The year 2001 is a year I will never forget because that is the year I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior.

I was born into a broken nonchristian family, I grew up using drugs (grown in our area) as well as drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. I was searching for something and felt very lost. It was during this time that the Lord used Pastor Onesimus to share the Gospel with me, the Word of God brought hope into my life. As I read the Bible, I began to think in a more positive manner, and the Lord helped me to stop these bad habits. I wrestled in the Spirit about the things I heard in the Gospel, the battle between my will and the Lords calling to my Spirit.
After pondering these things for some time, I was encouraged to attend a local church in Kampala called Mutundwe Christian Fellowship Centre. God healed my heart and gave me the grace to confess and accept Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, Lord, and Christ.
Since then the Lord gave me a new will, I immediately joined a local church near my home called Harvest Center in Kampala. The Lord was so good to me and used the pastor of this church to pray with, encourage, and guide me. The Lord changed the trajectory of my life, and I am so glad He did!