel.
- Please pray that a new congregation will be established in Basak Lapu-Lapu
Emergency Prayer Needed for Fire Victims
On September 9, 2023, at around 7 pm, a fire incident happened in our community. The fire started in our neighborhood; in just a few minutes, the fire consumed 13 houses, including the church worship center. The whole structure and everything in it were burned. Musical instruments, records, tables, chairs, computers, etc. are gone. 12 houses of our church members were completely destroyed; they were unable to save anything from their properties. The fire was so cruel it left nothing to us. The church leaders, members, and the whole community are affected and have suffered. They were left with no food, no electricity, no clothing, and other basic necessities. Right now, our church members are scattered, looking for temporary shelter while thinking about how to recover and rebuild their homes. Thankfully, our brothers and sisters in Christ from local churches have helped provide some food, clothing, and tents for shelter. There are still many needs.

Through the donations of White Fields Partners, our pastors are already involved in bringing relief. Your prayers and support are impacting the community.

Pastor Cris Pano, our Field Director in the Philippines, was right into the tragedy, bringing rice for the families who had lost their homes. Through his oversight alongside Pastor Lito, supplies were gathered from other churches and Christians in Cebu who were willing to help.
Prayer requests:
- Please pray for wisdom and strength for all the affected.
- Please pray for emotional recovery; some of our youth, children, and members are still in trauma.
- Please pray for God to provide basic needs like food, shelter, and clothing.
- Please pray for the provision of materials for the reconstruction of the church building and the houses of our church members.
- Our Mayor has agreed to allow the new church building to be larger than the old one because he has observed how the church has blessed the whole community.

Most Recent Update on the Fire Recovery at Light of Life Church:
Church families have been receiving clothes and supplies to keep them surviving. The government and other agencies have provided some construction supplies so they can begin rebuilding their houses. The church has continued to meet for worship.
Friends and members of Pastor Alvin’s Church provided a wonderful gift: some chairs. We used them well for the Sunday service.

Immediate Response
In times of crisis, we often witness the hand of God moving in ways that are beyond our understanding. Although we lost all our possessions, we are grateful that there were no casualties or major injuries among our brethren. The day after the fire, despite the overwhelming sadness and helplessness felt by everyone, I gathered all the church leaders to address the immediate needs of the victims. I instructed our treasurer to withdraw all available funds from the bank to purchase essential relief goods, including food, water, undergarments, kitchen utensils, groceries, used clothing, and mattresses.
We distributed these items to the 13 affected families.

I also want to express my gratitude to friends and organizations that stepped in to help, especially the White Fields office led by Pastor Cris Paño, who responded swiftly to our needs. While everyone is understandably heartbroken over the loss, we can still see smiles on their faces, knowing that God has not abandoned them and never will. Currently, those affected have found temporary shelter in the neighborhood and in tents provided by the government. However, these arrangements are not comfortable or safe, particularly for nursing mothers. We continue to seek support and resources to ensure their well-being during this challenging time.
School supplies
During the fire incident, one of the most affected were the students. For two weeks, they struggled so much to go to school without school supplies and uniforms. We praise God for the young adults from our mother church who were thinking about the affected students and initiated the purchase of school supplies, shoes, bags, uniforms, and groceries and distributed them to all the affected students. The students are very happy and grateful for God’s provision in their time of extreme need.
Please pray that these students will continue to be diligent in their studies despite the challenges they are facing.

Rebuilding Begins
After the storm, there is always sunshine and a rainbow follows the rain. Despite the devastation our community has faced, our people have not lost hope; instead, they have held firmly to God’s promises. Many of the victims have very low incomes, making it difficult for them to rebuild their homes, as their earnings are barely enough to cover daily necessities. As a church, we are committed to looking after the welfare of our members.

