For the last few weeks our Director Steve Wheeler has been serving with our Country Director Onesimus in the southwestern town of Rukungiri, Uganda!

We have seen remarkable progress in the bolstering of the local church here! In Katobo we have been building a house for a member of the church named Christine. Christine suffered for many years from demonic oppression, as a part of this oppression she often had seizures which would leave her unconscious for minutes or even hours. As she was preparing dinner one night she had a seizure and fell face first into a fire. Her face was badly burned and scarred, from this episode, her family and friends despised and rejected Christine sending her away. Desiring to be free from this oppression she ran to Gods Embassy church where Onesimus pastors. Christine became a believer in Jesus and faithfully serves in the local church, she has a new family of friends that love her!

As part of our outreach, White Fields purchased two brick machines for Gods Embassy, one for building water tanks and the other for building structures. For our first structure, we began building Christine a house! To put this in perspective, outside the church, Christine is looked down upon in the community. She has nothing in this physical world, other than salvation and a few personal items.

To go from nothing to a homeowner with a house that is bought and paid for has made an incredible statement in the community! Christine’s joy has been unquenchable! This project has shown that the church cares for those who are viewed as lowly and downtrodden in the community. This has given church members a platform from which they have more opportunities to share the Gospel! Praise the Lord!

Our other project has been in the town of Katonya. There we are strengthening an existing church by building a water tank and a permanent roof structure.
The new roof will allow rainwater to be harvested into the water tank. The water will be available to the everyone and make the church a center point in the community!

The foundation and roof supports are being completed, and the project will be finished after our departure Friday.
Tomorrow we begin our journey to the north to support Pastors in our network! Praise the Lord for the wonderful work He is doing!