In the areas White Fields ministers, the average person makes $1 a day or less. The regions we work in consist of farmers and day laborers who may only have a six-grade education with few opportunities for advancement. Factors such as these continue the cycle of poverty.
Part of our comprehensive approach to transforming communities around the world is to come alongside church members and give them the means by which they can become producers and lift themselves out of poverty. We believe that work is good, that it restores dignity, that it is God’s plan for humans to work. Your partnership is vital to transform the lives of Christians who are living in poverty to become self-sustaining.
Designated Projects
There are several projects that you can give towards to help solve poverty. These projects are designed to enhance the successful start of a church in an impoverished and needy community. Providing a pig, goat, seeds, or brick machine can help a new believer in a church gain the ability to produce a sustainable income. These projects focus on poverty solutions. We also include Water Projects which can span from building water storage tanks to drilling wells. These sources of water are located at the local church, effectively making the new the church an essential hub of the community.
In Uganda and Myanmar, we network with ministries that provide local people with the technology and training to create sustainable water sources for their communities. Your donations provide resources to build rainwater collection tanks, wells, water storage, and filters.
Difficult Places
The Middle East can be a dangerous place. Persecution by the government, neighbors, and destabilizing groups like ISIS force many people from their homeland. These factors bring many opportunities for the Gospel. Local Pastors minister to both Christian and non-Christian refugees as they seek a safe place to live and raise their families. Many of the Christians work selling handcrafted items to support themselves. Through our relationship with local Pastors, we offer these items on our website with the proceeds going directly to the Christian refugees who made them.
In the Middle East, our church planters minister to refugees who have fled war and ISIS in Iraq & Syria. Christian refugees work making handmade soap, blankets, jewelry, and mosaic handicrafts. The sale of these items supports these Christians in their time of transition. “Teaching them to fish, not just giving them a fish.”