We praise God for hearing our cries and sending people to meet our needs. Three weeks after the disaster, we were able to provide construction materials to the 13 affected families, and they have begun the process of rebuilding their homes. While the materials may not be enough to complete their houses, they can at least return to their properties and have a better shelter than before. We are trying to get a roof over their heads.
- Please pray for provision to finish the housing constructions.
- We also need to rebuild the church worship room.
- Pray for the funds to construct the church building.
Your Donation to the Construction Designated Account will Provide Materials to Rebuild the Church. Just write – Philippine Fire Relief – in the Note of the Donation
Testimony Continued:
On April 8, 1996, Pastor Ramil Rodriguez from Masgad Evangelical Free Church came to our home and shared the gospel of salvation with my entire family and me. At that moment, I understood the message of salvation and realized my sinfulness. I surrendered my life to Jesus and accepted Him as my Lord and Savior. From that day forward, I began going to church, was involved in the ministry, and continued to grow in the knowledge of God’s word.
After my conversion I became active in the church, one day during my devotion time I meditated on Matthew 9:37 “Then He said to his disciples, the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” I was convicted and felt disturbed by this verse, I then prayed and asked for advice from my pastor. After a few years passed, I became convinced that the Lord had called me into pastoral ministry. I decided to go to Bible college to further my training and preparation for the ministry. I am excited to take the Gospel to the people of my city who do not know God and am prepared for Him to bring many to Salvation.
It was in August of 2016 that God impressed on my heart the desire to plant a church in my community and the surrounding areas. It was a big struggle for my wife and me because we are part of a church and were very comfortable with the ministry we did. When I shared my vision with my wife, she was hesitant about leaving the church that we loved. The thought of starting a church from scratch was frightening. My wife was financially scared not knowing or understanding how we would support the ministry and ourselves. In February 2017, I attended a church planting training in Tacloban, my heart broke, and I wasn’t able to sleep. While I was in the hotel, I cried out to my Lord, “Lord if you called me to this ministry, please call my family too.” When I went home I said to my wife, “God called me to plant churches, will you go with me?” My wife without hesitation said yes! So, we took a two-week vacation to spend time with the Lord and to seek his guidance on this new journey. God is so good and sovereign even in the small details of our life. In the latter part of 2017, God used Pastor Cris Paño to introduce me to White Fields, and it was a great joy and privilege to become part of this big family, White Fields.
In January 2018 we had a vision casting with my core team leaders. God impressed into our hearts a clear mission, vision, and core values. Our primary goal is to make disciples; we desire to lead atheists or unbelievers to become disciple makers of Jesus Christ. Our mission statement is, “Leading people to have a personal and growing relationship with God.” Our vision statement is, “Multiplying healthy churches in our community and beyond.”
Church planting work is not easy, but it is satisfying when you see people coming to Christ and lives being transformed. Working alone in the field could be difficult or vulnerable, so as church planters we collaborate with other church planters. This month, I attended a training in Palawan. I learned many practical things and it was a perfect time of encouragement, equipping, and empowerment with fifty other church planters.
- Pray for wisdom on how I can effectively reach out to the community for Christ as the place where I work is quite challenging. Pray for all the church planters to not easily give up because of the hardships and challenges in the field. Pray for strength from the Holy Spirit.
Start with the little ones.
In my previous report, I highlighted our recent exploration of a new site in Barangay Basak, Lapu-Lapu City, for potential church expansion. This month, we are grateful for the opportunities that have opened. We successfully engaged 120 children from the community to kick-start a children’s outreach program. These children are enthusiastic about learning through Bible stories and games. Our interactive activities, including games, Bible stories, drama, dancing, and singing, have been well received, allowing the children to forge new friendships as they learn. Witnessing these children embrace the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ brings immense joy. Additionally, as we engaged with the children, their parents began showing interest, providing us with a valuable opportunity to connect with and build relationships with them.
Anna is our new friend and vital to our children’s outreach program. Anna, a mother of four, is an influential leader in her community. She actively supports her family by assisting her husband in selling food. Anna’s involvement in our outreach program is significant as she plays a crucial role in gathering and welcoming children. Anna embodies the spirit of peace we seek when we enter a new community. Her warm hospitality and proactive approach have been invaluable in organizing and supporting our outreach efforts.
- Please pray that God will open Anna’s heart for the Gospel.
- Pray that these children will have a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ and that we can reach out to their parents through these children.
- Pray that God will open doors for us for Bible Studies and that we will be able to establish good, and growing relationships with the people in the community.

