Our Field Director surveys the damage by the recent Monsoon Flooding in Myanmar (Burma).
Our pastors are present to help when a disaster strikes their community. The pastors and their churches are there because you, our supporters, provided for them to start a church.
A church becomes the perfect venue to provide shelter from the storm and provide relief for the long haul. In the short term there may be government agencies to deliver some rice – but these usually do not help the community to totally recover. Managed careful guidance provided by a compassionate pastor can have a huge impact for the communities total recovery. The pastors also watch out for the elderly and weakest members of the community.
The current disaster in Myanmar is causing tremendous hardship to the families of our pastors. Not just their immediate families but in many cases it is wiping out the crops of their parents and the villages where they grew up. They are taking the supplies directly to their home villages. We received this report from our Field Director, Pastor Thawng:
The fields are wiped out by the flood.
“Pastor Shwe went to his native village and helped the victims including his Mom. He distributed 20 bags of rice, onions, and vegetables to them. The water is still covering all their fields of crops. The photo here is of a Sesame field. All villagers lost all their crops. Pray for them.”
The pastors are loving and compassionate servants of the people in need. They often travel into dangerous areas and risk their own safety so that they can bring supplies to the needy. Your partnership with them by prayer and support is important and vital.
Bible Institute Students (before the Monsoon)The grounds of the institute flooded by the Monsoon Rains
I personally visited a place in Yangon last December that is now flooded. I had the privilege to teach a group of students studying the Bible at the church and Bible Institute led by Pastor Thawng. It brings the prayers into a personal level of experience when I see the flood waters covering the place where the students are sitting. It also brings great hope and confidence regarding the future of the church in Myanmar because I know that everyone of these students is out serving their community to overcome the disaster. They are the future leaders of the church. Their growth and training is a vital part of preparing them to serve in their local churches. Imagine with me the tremendous experience these young students will gain by serving alongside the White Fields Pastors as they reach out to their community with relief supplies.
The rice is being divided so that it can be distributed to the needy members of the community.
We can stand together with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Your support for White Fields on a regular basis helps us establish more churches in hard to reach places. Your extra gift during a disaster can allow us the ability to send something special to help them recover. In this way your partnership reaches the people in the Name of Jesus. It becomes more that just a bag of rice. It becomes the open door for the local Christians to share about the tremendous love of Jesus. They can share especially how that love is being demonstrated by their Christian Friends who remembered them in the midst of this disaster caused trial.