Iron sharpens iron
The world is continuously changing, and so must our ministries. It’s imperative to remain open to learning and adapting to the latest trends and approaches in ministry. Engaging with other church planters has been an invaluable source of encouragement and growth. This month, I had the honor of participating in a church planting cohort, convening over 50 church planters from Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao for four days of collaborative learning and support. This experience not only enriched me but also allowed me to contribute to others in a meaningful way. Throughout the 4-day gathering, we delved into the significance of mutuality, encompassing mutual productivity, victory, encouragement, and accountability. Additionally, our visits to various church planting initiatives in Mindanao broadened my understanding of diverse approaches to this ministry.
The new community we are working with is vastly different from our previous experiences. Their culture, economic status, values, and religious practices are unique. Understanding their needs is crucial, which is why I have made it a priority to study the community carefully. Our vision includes establishing community development programs, and I have been seeking new approaches that will be well-received in this area. Fortunately, this month, I had the opportunity to participate in a transformative two-day community development training hosted by Trinity Evangelical Free Church in Davao City. This training opened my eyes to innovative ways to share the gospel through tailored livelihood programs and community projects. I am grateful for the chance to enhance my skills and knowledge in serving the community through our ministry.
- Please pray that God will equip me to become more effective in the ministry.
- Pray for wisdom and strength for our new ministry engagement and that God will provide us with a ministry team.
- Pray that God will open doors for us in Basak, Lapu-Lapu, and we can find a place to gather in the community.
- Pray that a new congregation will be established in Barangay Basak Lapu-Lapu City.
Praise God for my Recovery
Due to my health condition, I needed to take a break to rest and rejuvenate. My last engagement in the ministry was in December 2023. My family and I are deeply grateful to the White Fields and Pastor Stephen for allowing me this time to rest and regain my strength. During this period, you continued to support me in prayer and financially, for which I am incredibly thankful. I see this as a great privilege and favor from the Lord.
Over the past six months, I have witnessed God’s mighty work. I am thankful to have recovered from my illness by His grace and mercy. I have regained my strength and am ready to re-engage in the ministry and continue fulfilling God’s call on my life. Although I am still on maintenance medication, I praise God for the incredible improvement in my health.
Pray for continued healing and complete recovery of my health. Pray for God’s direction as I re-engage in the ministry.
New Mission Work
Last Year, I started a new church planting work in Danao City on the north side of Cebu province. Unfortunately, because of my unfavorable health condition, I had no choice but to stop the work and turn it over to the nearest Christian church. This month, as I was praying and roaming, looking for a place to start a new church planting work, God showed me a new opportunity in Barangay Basak, Lapu-Lapu City. Tourism is a significant part of the city’s economy. Several resorts are in the town, most concentrated along the island’s eastern coast, and the city has several large industrial zones. Lapu-Lapu is a highly urbanized city politically subdivided into thirty barangays, one of which is Barangay Basak, where I will start the mission work. Basak is one of the biggest and most progressive barangays in Lapu-Lapu. According to the 2020 Census, it has 71,990 households. By God’s grace, its large population will aid in establishing a local church.
Pray that God will lead me to the person of peace in this area. Pray for wisdom and a relevant ministry approach in this area. Pray that God will prepare a way for me in this area. Pray that God will open doors for us in Basak, Lapu-Lapu. Pray that God will provide us with a ministry team.

Family Vacation
My family is my greatest asset in the ministry. They provide me with strength when I am weak, encouragement when I am down, and steadfast support through life’s ups and downs. I am grateful to God for blessing me with a family who understands my calling and joyfully works alongside me. Our family practice has been that before we engage in a new battle, as part of our preparation, we take a family vacation for refreshment and strategic planning. This month, we praised God for granting us a vacation in Mindanao, a privilege and opportunity to bond, be refreshed and rejuvenated, and visit my parents. It was a big help for us, knowing that a great responsibility awaits us. Right now, I condition the heart and mind of my family to get dirty again and do the hard work in the vineyard.
Pray for God’s protection for my family. Pray for provision as school opening is fast approaching. Pray for strength and wisdom to do the ministry.
Nurturing Faith and Talent: Celebrating Our Son’s Journey in Ministry and Music
Nurturing a millennial child in the current challenging era comes with its complexities, especially considering the increasingly turbulent state of our world. Nevertheless, as parents, experiencing our children flourishing in the service of our King brings profound joy despite the external pressures they encounter. Our eldest son, Kerith Ravine, who is enthusiastic about playing drums and serving God through music, remains dedicated to consecrating his life and God-given talents to the Lord. This month, we thank God for witnessing his faith growth and commitment to ministry. Additionally, we have observed notable advancements in his musical skills, proving invaluable to our joint ministry. Our greatest heartfelt desire as parents is to witness our children steadfastly progressing and maturing in their relationship with the Lord.
Please pray that he will continue to grow in his faith and love for God.

Harmony in Celebration: A Meaningful Inaugural Christmas Gathering
Matthew 1:23 “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” –which means, “God with us.”
We thank God for the privilege of hosting this month’s inaugural community Christmas celebration. This event provided a unique experience for attendees, diverging from their past celebrations that lacked reverence for God—this month marked a significant departure from previous celebrations, with festivities brimming with meaning and joy. Together, we enjoyed everyone’s presence, partaking in enjoyable activities, games, delightful surprises, abundant food, and, most importantly, the sharing of the Word of God that fostered unity. It was a profound experience for all, introducing them to the Christian way of celebrating Christmas that honors and glorifies God. Our thankfulness extends to God, as this celebration deepened people’s understanding of Christmas’s true essence and message.
Please continue to pray that the seed of the gospel planted into their hearts will grow and bear much fruit.
Overcoming Rainy Challenges: A Testimony of Persistence in Community Ministry
Amidst the rainy season, we encountered the potential disruption of our ministry activities due to the absence of a covered meeting place. We grappled with significant difficulties posed by the weather whenever engaging in community ministry. Undeterred by these challenges, we persisted in ministering to the people. The inclement weather disrupted one of our feeding schedules, delaying and necessitating nighttime implementation due to unfavorable daytime conditions. This proved to be a demanding situation for our team and the community. However, we express our gratitude to God for His remarkable intervention. Despite the obstacles, He orchestrated everything, enabling us to carry out our ministry to the people in the community successfully.
Please pray that God will provide a better place for us to gather.

Gifts of Light: Bringing Joy and Hope to an Impoverished Community
The residents in the community we serve belong to the most impoverished, rarely experiencing the joy of receiving unique gifts. When God led me to this area, my heart was profoundly stirred with compassion as I witnessed the challenging circumstances of those living in both physical and spiritual darkness. As Christmas approached, we proactively prepared simple yet practical gifts, considering their daily needs. Recognizing that many children in the community were clad in worn-out clothing, we gathered quality clothes and other valuable items, surprising them with these gifts during the festive season. The joy is evident on their faces upon receiving these gifts served as tangible reminders of God’s greatest gift—eternal life in Christ Jesus.
Please pray that these children will realize that Jesus Christ is the greatest gift on Christmas.
Please pray that these children will be able to receive the gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ.

Bridging Hearts: Nurturing Growth in Children’s Ministry for Church Planting
In the realm of ministry in the Philippines, connecting with children is a highly effective strategy for reaching parents, particularly within church planting. In our recent efforts to establish a new church, engaging and gathering adults or parents was a significant challenge. Consequently, our approach centered on initially involving and connecting with children to develop a bridge to their parents. This month, we thank God as our children’s ministry has expanded in depth and reach. Despite challenges such as inclement weather and a shortage of volunteers, our ministry has persevered without hindrance. We thank God for sending two new volunteers, Liansy and Pia, who have substantially contributed to our children’s ministry, especially with the growing number of children under our care. The children we regularly minister to are progressing in their understanding and journey with God.
Please pray that God will give us a regular weekly volunteer.
Please pray that God will continue to work in the lives and families of these children.

United in Service: Celebrating the Contributions of Remarkable Volunteers in Ministry
In our ministry, we highly appreciate the presence of numerous leaders and volunteers, adhering to the principle that two are better than one, and more hands contribute to a more significant impact. With various activities requiring additional support this month, we thank God for consistently providing the individuals we need to bolster our ministry endeavors. Three remarkable women—Ailyn, Jonnalyn, and Jinky—volunteered to assist us in preparations for our inaugural community Christmas party. Since the initiation of our church planting efforts in Danao, they have served as faithful prayer partners. This month, they chose to actively participate by lending a helping hand in organizing one of our significant events. I praise God for their dedication, as they have embraced our vision and actively collaborated with us to bring it to fruition.
Please pray that God will give us more volunteers. Please pray for these women that they will be able to continue to volunteer.
Young Hearts, Big Impact: A Child’s Joyful Contribution to God’s Kingdom

God can use anyone, even children, to impact His kingdom meaningfully. Our 9-year-old son, Reed, is a living testament to this reality. As we prepared for our inaugural community Christmas party, Reed eagerly shared his excitement about connecting with other children in the community. Joyfully, he assisted in preparing materials and gifts for the event, and during the celebration, he enthusiastically served the children to the best of his ability. As a father, witnessing my children find joy in serving God and assisting in the ministry brings me immense happiness. Reed is now eagerly anticipating joining us in outreach efforts, not only to contribute but also to build friendships with newfound companions.
Please pray that Reed will continue to grow in his love for God and the ministry. Pray that he can make an impact on other children.
“Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?”
John 6:9
Gratitude in Getaway: Renewal, Reunion, and Ministry Blessings
But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the river or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. “But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD” (Joshua 24:15)
I thank God for the precious gift of my wonderful and godly family, serving as my source of joy, inspiration, and unwavering support in the ministry. Traditionally, our family has made it a point to have an annual vacation, highlighting the significance of family bonds. This practice is an intentional way for us to spend quality time together, rejuvenate, recharge, and connect with God. After several years without a family vacation due to the challenges posed by the pandemic and Typhoon Odette, this month, we extend gratitude to God for His provision, enabling us to enjoy a two-week family vacation and reunion in Mindanao, my hometown.
During our time in Mindanao, we had the opportunity to visit my parents, siblings, and my home church. My wife and children delighted in the beauty of God’s creation and strengthened their bond with each other. The vacation proved to be both productive and fruitful, providing me with a respite from the demands of the ministry to spend time with God and my family. Additionally, I was privileged to minister to my home church and share the gospel with my unbelieving brother and neighbors.
Please pray for a clear direction for my family for the year 2024.
Please pray for God’s wisdom in our decisions.
My Health condition update
In my earlier reports, I shared details about the health challenges I’ve been facing. Following my doctor’s advice, I am currently in the process of taking a much-needed rest in the hopes of a gradual recovery. Although I am still grappling with health issues, the initial plan was to relocate to my hometown in Mindanao for a six-month break, after which I intended to resume church planting work.
However, this decision involves various considerations, and one significant aspect is the transition of Christine’s work responsibilities. We are patiently awaiting an available position for her in Mindanao, but the processing may take some time due to the absence of an open position. In the meantime, we find ourselves compelled to remain in Cebu. We have opted to continue our break from church planting activities, focusing on recuperating my health and awaiting the completion of Christine’s work transfer.
Please pray that God will guide us in this direction. Please pray that I will be able to recover my health. Pray for God’s direction as we face the year 2024. Please pray for the continued growth of the ministry in Danao. Pray that the ministry that we started in Mindanao will continue to grow despite the absence of our presence. Pray that the people in Danao will continue to seek the Lod. Please pray that a local congregation will be established in Danao with or without us.
Community Impact
Our target area is in the town of Consolacion Cebu. Consolacion is composed of 21 Barangays, and Tayud is the biggest Barangay with a population of 20, 000 registered voters as of a 2015 survey. Barangay Tauyd itself is a vast place. I prayed for God to lead me to a specific community in the area. I praised the Lord that He led me to Sitio Bankeruhan, Tayud Consolacion Cebu. More than 200 families are living in this very remote coastal area. When I saw the place, my heart ached upon seeing the people living below the poverty line. My heart desired to go to the remote sites where most pastors and ministers do not want to go. God moved my heart to lead these people to have a personal and growing relationship with Jesus Christ. My vision is to reach out to this entire community in Christ not only for their spiritual status but their way of living as well.

In previous reports, I have shared my concern for the undernourished children in the community. This month we held a community survey to get the height and weight of the children and to my surprise, the number was more than I expected. Over sixty children are underweight and do not have proper nutrition because their parents cannot afford to provide nutritious meals. This malnutrition needs to be addressed and I am looking for practical ways to help these children and educate their parents on the importance of proper nutrition.
- Pray for the ability to start regularly feeding these children once a week in an effort to cope with their nutrition.
- Pray for a place to gather because we usually only gather on the street.
- Pray for the parents to cooperate in this program and for the opportunity to share the gospel with them.

Our joy is to serve our people in the community in any way and by any means possible. Through my involvement with the Philippine Navy, this month I was able to serve the people in the community and share the love of Jesus Christ. We started by planting mangrove trees early in the morning to help protect the fish sanctuary and the people living in the vicinity. Then we conducted a medical mission by offering free medical check-ups, medications, and minor surgeries. We praise God that we were able to serve more than a hundred patients in the community. We are grateful to be a part of advocating to protect nature, educate people, and serve them in tangible ways. Through this, my scope of influence and connections in the community became wider.
- Pray that in this endeavor I can widely share the love of Jesus Christ to both the ordinary people and to those in positions of authority.
- Pray that the seeds that I planted with a few of my comrades in the Navy will grow and bear much fruit.

My health has not been great for the past three months and I have been suffering from illness. Last month, my laboratory results indicated that the root cause was my lungs and this month the condition became worse. I was admitted to the hospital due to difficulty in breathing and with a lung infection that had already progressed to my blood. The doctor’s recommendation is to leave the city because the dust, smoke, cars, and pollution are the major triggers for my condition. So, my family and I are moving to my hometown in Mindanao, in the province, where I can get fresh air and better oxygen. We are working on transferring my wife’s work and plan to move at the beginning of the year. I need to save my health so I can go further for my family and ministry.
- Pray for God’s guidance and leading for our plans. Pray also for my family as we face these transitions.
- Pray for my health and strength to do the ministry.
- Pray for provision for my medications.
- Pray for a covered place to gather every week and for the people in Danao to come to know Christ as their Savior and Lord.
- It is the rainy season here in the Philippines and has been a struggle since we are forty minutes from our place of ministry. Pray for protection and good weather every time we gather.